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stood by all who read only the alphabet of history, that I need not name the instances of dissimilarity.

9. That which this beast could not devour, it was to stamp with his feet. This has already been noticed. 10. It was to be divided into ten kingdoms, represented by the ten horns.

11. This division into ten was to take place exclusive of the Chaldean, Persian, and Macedonian territories; for these beasts, after losing dominion, were still to exist for a season and a time.

12. There was to come up amongst the ten a little horn, (the eleventh horn.)

13. This little horn was to pluck up three others by the roots. The Bishop of Rome took hold on three kingdoms, denoted by his triple crown which he wears, and has kept them ever since. He did not take hold on four small kingdoms, for that would have been to pluck up four horns by the root.

14. This little horn was to be watchful, sagacious, and cunning. Every page of his history explains this.

15. High sounding threats, great swelling words, a mouth speaking great things, a look more stout than his fellows, &c., were to be his characteristics. Whoever will read but half a volume of European history since the Pope wore the triple crown, will be at no loss respecting the great words against the Most High.

16. He was to be diverse from the first kings. He was a clerical officer.

17. He was to "wear out the saints of the Most High."

If we but knew how many hundred thousand he put to death, of the most humble-walking, and holy-living people on earth, a work that did not cease for more

than a thousand years, we should say that he certainly did wear out the saints of the Most High, if such a thing has ever occurred since the gospel was preached.

18. He was "to think to change times and laws.” "Hath not the papal power arrogated the prerogative of making times holy or unholy, contrary to the word of God? He hath commanded men everywhere to abstain from meat, and cease from work, when God required no such thing; and has multiplied his holy days, till scarcely four of the six working days have been left for man's labour. At the same time he hath licensed intemperance and excess on his festivals and carnivals, and authorized licentious diversions on the Lord's own holy day. He hath pretended to change God's laws, or to dispense with obedience to them, that his own new laws might be observed; forbidding to marry, and licensing fornication, and many things of this sort."(Scott.) He has indeed thought to change times and laws as no one else ever did.

19. His career was to continue for twelve hundred and sixty years-for one thousand two hundred and three score days; for a time and times and the dividing of time; for forty and two months. Many praying people think the judgment is now sitting, or about to sit.

20. The last item is yet to take place. It is to come to pass hereafter. One like the Son of man; yea, one who was once born one of the sons of men, will take possession of the whole earth. His kingdom will never be overturned. The greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to people of the saints of the Most High.

The prophet having been very accurate in the first nineteen particulars, and in others not noticed, I, for my

part, can credit him for the twentieth. He who can see a train of events so plainly as to picture the outlines of twenty-three centuries, can, with the same assistance, see a century farther. The Lord will reign; let the earth rejoice. Who will not clap their hands?

Second application.-If men did not love darkness rather than light, no one would ever have supposed, that for many long centuries, prediction and subsequent facts happened to fit each other. We may safely say to these worshippers of chance,-" Immortal friend! according to the same kind of casualty which you have been naming, God will happen to burn up the world, and it will chance that you will be called before his judgment throne, and there examined severely concerning your present conduct toward a bleeding Saviour.

Postscript. In the chapter we have just reviewed, it is not stated how long the ten horns were to last. The continuance of the ten kingdoms is not stated in this part of Daniel's visions, except that they were not to continue long, if at all, after the entire overthrow of the little horn, whose look was so stout, and whose words were so blasphemous. But there are other portions of the holy Book, where the ten kingdoms, and the power which was to wear out the saints, are placed in full view before us. In some of these chapters, it seems to be taught that ten horns would be in Europe, and, finally, be found to hate and to destroy the triple crowned horn. Some have asked how it could be said that ten kingdoms have existed to represent ten horns, in a part of the earth once under the dominion of Rome, when so many chang. es have been constantly going on in Europe, and when so many of them have been at times, as it were, consolidated into one. We may reply at any time to such an

inquiry very fairly, that the ten horns have been there: that making a kingdom tributary, does not take away its existence. If there should have been at times, eleven, twelve, or more horns there for half a century or longer, this does not make it untrue that ten were there. Such inquiries as have been made, and such objections as have been urged, seem to many as unworthy of an answer; but if a puerile cavil should appear weighty and important in the view of the unthinking, or the uninformed, for his sake, it needs an answer. Let us then pass briefly through an illustration which may us in understanding each other.


Suppose some feeble people should be suffering from the almost constant invasions of numerous and ferocious enemies. Suppose a powerful and benevolent prince sends them word that he will, for a number of years, (say thirty,) maintain for their safety, along their frontier, ten garrisons, each to contain one hundred well armed men. Or suppose he is actuated by different designs and moved by other motives, no matter how this is, so that his word is out for the support of a given number of (ten) fortifications containing a thousand soldiers. Suppose the forts are built and remain a few years, when two of them are burned to the ground, and rebuilt without delay, has there been any violation of the sovereign's word? No, there was no material interruption in the continuance of the walls of strength; furthermore, the troops, (the most important part of the safe-guard,) are still there. Again, suppose the monarch sends and has two posts of strength demolished, but adjoining the spot where these stood, and immediately he has other two buildings erected more capacious and more desir. able, does the promise still stand good? We answer

in the affirmative, and we believe no one would differ with us. Finally, suppose in addition to the ten garrisons, it could be shown that for several months during the thirty years, one more had been maintained there; that for one or two years out of the thirty, there had been there eleven instead of ten fortifications, shall we call it a defect or a failure in the original undertaking? Or shall any seeming interruption, such as has been stated, destroy the propriety of our calling these the ten garrisons of the frontier? The answer is No, without dispute.

So it is, and so it has been, respecting the ten horns, which were to represent ten kingdoms of Europe, once under the Roman sceptre. They have been there for twelve hundred and sixty (days) years. If several have had their names changed according to the caprice of him who conquered, this change of name did not destroy existence. If others have had their territorial limits changed, the nation was still there. If others have fallen whilst successors were forming in their room, the ten horns were still there. If during a few years out of a thousand, there were more than ten; if some temporary power reared its head, seeming to claim a place with the rest, and soon disappeared, it has not caused the beast to have less than ten horns.



In prosecuting the all-important inquiry, "Is this

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