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IT hath been long since observed, that the world, below, is a glass to discover the world above; Seculum est speculum: and although I am not of their opinion, that say, the heathens may spell Christ out of the sun, moon, and stars; yet this I know, that the irrational and inanimate, as well as rational creatures, have a language; and though not by articulate speech, yet, in a metaphorical sense, they preach unto man the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, Rom. i. 20. There is (saith the Psalmist, Psalm xix. 3.) no speech, nor language, where their voice is not heard.— Or (as Junius renders it) there is no speech, nor words, yet without these, their voice is understood, and their line, (i. e. saith Diodate) their writing in gross, and plain draughts, is gone out through all the earth.

As man is compounded of a fleshly and spiritual substance, so God hath endowed the creatures with a spiritual, as well as fleshly usefulness; they have not only a natural use in alimental and physical respects, but also a spiritual use, as they bear the figures and similitudes of many sublime and heavenly mysteries. Believe me (saith contemplative Bernard) thou shalt find more in the woods, than in a corner; stones and trees will teach thee what thou shalt not hear from learned doctors. By a skilful

and industrious improvement of the creature (saith Mr. Baxter excellently) we might have a fuller taste of Christ and heaven, in every bit of bread that we eat, and in every draught of beer that we drink, than most men have in the use of the sacrament.

And as the creatures teach divine and excellent things so they teach them in a perspicuous and taking manner Duo illa nos maxime movent, similitudo et exemplum, sait! the orator.* These two things, similitude and example Notions are more easily convey do especially move us. ed to the understanding, by being first cloathed in som apt similitude, and so represented to the sense. therefore Jesus Christ, the great Prophet, delighted muc in teaching by parables, and the prophets were much i this way also, Hos. xii. 10. I have used similitudes by th ministry of the prophets. Those that can retain little a sermon, yet ordinarily retain an apt similitude.


I confess it is an humbling consideration, that man, wł at first was led by the knowledge of God, to the know edge of the creature, must now, by the creatures, lea to know God. That the creatures, (as one saith) lil But though th

Balaam's ass, should teach their master. be the unhappiness of poor man in his collapsed state, y it is now his wisdom to improve such helps; and whi others, by the abuse of the creatures, are furthering the perdition, to be, by the spiritual improvement of the promoting our own salvation.

It is an excellent art to discourse with birds, beas and fishes, about sublime and spiritual subjects, and ma them answer to your questions; and this may be do Job xii. 7, 8. Ask now the beasts, and they shall teach th

* Cicero.

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