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Macchabees. For let any one but read the Conclu» fion in Excufe for the Weakness of the Perfor»mance, and then think it poffible, if he can, that » the Holy Ghoft should make fuch a Speech as this. » If I have done well, 'tis what I defired. But if I have » not done my Work as it ought to be, I ask Pardon for

» it.

"But as to a full Examination of Apocryphal » Books, and their Authority, I refer your Lordship ≫ to Dr Cofin's Scholaftical Hiftory of the Canon of holy Scriptures, not yet anfwer'd that I can hear » of. pag. 52. 53.

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L. Sr, how far Dr Cofin's Sincerity and Fairness in Writing may be depended upon shall in fome Measure be examined hereafter. But as to your notable Query, whether any Man can think it possible, that the Holy Ghost should make fuch a Speech? I shall fet the following Queries against it. Was it the Holy Ghoft or St Paul, that left his Cloak at Troas, defired Timothy to bring it with him, and gave his Service to Prifca and Aquila? 2. Tim. 4. V.13 19. Was it the Holy Ghoft or St Paul, that begg'd Pardon of the Corinthians? 2. Cor. 12. V. 13. That defired their Prayers ? 2. Cor. 1..11. That was an Idiot in Speech? 2. Cor. 11. . 6. That fays, he speaks foolishly? 2. Cor. 11. . 21. Could the Holy Ghost say all this? But might not St Paul have the Humility, and be infpired by the Holy Ghost to lay it? 'Tis what I answer to your Query.

But fince you have already told me, that the Canon of the Old Testament was received from the Jews, tho I should rather think we are obliged more immediately to the Apofiles for it, I hope at least you will allow, that the Canon of the New Testament was establish'd by the Authority of the Church of Christ.

G. No, My Lord, not at all by her Authority. « pag. 53. "

L. For Shame, Sr! But go on.



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G. I fay it was not at all establish'd by her Au- u thority, but plainly by Evidence. They proceeded « wholly upon Evidence, viz. whether fuch an E- « piftle was fent to fuch a Church; as to the Church « or Corinth, Ephefus, Galatia, &c. who carefully kept the Originals, and fent Copies to other Chur- « ches, as was commanded, Col. 4. V. 16. And by this Communication of the Churches one with « another the true Scriptures were known; and it is «<< commonly fet down at the End of his Epistles by « what Hand they were fent. And by this Method the fpurious Epiftles and Gospels forged by Hereticks « were at firft detected: as you will find in the last « Chapter of the sth Book of Eufebius his Ecclefial- « tical Hiftory: Where it is told, that the Here- « ticks were brought to this Teft, and could not pro- « duce the Originals, whence they took their Copies: « and that their Copies did vary from one another; « every one adding what Opinion came into his own « Head and that they could not tell from whom they learned fuch Doctrines. Thus the Canon of«< the New Testament was fettled in thofe Ages, when « thefe Evidences were fresh and notorious; and has « been received fince that Time by all the Chriftian « Churches in the World fo unanimously, that there is no Difpute betwixt any Churches concerning the « Canon of the New Testament. And this is an Evidence « too ftrong for the Caprice of fome particular Men, « who would shew their Wit in Making Objections & against this or that Part. But they cannot hurt the « Faith because the whole Faith is over and over again « fully exprefs'd and contain'd in thofe Gafpels and Epiftles, which are acknowledg'd by all. pag. 53. 54.

L. Really, Sr, fuch a wretched Defence of Saiptures, as you have here made, is worse than a Saty: or Lampoon upon them, and expofes them more than any Thing to the Contempt of Atheists and Deifts. For, to fay nothing of the bold Falsehood, you have afferted, viz. that fince the first Ages there has been no Difpute betwixt any Churches concerning the Canon of the New Teftament, I shall only shew, you are ftill in your trifling Mood, and calling that Evidence, which in Reality is nothing but Authority. But, to convince you how ill-grounded your evidential Syftem is, I will not exemplify in the Revela tions, or the Epistle to the Hebrews, or thofe other Epiftles, which, notwithstanding your plain Evidence, were doubted of for fome Ages (as Dr Walton confelles Prol. C. 4. §. 6. p. 31.): Nor will I inftance in thofe Parts of the New Testament, which were not directed to any particular Church, and in Reference to which your whole Syftem of pretended Evidence is altogether ufelefs; but I shall pitch upon the very first Epistle of St Paul, which never was doubted of, was directed to the Church of Rome, and brought thither by the Hands of a faithful Servant call'd Phebe.

Now I allow of all the particulars of your Evidential System in Relation to this Epiftle." As, that it was writ by St Paul; that it was fent to the Church of Rome by a faithful Hand, that the Romans kept the Original which however is now loft, and of no Ule to us) and fent Copies of it to other Churches, to the End that if Hereticks should attempt to corrupt the Text, or hand about any spurious Epistle of St Paulto the Romans, their Forgery might be detected by this Communication of the Churches, with one another, and by Comparing the Copies with the true Original

This, Sr, is the Evidence, you fpeak of, placed in as advantagious a Light as it will bear. But all the Strength it has is built upon Authority. For first, the Churches, to which the Copies of this Epiftle were fent, could have no other Evidence of it's containing the pure Word of God, than what the Romans themselves had, from whom they received those Copies. And 2dly, the Romans could have no other Evidence, that the Original contain'd the pure Word of God, than what Phebe had, who brought it to them from St Paul. If therefore Phebè herself had no other Evidence of it's containing the pure Word of God than the Evidence of Authority, your whole Syftem of pretended Evidence without Authority is a meer Chymera.

Now tis manifeft, that Phebè could have no other Evidence, than what I fpeak of. For let us fuppofe, if you pleafe, that Phebè not only received the Epiftle to the Romans from St Paul's own Hands, and heard him declare that it contain'd the reveal'd Word of God, but even that she ftood by, and faw him write it. 'Tis true indeed, that in the Suppofition, I have made, it was evident to Phebe's Sight, that the Epistle was written by St Paul and evident to her Hearing, that St Paul declared it to be the Word of God. But that it was really the Word of God, (And pray remark that our Question is chiefly concerning the Revelation of Scriptures.) This was neither evident to her Senfes (for she could not fee the Revelation) Nor to her Undestanding convinced by any ne ceffary Conclufion drawn from firft and known Principles. The Ground therefore of her Belief of it was not Evidence properly fo call'd; but she believed it upon the Credit, and unquestionable Authority of a Perfon, whofe Veracity she could not fufpect. So that her Belief of that Epiftle's containing the

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Word of God was refolved into the Revelation of God declared by St Paul, whofe Miracles gave Weight and Authority to all he said or wrote. Her Realon told her indeed, that St Paul was a Man to be believed; as my Reason tells me, that the Church of Chrift is to be believed: And therefore St Paul having told her, (as we will fuppofe) that the Epiftle she carried, contain'd the Word of God, she concluded that she ought to believe him. But who fees not that this is both Reafoning and Concluding ba rely from Authority; and that the Evidence she had was not an Evidence excluding Authority, but whol ly built upon it.

§. 35.

The Scriptures not falfified by the Church of Rome,


Pag. 54. 55. Cafe ftated, the Gentleman answers Objection of the Deifts against Scriptures. But his Anfwer containing nothing, but what a Roman Catholick may subscribe to is here omitted. Then the Difcourfe falls upon various Tranflations of Scriptures, and the Gentleman objects against our Latin Tranflation thus.

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Hat fignifies the Latin, which is not

G. VV the vulgar Language of any Nation in

» the World? I fay, what do's this fignify to the People, who understand it not? pag. 55.

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L. Sr, to fay nothing of thousands amongst the Laity in all Catholick Countries, who understand Latin as well as the Clergy, pray what fignifies the Law sof great Britain to the common People, who under

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