THE WODROW SOCIETY, INSTITUTED MAY, 1841, FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE WORKS OF THE FATHERS AND EARLY WRITERS OF THE REFORMED CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. PREFACE. THE first of ROBERT ROLLOCK's posthumous Latin works-his Commentary on Paul's Epistle to the Colossians-appeared in 1600, edited by Henry Charteris, and dedicated to Scot of Elie. It is noticed here for the sake of a letter prefixed to it. The letter is from the learned and laborious Simon Goulart, therein styling himself "Silvanectinus Genevensis, Ecclesiæ in Templo Gervasiano Minister." As this letter corroborates the opinions expressed by Beza and John Piscator of Herborn, of the high value in which our Author's writings were held on the Continent, to which attention has been drawn in the Life of the Author prefixed to the first volume, and as it is a fitting introduction to this brief notice of the present work, I have translated and transcribed it entire. "Grace and peace through Jesus Christ. You will not be surprised, reverend brother, that I, who am unknown to you both in name and person, though in truth associated most closely with you by the bond of Christian faith, love, and hope, venture to address you so far distant from Geneva, not for the purpose of extorting a reply from one who is completely occupied with weighty employments, but to enable me to declare the great regard I bear you. 135740 When at various times there had reached us your works on the Epistle to the Romans, and on that to the Ephesians, and afterwards your Commentaries on Daniel, and some select Psalms, at my request the printers early communicated these sacred labours of yours to our German and French population; a duty which they have discharged, if not with great elegance, at least, if I am not mistaken, with diligence and fidelity. Your work on The Psalms has been lately printed, in editing which I have carefully guarded lest typographical errors should disfigure your pious work; and I have added short notes to gratify the desires of our studious youth. And I shall be delighted if this edition, such as it is, may be as acceptable in your eyes, as I think it will be useful and gratifying to them. François le Preux, your bookseller at Geneva, has entrusted to my charge your admirable Commentary on John's Gospel, and I am now busily engaged in hastening its preparation. With the favour of Christ, the volume will be published at our Autumnal Fair. At present, we are in the course of publishing the "Select Psalms," of which you will, as I hope, receive some copies. But, reverend father, we are anxious that, whatever the Holy Spirit may hereafter enable you to write, either on the books of the Old or the New Testament, or on theological subjects, you will permit us to reprint, or commission us to print; a commission in which we shall so exert ourselves, that you shall find nothing wanting which becomes right-hearted and Christian men. Melville and Johnston, my beloved and learned masters and brethren in the Lord, old friends of mine, to whom I now send respectful regards, have not altogether forgotten who I am. They will be able to attest the truth of my professions. But my earnest 1 |