A Correspondence by Letters: Between Samuel C. Loveland, Preacher of the Doctrine of Universal Salvation, and Rev. Joseph Laberee, Pastor of the Congregational Church and Society in Jerico, Vermont |
From inside the book
Page 1
... truth . From a view of past ages , we see they are as likely to be against the truth as in its favor . In making these remarks , the publisher would not so much as intimate , that the authors of these letters were al- together free from ...
... truth . From a view of past ages , we see they are as likely to be against the truth as in its favor . In making these remarks , the publisher would not so much as intimate , that the authors of these letters were al- together free from ...
Page 3
... truth , must , confessedly be conducted with candour and deliberation , to promote our interests in the discovery and belief of the truth . With such a disposition of mind , I hope to be dic- tated in every sentence , submitted to the ...
... truth , must , confessedly be conducted with candour and deliberation , to promote our interests in the discovery and belief of the truth . With such a disposition of mind , I hope to be dic- tated in every sentence , submitted to the ...
Page 4
... truth of the second statement , I shall cite you to the divine law . The justice of God is contained in his law . I need not quote particular texts ; you have them at your own option . This law requires the love and obedi- ence of all ...
... truth of the second statement , I shall cite you to the divine law . The justice of God is contained in his law . I need not quote particular texts ; you have them at your own option . This law requires the love and obedi- ence of all ...
Page 16
... strong holds , should be exercised in vindication of the truth ; nor does it appear the time is yet arrived when these should be whol . laid aside as useless in this respect . I pass to notice your remarks upon my second state- 16.
... strong holds , should be exercised in vindication of the truth ; nor does it appear the time is yet arrived when these should be whol . laid aside as useless in this respect . I pass to notice your remarks upon my second state- 16.
Page 18
... truth that it was no matter whether I was correct- ed or not ? I think it becomes an astronomer as well to say , the sun was made of sackcloth , as to say , God has no design to save the world ; and a minister of the gospel , much bet ...
... truth that it was no matter whether I was correct- ed or not ? I think it becomes an astronomer as well to say , the sun was made of sackcloth , as to say , God has no design to save the world ; and a minister of the gospel , much bet ...
Other editions - View all
A Correspondence by Letters: Between Samuel C. Loveland, Preacher of the ... No preview available - 2020 |
A Correspondence, by Letters: Between Samuel C. Loveland, Preacher of the ... Samuel C Loveland,Joseph Laberee No preview available - 2016 |
Common terms and phrases
according admit angels answer apostle appears argument believe Bethsaida blessing body Capernaum chastisement Chorazin christian condemnation consider curse day of judgment dead death delivered design to save disciples divine justice divine law doctrine endless misery eternal everlasting evident evil faith Father felicity and true fire flesh fulfilled future punishment glory God's gospel grace hath heaven hell holy Ghost idea immortal infinite atonement inflicted Jesus Christ Jews JOSEPH LABEREE judge kingdom kingdom of heaven last judgment letter Lord LOVELAND means ment mercy moral nature never obedience passages Paul plain preached prove raised reason rection repentance requires resur resurrection resurrection of Jesus righteous saith salvation Savior says scrip scripture sent sentiment Sidon sinner sins Sodom soul sown spirit statement suffer suppose tender mercies testimony things thou tion truth ture universal reconciliation universal salvation unjust unto verse whole human family wicked word
Popular passages
Page 114 - For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule, and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
Page 76 - But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land; but unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow. And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.
Page 150 - Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, "And to seeds," as of many; but as of one, "And to thy seed,
Page 151 - For when God made promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no greater, He sware by Himself, saying : — Surely blessing I will bless thee, And multiplying I will multiply thee.
Page 81 - THAT which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life ; (for the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us...
Page 55 - Therefore, as by the offence of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation ; even so by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men unto justification •of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners ; so by the obedience of one, shall many be made righteous.
Page 148 - Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
Page 34 - Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind : which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.
Page 81 - FORASMUCH as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word : It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus, that thou mightest know the certainty of those things wherein thou hast been instructed.
Page 66 - And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.