scended first into the lower parts of the earth?" "He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things," Ephe. iv. 9, 10. "And I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem, and the battle bow shall be cut off: and he shall speak peace unto the heathen, and his dominion shall be from sea even to sea, and from the river, even to the ends of the earth." What can this be but complete universality of dominion over all living upon the earth? The next words, "As for thee also · (something else it seems) by the blood of thy covenant, I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit, wherein is no water. Turn ye to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope," Zach. ix. 10, 11, 12. A number of passages of a similar nature to these might be added, of which › I see no propriety in saying, they have no allusion to our subject. Another question sometimes suggested to weaken the literal import of St. Peter's account, is, why should Christ preach to the spirits of the antediluvians and not to those that followed from Noah to Christ? Answer, who knows but he did? Does an account of a man's preaching, at a certain time, to a people described, prove that he never preached to any other people, at another time? No more does St. Peter's account prove that Christ never preached to other spirits, after their de-. parture from this life. There is certainly a beauty in this account, as it embraces most of the oldest sinners of our race. But should we admit, Christ preached to no other spirits but those, as this is all the particular account we have, ought we to consider this of sufficient force to hold St. Peter's account an allegory in whole, or in part? Christ tells us of a truth, "Many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land. But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow." Now we will introduce some theologian, who says he does not believe this to be a literal account. Why not? He gives hisreason in this question; Why was not Elias sent to help other widows at the time of this great famine? Now if we cannot solve the difficulty this question presents, must we deny our Savior's account to be literal? None but one strongly attached to some opposing sys-tem would think of the idea. We have another similar instance. "And many lepers were in Israel in the days of Eliseus (or Elisha) the prophet, and none of them was cleansed saving Naaman the Syrian," Luke iv. 27. Is this to be disputed, because the lepers in Israel were not cleansed? Is it to be disputed that St. Paul was converted because many other cruel persecutors among the Jews were not? But it will be said he was a chosen vessel of the Lord to bear his name among the Gentiles. Then comes the query, why not others, as well as Paul? Can we suppose he was the only one that persecuted the church ignorantly through unbelief? He is the only converted persecutor of this description, that has ever come to our knowledge; and yet we believe the account. Nor do we dispute, but others, like him, may have been converted, the news of which have never reached us. To weaken the force of this passage, it is sometimes observed, these ideas are like the Papists. Respecting the truth of this remark, I am not now able exactly to determine. Not acquainted with their ideas on this particular subject, I am not able to tell how near it is like, nor how much it is unlike; but I conclude there is a difference. Whether there be a difference or not,* is not a subject of anxious concern. A truth should not be denied because a corrupted church holds it, any more than an error is made valuable because * Mr. Winchester says, "The Romish purgatory is only intended for the better sort of their own members, who do not die under the guilt of any mortal sin; but all others are condemned to hell, from whence they declare there never was one delivered, nor never will be to all eternity, or so long as God exists. And as for those spirits in prison mentioned by St. Peter, they suppose them to be the spirits of the righteous which were kept in Limbo, until the coming of Christ to preach to them, and release them, which false notion is expressly contrary to the very words of the Apostle, for he declares that those to whom Christ preached, were the spirits of those who were disobedient in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing. Thus it may be easily made to appear that both the exposition of this passage, and the general doctrine which I would deduce therefrom, are entirely opposite to the decisions of the Church of Rome." See Lectures, Vol. 2, page 371. it is popular. The testimony of scripture speaks its own language; and those that would be instructed by it, should hearken to its voice. Should we admit curious and ingenious questions to weaken the plain import of scriptural declaration, we shall find revelation to be but a very scanty source of intelligence. Care should be taken not to sell truth for error, however plausibly communicated. "Prove all things," says an apostle : "hold fast that which is good." AMEN. HYMN. 1 IF God our heav'nly Father be, The gift of immortality The sons of Adam share. 2 Would ever Christ the lost regard 3 To say there's nothing good in man, Who came to save what never can 4 But since he came the lost to save, It proves they must some value have, 5 Now let our souls our Maker praise Who gave us gifts their powers to raise Delivered August 21.1 ON THE EVIDENCES OF CHRIST'S RESURRECTION. ST. JOHN Xx. 29. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. THE doctrine of the resurrection of Jesus may be considered the strength of the christian faith. If proved true, revelation and christianity cannot fall; if false, no friendly band can support it. A subject, therefore, of greater concern and more interesting importance, can no where be found, than the one which is now the subject of our contemplation. This doctrine as a matter of faith is ad dressed to our consciences or reasoning powers, first, through the medium of external testimony by those, who by their sensitive faculties, were eye and ear witnesses: and, secondly, by an internal testimony, arising from experience in the fruits of that faith in the doctrine, which teaches its propriety, con |