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nours, 347.

Depravity, inftance of, 54.
Difcoveries, 80, 103.

Deaths, fingular, of eminent men, 32,

56, 80, 192, 232, 272, 312, 352,392,
432. Of remarkable old perfons, 475-
Distress, inftance of, 349.
Drawings relative to the natural history
of Bruce's Travels, account of
them, 414.

Dendara, account of, 246.
Depredations committed by the Pavi-
fians, 135, 138.

Don Hieronimo, a Spaniard, particulars
of, 370.

Duels, 54, 103, 191, 30.
Damgate-street, relation of a dreadful
accident which occurred in, 473.

[ocr errors]

Events, Domeftic, 28, 53, 77, POL,
228, 269, 287, 309, 347, 389, 429,

Events, National, rog.
Elephant, inftance of parental affection
in one, 368. Particulars of, 383.
Mode of attacking them by the
Abyffinian hunters, 367. Their flesh
delicious, 183.

Electrical eel, or torpedo, of Surinam,
curious account of, 42, 43.
Eel, fea, or kraken, particulars of, 68.
Egyptian flave trade, interefting parti-
culars of the, 57, 58, 59.
Execution, a cruel one, 154.
Eaftcheap, hiftory of, 155.
Efop, anecdote of, 204.
English ambaffador, fpirited conduct of
the, 239.

Epitaph, Dr. Franklin's, written by
himself, 248.

Economy, the triumph of, 278.
Equity, inftances of, 367.
Earthquake, 80.

Egypt, thoughts upon the origin of,


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paffion for gaming, 95. Remark-
able inftances of his penurious dif-
pofition, 96. An account of his
huntfman, 96. Mr. Elwes his own
afurer, 96. Commences member of
parliament, 97. Death of his fa-
mous fervant of all work, 97. His
fingular expedient to avoid paying
turnpike, 97. Account of the
wretched fare on which he fometimes
dined, 98. Mistaken for an old car-
penter, 99. Falls in love, and con-
ducts an amour with a fervant girl,
99. Striking picture of his anxiety
of mind, 99.

Egypt, the fituation of the feat of the
ancient kings of, defcribed, 227.


[blocks in formation]

French revolution, cause of, 115. Par-
ticulars of, 105, 115, 137.

Fortune, inftance of good, 04.
Forgery, trial of Fonton for, 351.
France, anecdote of the prefent king of,

238. A tour through part of, zo.
Franknefs, inftance of, zoo.
Flattery, anecdotes of, 366.
Falftaff, fir John, Kis refort in East-
cheap, 155-

Franklin, Dr. Biography of, 245. Tri-
bute paid to his memory by the
French National Affembly, 248- `
Funeral honours, 3.09.

Frederick II. late king of Pruffia,
anecdotes of, 322, 323.

Fracas, curious, between a party of

Coffacks and count Benyowfky, 176.
Female heroifm, inftance of, 363.
Fenn, fir John, extracts from his or
ginal letters, 433.

Friar, the villainy of a, 437:
Family, a fingular one, 438.
Feftival, a fingular one held at Mont-
pelier, 440.

Fire, 78, 102, 192, 390.
Foreign difcovery, obfervations on the
rage for, 44.

Formofa, a fkirmish with the natives of,
and Benyowsky's party, 370.
Flefh, raw, thoughts on the propriety
of eating it, 241 •

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Huffein, fon of Ali, anecdote of, 4.
Hiftory of counts Struenfee and Brandt,
48. Concluded, 74.
Hedge-hog, considered as ufeful, 288.
Haftings, Mr. circumftance highly to

the honour of, 67. Account of his
trial, 143. Cenfure carried against
Mr. Burke for ufing unwarrantable
expreffions upon his trial, 147.
Hottentots, their ideas of happiness,
181. Their methods of affuaging
the effects of hunger, 218. Con-
jugal fidelity of the Gonaquais Hot-
tentots, 219. Uncommon hofpita-
lity, 219. Refutation of a filthy
custom at their marriages, afcribed to
them, 220.

Humanity, inftances of, 237.
Herschel on the Satellites, 283, 328.
Hanno, fragments of, confidered as
genuine, 323.

Hayley, Mr. the fate of his tragedy of
Eudora, 47.

Hydrophobia, extraordinary inftance of,

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Inconfiftency; instances of, from An-
drews's anecdotes, 8, 9.
Italian prince, anecdote of, 11.
Justice, fingular act of, 5.
Ingratitude, initance of, ros,
Janiffary, anecdote of a, 276.
Ingenuoufnefs, inftance of, 277.'
Intrepidity, Britif, 279
Infolence rebuked, 363.
Integrity, recompence of, 436.
Jealoufy and Infanity, 54.
Juftice, 102, 367.

Ice, an amazing field of, defcribed, 9.
Interment, Milton's, difcovered, 399.
Jofeph, emperor of Germany, induce-
ments which led him and the em-
prefs to declare war on the Turks,
1c6. Their preparations previous
to the campaign of 1787, 106.
Succefs of the allies immediately af-
ter, 107. Revolution of the Auf-
trian Netherlands, and the acts of
the emperor which finally led to the
revolt, 109. He appoints generał
Dalton to a& against the Patriots,

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His propofitions refufed by
them, 112. Succefs of the Patriots
and the defeat of general Dalton,
113. The Patriots give a name to
the new government, 114.
emperor's letters to general Dalton,
341. Remarks by the Belgians,
342. Maffacres at Antwerp, 343.
Inftances of the cruelty of Jofeph's
difpofition, 344, His remarkable
orders concerning general Vander f
merch, 345. His depreffion on re-
ceiving intelligence of the capture
of Ghent, 345.
Appoints com-
miffioners to facilitate the bufinefs
of the Netherlands, 346.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

King John and the Jew, a fragment,

King, lieutenant, his arrival from Syd-
ney Cove, with difpatches from go-
vernor Philips, 474-

3 P 2


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Law, fingular, in the Ifle of Man, 8.
Liege, affairs of, 109.

Longevity, wonderful inftance of, 79.
London, great fire of, 156.

Lion, his ftriking fuperiority over other
animals, 218.

Legal advice, or the counfellor and the
Jew, 361.

Lewis XIV. anecdote of, 361.
Letter by Dean Swift, 376.
Learning, its fuperiority over igno-

rance, 393.
Love, frantic, 432.
Linnæus, the great naturalift, memoirs
His ennoblement, 409.
of, 497
Laureat, Poet, appointed, 270. Ode
for the year 1790, 18.
Ladies, comparison between the value
of the French and English, 26.
Lottery, new fcheme of, 102.
Lunacy, 103.

Liege, revolt of the principality of,
109. Measures taken by Frederic
III. on the occafion, 109.
Ledyard, Mr. the celebrated traveller,
memoirs of, 329. Seized by two
Ruffian foldiers, 330. His peculiar
diftrefs, 330. Arrives in England,
and engages in the African affocia-
tion, 330. His death, 331.
Liberty, the dawn of, in France, cele-
brated by a grand Te Deum, 123.
Lotteries, origin of them, 14.


Majefty, his prefent, anecdote of, 6.
Minifter's budget, confiderations on,

Marriages, profligate, performed in
the rules of the Fleet, 153.
Mendes, Lewis, account of his very
fingular will, 475.

Monument, account of the, 156.
Magnanimity, inftances of, 159, 394.
Mafon, the royal, fome account of,


Manchet, fome account of, 178,
Mufic, the power of, 235.
Military ardour, inftance of, in a Ger
man officer, 322.

Mary queen of Scots, her affecting
letter to queen Elizabeth, 313. Se-
cretary Davifon's apology for his
thare in her murder, 353.
Moderation, princely, inftance of, 361.
Mechanical arts, ftate of the, in Eng-

land, in the reign of Edward IV. 435.
Monfter, or Rhynwick Williams, par-
ticulars of, 192, 229. Determina-
tions on his cafe, 431. Judge
Afhhurt's addrefs to him, 469. His
fpeech to the court, 470. Refult of
his trial at Hicks's Hall, 471.
Matrimony, 54, 55.
Madnefs, philofophic, 62.
Mutiny on board the Bounty armed
fhip, 78.



Murder of a foreigner by his travelling
companions, 78.
Murders, 54, 103, 272.
of, 103. Lift of, 348.
Monks and nuns of Waldubba, ac
count of the, 334.

Murderer, Bihareen, capture of, 411.
Memorial of the three mediating pow.

ers refiding at the Hague, to the
count de Mercy Argentou, the Im.
perial ambaffador, 464.
Misfortunes, fingular way of treating
Modern Breakfaft, a farce, foihe notice
them, in France, 23.
of, 346.

Mistake, aludicrous one, of Guangoul,
Marriage, ftate of, in Abyllinia, 343
chief of the Galla of Angot, 378.

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[blocks in formation]

New year, Jewish, fome account of,

New years gifts, origin of them, 14.
Newton, fir Ifaac, anecdote of, 11.
Navy, British, present state of the, 530.
Nadir Shah, an account of the mur-
der of, 40, 41.

Nile, the river, detail of circumstances
previous to the difcovery of its fource,
by Mr. Bruce, 193. Caufe of its
overflowing, 340. His arrival at its
fource, 194.
Divine honours paid
to this river, 195. Exact latitude
and longitude of its fource, 197.
Natural History, 401. A doubtful
circumftance in, afcertained, 380.

Ode for the new year, 18.
Old man, a remarkable, who lately
vifited Paris, fome account of, 38,


Ostrich, new circumstances relative to
the, 221.


Oath, remarkable one taken by the in-
habitants of Mount Jura, 325.
Oliver Cromwell, original letter from
him to his coufin, 397.
Offenders, feveral notorious ones, exe-
cuted, 432.

Ottomans, the heads of a treaty con-
cluded between them and Pruffia,

Opera, Italian, commenced at Mr.
Colman's theatre, 17.
Oczakow, account of the capture of,

Ochytin, an adventurer, fhort hiftory
of, 296.
Olympus, the fuppofed, defcribed by
Mr. Bruce, 231

Preface to the fecond volume, 1.
Punishments, account of fingular ones,
3, 4, 325.


Prince of Orange, anecdote of,
Polish king, anecdote of, 8.
Patients, leprous, fingular facts re-
lative to, 11.
Pruffia, views of, 101.

Pliny the elder, historical memoirs of,
59, 60.

Peter the Great, remarkable inftance of
his courage and wifdom, 81. His
philofophy, 84.

Punishment, fingular, of a phyfician
accused of want of fkill, 84.
Perfians, fome account of the, 88,

Pillon, efq. memoirs of that gentleman,
172. Anecdote of, 101.
Plantagenet Richard, natural fon of
Richard III. account of, 202.
Parental exultation, anecdote of, 234.
Pruffia, king of, his political condu
confidered, 109. Anecdotes of, 7,
8, 235, 236, 279, 361.
Polyphemus feaft, in Abyffinia, account
of a, 241..

Parifians, amusements of the, 25.
Paris, thoughts on approaching it, 23-
Commotions at, 119.

Palace of the Thuilleries, fome ac-
count of the, 24.
Pedestrianifm, account of Powel's jour
ney to York, 348.
Prodigality, ftriking inftances of, 362.
Perfonal courage, ftriking inftance of,
Proceffion, a curious monkly one to
difcover a hidden treasure, 277.
Poison, 231.

Philofophical and Natural History,

Perfidy of Theodorus Santabarenus,


Peak's hole in Derbyshire, curious ac-
of, 439..

Pope Benedict XI. fingular behaviour
of, 442.

Priests of Lao, their confeffions, 445-
Prince of Wales, account of his first
levee at Carlton House, $3.
Phænomenon, mufical, 54.
Pugilifm, 55.

Phænomenon at fea, 88. At Leeds, 80.
Philanthrophy, 102, 432.
Parliament, the prefent, confiderations
on its virtue, 154. His majesty's
meffage to, 187.

[ocr errors]

Peter, furnamed the Cruel, of Caftile,
a fingular act of justice to his ho
nour, 35.

Performers, dramatic, the return of old
and esteemed ones at Drury-lane,

Provocation, a pantomime, account of,

Purfuit, the Female, or Stop her whỏ
can? a comedy, 469.

Paris, the Picture of, a pantomime,

Poles, the late king of Pruffia's cha-
racter of them, 108.

Poland, prefent fituation of, 108,
Pruffia, the political conduct of the


prefent king of, confidered, 109.
Party, remarks on the views of, dur-
ing the king's illness, 142.
Price, Dr. remarks on his mode of
addreffing the king, 426.
Petition, the prefentation of a, to the
Houte of Commons by major Scott,
on the part of Mr. Haftings, on be-
ing charged with murder by Mr.
Burke, 145.

Provifions, fingular though cruel me-
thod of procuring them on a jour
ney, 240.

Pentapolis defcribed, 222,

Palmyra, fhort account of, 224.

Revolution fociety, ferious queries ad-
dreffed to them, 422.
Revolution, French, its probable in-
fluence on Great Britain, 142.
Caufes of the, 115.

Riley's Hiftorical Pocket Library, 185.
Riou, lieutenant, his narrative of the
lofs of the Guardian, 291. His let-
tels, 190.


Saxe, marfhal, anecdote of, 235.
Sadi, the philofopher, anecdote of, 4
Stocks, highest and lowest price of,

Spain, fingular law in, 39.

Pyramids of Geeza and Sacchara, de- Seymour, fir Edward, anecdotes of,

fcribed, 226.


Queen, the prefent, her character, 185.
Quakerifm, whimsical origin of, 399.
Question of right, confideration of the,


Queen's birth-day, account,of, 29.
Question of law, 54

Queen of Sheba, conjectures concern-
ing her-fuppofed to have had a
child by king Solomon, 300,


Remedy, curious, for want of provi-
fion, 296.

-Rhodes, an account of, by Mr. Bruce,


Ruffel, lady, anecdote of, 278.
Religion, anecdote relating to, 323.
Robbery, fingular fpecies of, practifed
by the Troglodites of Guarague, 379.
Remarkable one, 431.
Reynolds, fir Jofhua, refignation of,
as prefident of the Royal Academy,
53. Prefent made him by the em-
prefs of Ruffia, 101.

Ras Michael, anecdotes of, 337.
Rover, or Banished Cavaliers, written

by Mrs. Behn, revived under the
title of Love in many Masks, 100.
Robber of Maitha, Mr. Bruce's cu-
rious adventure at the house of a,
Rouffeau, the celebrated, particulars
of his wife, 27.
Value of his
fhoes, 27.

Richard the Firft of England, noble
conduct of, 396.

Record, a remarkable one lodged in
the Tower, 449.

Rioting, 101,


St. Leger, Mr. anecdote of, 64.
Sail-maker, old, anecdote of an, 72.
Swedish revolution, detail of the, 114.
Spaniard, anecdote of a, 86.
Statesman, Chinese, anecdote of, 86.
Slavery, curious incitement to, 86.
Slave trade, parliamentary difcuffion
of the, 151.

Slave fhip, miferies of, depicted, 153.
Soldier, the courageous one, 163.
Sorcery, Siberian, description of, 236.
Satellites, Herfchel's account of a
fixth and feventh, revolving round
Saturn, 283, 284.

Swallows, how useful, 288.
Sea-fight, a ftrange occurrence during

one, 321.

Superftition, inftance of, 326.
Suicide, remarkable inftances of, 31,

54, 80, 103, 310, 348, 391, 431.
Secrefy, an historical anecdote of, 365.
Sermon, a fingular, 397.

Scales, lord, fome account of, 434.
Speech of Henry the Firft to his
nobles, 437.

Stradella, the celebrated musician, af-
fecting narrative of, 442.
State Papers, 459.

Sand, prodigious pillars of, floating
in the great Nubian defert, 410.
Simoon, dreadful particulars relative
to the, 411.

Scott, major, reprimanded by the
Speaker of the Houfe of Commons,
Somerfet House, 80.
Shipwreck, 104, 389.

Sea, fmall portions at, method of di
viding them, 216.
Solitude, 271.

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