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their habitations, and a confifcation of all their goods, I am not fagacious enough to difcover how this defpotic fport, made of the feelings, confciences, prejudices, and properties of men, can be difcriminated from the rankeft ty


"If the injuftice of the courfe purfued in France be clear, the policy of the measure, that is, the public benefit to be expected from it, ought to be at leaft as evident, and at leaft as important. To a man who acts under the influence of no paffion, who has nothing in view in his projects but the public good, a great difference will immediately ftrike him, between what policy would dictate on the original introduction of fuch inflitutions, and on a queftion of their total abolition, where they have caft their roots wide and deep, and where by long habit things more valuable than themselves are fo adapted to them, and in a manner interwoven with them, that the one cannot be destroyed without notably impairing the other. He might be embarraffed, if the cafe were really such as fophifters reprefent it in their paltry ftyle of debating. But in this, as in moft queftions of state, there is a middle. There is fomething else than the mere alternative of abfolute deftruction, or unreformed existence. Spartam nactus es; This is, in my opinion, a rule of profound fenfe, and ought never to depart from the mind of an honeft reformer. I cannot conceive how any man can have brought himself to that pitch of prefumption, to confider his country as nothing but carte blanche, upon which he may fcribble whatever he pleafes. A man full of warm fpeculative benevolence may with his fociety otherwife conftituted than he finds it; but a good patriot, and a true politician, always confiders how he shall make the most of the exifting materials of his country. A difpofition to preferve, and an ability to improve, taken together, would be my ftandard of a ftatefman. Every thing elfe is vulgar, in the conception, perilous in the execution.

banc exorna.

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"He is not deferving to rank high, or even to be mentioned in the order of great ftatefmen, who, having obtained the command and direction of fuch a VOL. II.

power as exifted in the wealth, the difcipline, and the habits of fuch corporations, as those which you have rafhly deftroyed, cannot find any way of con verting it to the great and lafting benefit of his country. On the view of this fubject a thoufand ufes fuggeft themfelves to a contriving mind. To deftroy any power, growing wild from the rank productive force of the human mind, is almoft tantamount, in the moral world, to the destruction of the apparently active properties of bodies in the material. It would be like the attempt to deftroy (if it were in our competence to deftroy) the expanfive force of fixed air in nitre, or the power of steam, or of electricity, or of magnetism. These energies always exifted in nature, and they were always difcernible. They feemed, fome of them unferviceable, fome noxious, fome no better than a fport to children; until contemplative ability, combining with practic fkill, tamed their wild nature, fubdued them to use, and rendered them at once the most powerful and the most tractable agents, in subservience to the great views and defigns of men. Did fifty thoufand perfons, whose mental and whofe bodily labour you might direct, and fo many hundred thousand a year of a revenue, which was neither. lazy nor fuperftitious, appear too big for your abilities to wield? Had you no way of using the men but by converting monks into penfioners? Had you no way of turning the revenue to account, but through the improvident refource of a spendthrift fale? If you were thus deftitute of mental funds, the proceeding is in its natural courfe. Your politicians do not understand their trade; and therefore they fell their tools.

"But the inftitutions favour of fuperftition in their very principle; and they nourish it by a permanent and ftanding influence. This I do not mean to difpute; but this ought not to hinder you from deriving from fuperfti tion itself any refources which may thence be furnished for the public advantage. You derive benefits from many difpofitions and many paffions of the human mind, which are of as doubtful a colour in the moral eye, as fuperftition itself. It was your business to 3 M


correct and mitigate every thing which was noxious in this paffion, as in all the paffions. But is fuperftition the greatest of all poffible vices? In its poffible excefs I think it becomes a very great evil. It is, however, a moral fubject; and of course admits of all degrees and all modifications. Supertition is the religion of feeble minds;. and they must be tolerated in an intermixture of it, in fome trifling or fome enthufiaftic fhape or other, elle you will deprive weak minds of a refource found neceffary to the ftrongeft. The body of all true religion confifts, to be fure, in obedience to the will of the fovereign of the world; in a confidence in his declarations; and an imitation of his perfections. The reft is our own. It may be prejudicial to the great end; it may be auxiliary.

"Before the inconveniencies are incurred which must attend all violent revolutions in property through extenfive confifcation, we ought to have fome rational affurance that the purchafers of the confifcated property will be in a confiderable degree more laborious, more virtuous, more fober, lefs difpofed to extort an unreafonable proportion of the gains of the labourer, or to confume on themselves a larger fhare than is fit for the measure of an individual, or that they fhould be qualified to difpenfe the furplus in a more steady and equal mode, fo as to anfwer the purpoles of a politic expenditure, than the old poffeffors, call thofe poffeffors, bishops, or canons, or commendatory abbots, or monks, or what you pleafe. The monks are lazy. Be it fo. Suppofe them no otherwife employed than by finging in the choir. They are as ufefully employed as thofe who neither fing nor fay. As ufefully even as thofe who fing upon the ftage. They are as ufefully employed as if they worked from dawn to dark in the innumerable fervile, degrading, unfeemly, unmanly, and often moft unwholefome and peftiferous occupations, to which by the focial œconomy fo many wretches are inevitably doomed. If it were not generally pernicious to disturb the natural courfe of things, and to impede, in any degree, the great wheel of circulation which is turned by the ftrangely directed labour of thefe unhappy peo

ple, I fhould be infinitely more inclined forcibly to rescue them from their mi ferable induftry, than violently to dif turb the tranquil repofe of monaftic quietude. Humanity, and perhaps policy, might better juftify me in the one than in the other. It is a subject on which I have often reflected, and never reflected without feeling from it. I am fure that no confideration, except the neceflity of fubmitting to the yoke of luxury, and the defpotifm of fancy, who in their own imperious way_will diftribute the furplus product of the foil, can justify the toleration of such trades and employments in a well-regulated ftate. But, for this purpose of diftribution, it feems to me, that the idle expences of monks are quite as well directed as the idle expences of us lay-loiterers.

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"Does not the fweat of the mason and carpenter, who toil in order to partake the fweat of the peafant, flow as pleafantly and as falubriously, in the conftruction and repair of the majestic edifices of religion, as in the painted booths and fordid fties of vice and luxury; as honourably and as profitably in repairing thofe facred works, which grow hoary with innumerable years, as on the momentary receptacles of tranfient voluptuoufnefs; in operahoufes, and brothels, and gaminghouses, and club-houses, and obelisks in the Champ de Mars? Is the furplus product of the olive and the vine worfe employed in the frugal fustenance of perfons, whom the fictions of a pious imagination raifes to dignity by conftruing in the fervice of God, than in pampering the innumerable multitude of thofe who are degraded by being made ufelefs domeftics fubfervient to the pride of man? Are the decorations of temples an expenditure lefs worthy a wife man than ribbons, and laces, and national cockades, and petits maisons, and petit foupers, and all the innumerable fopperies and follies in which opulence fports away the burthen of its fuperfluity?

"We tolerate even these ; not from love of them, but for fear of worse, We tolerate them, because property and liberty, to a degree, require that toleration. But why profcribe the other, and furely, in every point of

view, the more laudable use of eftates? Why, through the violation of all property, through an outrage upon every principle of liberty, forcibly carry them from the better to the worfe?

"I can never," fays Mr. Burke, confider the National Affembly as any thing elfe than a voluntary affociation of men, who have availed themselves of circumftances, to feize upon the power of the state. They have not the fanction and authority of the character under which they firft met. They have affumed another of a very different nature; and have completely altered and inverted all the re

lations in which they originally flood. They do not hold the authority they exercife under any conftitutional law of the ftate. They have departed from the instructions of the people by whom they were fent; which initructions, as the Affembly did not act in virtue of any antient ufage or fettled law, were the fole fource of their authority. The most confiderable of their acts have not been done by great majorities; and in this fort of near divifions, which carry only the conftructive authority of the whole, ftrangers will confider reafons as well as refolutions."

[To be concluded in our next.]


The following Declaration and Counter Declaration were figned and exchanged on the 24th of last July.



IS Britannic majefty having complained of the capture of certain veffels belonging to his fubjects in the port of Nootka, fituated on the northweft coaft of America, by an officer in the service of the king; the undersigned counfellor and principal fecretary of ftate to his majesty, being thereto duly authorized, declares, in the name and by the order of his faid majefty, that he is willing to give fatisfaction to his Britannic majefty for the injury of which he has complained; fully perfuaded that his faid Britannic majesty would act in the fame manner towards the king, under fimilar circumstances; and his majesty further engages to make full reftitution of all the British yeffels which were captured at Nootka, and to indemnify the parties interested in thofe veffels for the loffes which they fhall have fuftained, as foon as the amount thereof shall have been afcertained:

It being understood, that this declaration is not to preclude or prejudice the ulterior difcuffion of any right which his majefty may claim to form an establishment at the port of Nootka.

In witness whereof, I have figned this declaration, and fealed it with the feal of my arms, at Madrid, the 24th of July 1790. (L.S.) Signed LE COMTE DE FLORIDA BLANCA.


HIS Catholic majefty having declared, that he was willing to give fatisfaction for the injury done to the king, by the capture of certain veffels belonging to his fubjects in the bay of Nootka, and the compte de Florida Blanca having figned, in the name and by the order of his Catholic majefty, a declaration to this effect; and by which his faid majefty likewife engages to make full reftitution of the veffels fo captured, and to indemnify the parties interefted in thofe veffels for the loffes they fhall have fustained; the undersigned ambaffador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of his majesty to the Catholic king, being thereto duly and exprefsly authorised, accepts the faid declaration in the name of the king; and declares, that his majefty will confider this declaration, together with the performance of the engagements contained therein, as a full and entire fatisfaction for the injury of which his majesty has complained.

The underfigned declares, at the fame time, that it is to be understood, that neither the faid declaration signed by compte Florida Blanca, nor the acceptance thereof by the undersigned, in the name of the king, is to preclude or prejudice in any respect, the right which his majesty may claim to any establishment which his fubjects may have formed, or fhould be desirous of forming, at the faid bay of Nootka.

In witness whereof, I have figned

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THEIR Britannic and Catholic majefties being defirous of terminating, by a fpeedy and fold agreement, the differences which have lately arifen between the two crowns, have judged that the best way of attaining this falutary object would be that of an amicable arrangement, which fetting afide all retrofpective difcuffion of the rights and pretenfions of the two parties, fhould fix their refpective fituation for the future on a batis conformable to their true interefts, as well as the mutual defire with which their faid majefties are animated, of establishing with each other in every thing and in all places, the most perfect friendship, harmony, and good correfpondence. In this view, they have named and contituted for their plenipotentiaries; to wit, on the part of his Britannic majefty, Alleyne Fitzherbert, efq. one of his faid majefty's privy council in Great Britain and Ireland, and his ambaffador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to his Catholic majefty; and, on the part of his Catholic majelty, don Jofeph Monino, count of Florida Blanca, knight grand crofs of the royal Spanish older of Charles III. counsellor of ftate to his faid majefty, and his principal fecretary of ftate, and of the difpatches; who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, have agreed upon the following articles.

ART. 1. It is agreed that the buildings and tracts of land, fituated on the north-weft coaft of the continent of North America, or on ifl inds adjacent to that continent, of which the fubjects of his Britannic majefty were difpoffelled, about the month of April 1789, by a Spanish officer, fhall be reftored to the faid British fubjects.

II. And further, that a just reparation fhall be made, according to the nature of the cafe, for all acts of violence or hoftility, which may have been committed, fubfequent to the month of April 1789, by the fubjects of either of the contracting parties against the subjects of the other; and that, in case any of the faid respective subjects shall, fiuce the fame period, have been forcibly difpoffeffed of their lands, buildings, veffels, merchandise, or other property whatever, on the faid continent, or on the feas or iflands adjacent, they fhall be eftablished in the poffeffion thereof, or a juft compenfation fhall be made to them for the loffes which they shall have fuftained.

III. And, in order to strengthen the bonds of friendship, and to preferve in future a perfect harmony and good underftanding between the two contracting parties, it is agreed, that their refpective fubjects fhall not be disturbed or molefted either in navigating or carrying on their fitheries in the Pacific Oceản or in the South Seas, or in landing on the coafts of thofe feas, in places not already occupied, for the purpose of carrying on their commerce with the natives of the country, or of making fettlements there; the whole subject, neverthelefs, to the restrictions and provifions fpecified in the three following articles.

IV. His Britannic majesty engages to take the most effectual measures to pic vent the navigation and fishery of his fubjects in the Pacific Ocean, or in the South Seas, from being made a pretext for illicit trade with the Spanish fettlements; and, with this view, it is moreover exprefsly ftipulated that Britifh fubjects fhall not navigate or cany on their fisheries in the faid feas, within the fpace of ten fea leagues from any part of the coafts already occupied by Spain.

V. It is agreed, that as well in the places which are to be restored to the British fubjects, by virtue of the fift article, as in all other parts of the northwestern coafts of North America, or of the islands adjacent, fituated to the north of the parts of the faid coast already occupied by Spain, wherever the fubjects of either of the two powers shall have made fettlements fince the month


of April 1789, or fhall hereafter make any, the fubjects of the other shall have free accefs, and hall carry on their trade without any disturbance or moleft ation.

VI. It is further agreed with refpect to the eastern and western coasts of South America, and to the islands adjacent, that no fettlements fhall be formed hereafter, by the refpective subjects, in such parts of thofe coafts as are fituated to the fouth of thofe parts of the fame coafts, and of the islands adjacent, which are already occupied by Spain: provided that the faid refpective fubjects hall retain the liberty of landing on the coafts and islands, fo fituated, for the purpose of their fishery, and of erecting thereon huts, and other temporary buildings, ferving only for those purposes.

VII. In all cafes of complaint or infraction of the articles of the prefent convention, the officers of either party, without permitting themselves previoufly to commit any violence or act of force, fhall be bound to make an exact report of the affair, and of its circumftances, to the refpective courts, who will terminate fuch differences in an amicable manner.

VIII. The prefent convention fhall be ratified and confirmed in the space of fix weeks, to be computed from the day of its fignature, or fooner, if it can be


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In witnefs thereof, we the underfigned plenipotentiaries of their Britannic and Catholic majefties, have in their, names, and in virtue of our refpective full powers, figned the prefent convention, and fet thereto the feals of our arms.

Done at the palace of St. Laurence, the twenty-eighth of October, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety. Alleyne Fitzher- El Conde de Floribert. [L. S.] da Blanca. [L. S.]





Moft Gracious Sovereign, WE your majefty's dutiful and loyal fubjects, the lord-mayor, aldermen, and

commons of the city of London, in common council affembled, approach your majefty with hearts full of gratitude, upon the agreeable profpect of a continuance of established peace by the convention with Spain.

Deeply affected with the injuries fuftained by our fellow-fubjects from that nation, we concurred in the general fentiments of the whole kingdom, expreffed by the two houfes of parliament, on receiving your majesty's moft gracious meflage in the laft feffion and we beheld with confidence the vigorous measures which were adopted to gain full fatisfaction for the injuries done, and to maintain the honour and dignity of the British empire; to which meafures, and to your majefty's paternal regard for the intereits of your people, next to Divine Providence, we thankfully afcribe the happy issue of the late difagreements.

Your majesty's faithful citizens of London are too well convinced of the falutary confequences of continued peace, to delay their congratulations upon the reconciliation with Spain; for, notwithstanding they have ever manifefted their readiness to bear a proportion of burthens created by the profecution of a juft war, they cannot but moft ardently rejoice at the termination. of pending hoftilities, at a time when the reduction of the national debt is an object of importance to your people.

Deign, fire, to accept our most cordial wishes, that your majesty's reign may long continue in peace and profperity over a grateful and affectionate people.

HIS MAJESTY'S ANSWER. I receive with great pleasure, the dutiful and loyal addrefs of the city of London; the protection of the naviga tion and commerce of my fubjects is a principal object of my attention; and I am confident that I may always expect their unanimous fupport in fuch measures as may be neceffary for that purpose. It affords me the highest fatisfaction to reflect, that on the prefent occafion, this object has been obtained without disturbing the public tranquillity, which is productive of fuch great and increafing advantages to my people.


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