The present Work having been revised and examined, We hereby approve it, and recommend it to the Faithful, as well adapted to instruct and edify them. PAUL CULLEN, Dublin, Sept. 29, 1860. SHE Catechism asks: "Why do we make the sign of the Cross?" and the answer is: "For two reasons: first, to put us in mind of the Blessed Trinity; and secondly, to put us in mind that God the Son became Man, and died upon a Cross for us." God the Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, dwelling with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost from all eternity, came down from His bright throne in Heaven, took upon Him a human Body and Soul, and died to save us from our sins. If we think of this even carelessly, and for a passing moment, we must surely wish to hear more of this great mystery. We shall desire to know as much as we can of Him Whose love for us brought Him from Heaven, and to follow Him, at least in thought, while we learn what He did and how He taught. A great many prophets of the Jews had foretold His coming hundreds of years before. They said that He was to be born of a Virgin in Bethlehem of Juda, and they called Him the Messias, or Sent, and Immanuel, or "God with us.' They wrote poetry, like beautiful songs, about Him; and one of them, speaking as the Holy Ghost dictated, said of Him: "I am the Flower of the field, and the Lily of the valleys." Sometimes they called Him the Rose of Saron, because the rose B |