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the one material, the other immaterial; the one perishable, the other immortal: with two classes of appetites and wants, the one animal, the other spiritual; with two states of being, the one in the body, the other out of the body; with two worlds to live in, the one here, the other hereafter; with two periods of being, the one a moment, the other eternity. It is evident that in the two natures, thus distinct and different one from the other, man resembles two distinct classes of creatures, the highest and the lowest in existence-the beast and the angel. His body is like that of the beast, material, earthly, sensual, limited, perishable, of short duration, and destined to die and return to the earth; the soul like an angel, spiritual, intelligent, of wonderful capacity, capable of knowing God, loving God, enjoying God, and, astounding to say, destined to live as long as God—never, never to die; never, never to decay.

Now the sacred writer in Psalm viii. was contemplating man in his spiritual nature, and says man was made only a little lower than the angels; but the sacred writer in Ecclesiastes iii. was contemplating man in his material nature—his frail, perishing body— in which man resembles the beast. Yet this writer believed in the spiritual nature of man just as the Psalmist did, and not only believed, but taught it; for in chapter xii. verse 7, he speaks of the body and the soul of man as distinct from each other; for he says, at death "the dust shall return to the earth as it was; but the spirit to God who gave it;" and speaking of a future state of being, he says, "God shall bring every word into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or bad." Dear reader, thy poor body will soon fall into the dust; why, then, care only for its gratification? Thy soul has the faculties and the duration of an angel; why, then, dost thou care so little for its eternal happiness? Remember, if it have not the happiness of an angel, it will have for ever the misery of a fiend!


SIR,-In the second chapter of John's Gospel we read of Christ's driving the sellers of merchandise out of the temple. Were the things they had for sale to accommodate those who came from a far country for sacrifice and holy purposes, or for mere trading purposes, as is done in shops at the present time? An answer as early as convenient will oblige a few admirers of your JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR.


ANSWER.-The place where this merchandise was carried on was probably the walled-in space called the Court of the Gentiles; and this, it seems, had become a sort of market-place. The traffic was at first made no doubt for the convenience of strangers, and those who came from a distance to worship. The creatures exposed for sale were oxen, sheep, and doves, such as were offered in sacrifice at the temple; and the changing of money was probably at first for the convenience of those who had brought foreign coin from distant parts, and had to get it exchanged into Jewish shekels and half shekels, in order to present the same as a tribute to the sanctuary, as required in Exodus xxx. 11-16. To transact this business within the precincts of the temple was improper, because the temple was solemnly dedicated to the worship of God, and was not to be a place for business. Moreover, the practice, at first allowed for convenience, was now made an occasion for worldly gain and extortion. Hence our Lord's authoritative chastisement and rebuke. He made a scourge of small cords, and drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep and the oxen; and he poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; and said unto them that sold doves, "Take these things hence; make not my Father's house a house of merchandise." Matthew and Mark add the following severe words of condemnation: "It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations, but ye have made it a den of thieves. And Jesus would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple" (Matt. xxi. 12, 13; Mark xi. 15-17). These words plainly show both the unlawfulness of conducting secular business in God's house, even when done honestly, and the abominable covetousness and extortion which had grown out of the practice. Instead of spiritual worship, cupidity and the love of gain; instead of holy contrition, prayer, and praise, there were cheating and fraud, even under the shadow of the temple-God's own house made a den of thieves.


DEAR SIR,-In Genesis xlvi. 13, we read that Issachar had four sons, Tola, Phuvah, Job, and Shimron. Will you please inform u in the JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR whether or not this Job was the same person who lived in the land of Uz ? P. R.

ANSWER.-No, we think not, for the following reasons:— 1. Job whose history we have was a most remarkable man as a

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saint, as a sufferer, and as an example of God's special providence; but there is nothing said of Job the son of Issachar, except the bare mention of his name. 2. In the history of Job there is no allusion to Issachar as his father, nor to any of the children of Israel, nor to Abraham, or Isaac, or Jacob, or any of the Jewish patriarchs. 3. Job lived in a different country from the son of Issachar. He lived in the land of Uz, a part of Edom or Arabia ; and the friends who came to condole with him were residents of places adjacent thereto, namely, Eliphaz of Teman, Bildad of Shuh, Zophar of Naama, and Elihu of Buz. But Issachar and all his sons lived in the land of Canaan. 4. Job must have lived at an earlier period than Issachar's son, because the period of his natural life extended far beyond the lives of men in the time of Issachar; for after his trials were ended he had seven sons and three daughters, and after they were grown to maturity he lived 140 years. Yet before his trials came he had ten children who had grown to maturity, and he was evidently a man of considerable age at that time. It is not improbable his whole life extended to more than 200 years; and this fact would make him a contemporary with men of a higher antiquity than Abraham, as high, probably, as the times of Peleg, or Reu, or Serug, the fifth or sixth generation from Noah. For these reasons, Job of the land of Uz was neither of the family nor the country of Issachar, but a man who dwelt near to Chaldee, and who lived some hundreds of years earlier than he.


G. T. L. ANSWER.-The intermediate state is the state between death and the resurrection. But we suppose our inquirer means to ask, "Does the soul at once enter upon a state of happiness or misery after death, or is its happiness or misery postponed until the day of judgment ?" We reply, the soul of the dying thief went at once with Jesus to paradise, or heaven, and so did the soul of Lazarus, when borne by angels to Abraham's bosom, where there is happiness; and the soul of the rich man went at once to hell, where there is misery; for he said, "I am tormented in this flame." These portions of Scripture, and others, show us plainly that human spirits pass at once, at death, to a state of happiness or misery.

Yet this happiness and misery of departed spirits are not so

complete before the judgment as they will be after that solemn transaction. For instance, the human spirit is disembodied until the judgment; but the bodies of both saints and sinners will be raised at the last day, and the Judge will then apportion to each a reward exactly according to his character at death. This state of both happiness and misery will be more intense than it was in the interval between death and judgment. Even devils, when our Lord was on earth, cried out, "Art thou come to torment us before the time?" This implies that, miserable as they were then, there was yet greater torment awaiting them at the judgment. Dear reader, what would be thy doom if thou shouldest be called away into eternity this day? For a fuller answer to this

query, see Vol. of Answers, page 458.

QUERY 6.-Is there any knowledge of the existence of the old Hebrew Bible from which the English version was translated? To be answered in our next number.


A YOUNG DISCIPLE.-The voice which was heard, and yet not heard. See Vol. of Answers, page 281.

E. S. C.-Where did Cain find his wife? See Vol. of Answers, page 28.

GEO. T. BELL.-On Judah not able to drive out the inhabitants who had chariots of iron. See Vol. of Answers, page 72.

T. H., CRADLEY FORGE.-On Paul delivering a man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh. See Vol. of Answers, page 298. M. BARRAY.-Sin against the Holy Ghost. Answered before. We have many other questions on hand. W. Taylor, H. Rollason, G. T. Reeve, G. Beazeley, and W. P. G. H. in our next.

Jubenile Missionary Department.

LEEDS FIRST.-We held our Juvenile Missionary Services in connection with Woodhouse Lane and Ebenezer Society in Woodhouse Lane Chapel, on Lord's day, April 11th, 1869, when two sermons were preached, in the morning and evening, by the Rev. T. D. Crothers, of Sheffield. In the afternoon we held our twenty-fourth Juvenile Missionary Meeting in the above chapel. Mr. Councillor Marsden presided, and gave us a very interesting speech, and contributed very liberally to



the collection. The secretary read the report, several suitable hymns were sung by the scholars, and addresses were delivered by the Rev. T. D. Crothers (the deputation), Rev. W. Eddon, Rev. W. J. Fennell, Messrs. J. Thornton, W. Bedford, and Thomas Jessop. We had a very good meeting, and the attendance was good. The following is the financial state of the society for the past year:-Morning and evening services, £10 17s. 6d. ; meeting, £10 17s. Od.; subscriptions, £3 2s. 6d.; family boxes, £4 9s. 6d. ; special collections, £8 03. 6d.; boxes in both schools, £5 11s. 5d.; scholars' cards and books, £19 13s. 1d.; expenses, £1 19s.; leaving a balance of £60 12s. 7 d., an increase of £13 4s. 3d. from last year. J. W. DIXON, Secretary.

SHEFFIELD WEST CIRCUIT, ANDOVER STREET. -We held our Annual Meeting on the 25th April. Our esteemed minister, the Rev. J. C. Williams, presided, and, after a few words of encouragement, called upon the secretary to read the report, which was favourable. Interesting addresses were given by several of our teachers and young friends. Several recitations were given by the scholars. The meeting was a very profitable one. The following sums have been raised during the past year, being an increase on the previous one:-Public collections, £2 18s. 5d.; select class boys (Messrs. Garden, £1 6s. 10d.; box, £3 8s. 2d.), £4 15s.; 1st select class girls, 10s. 2d.; 2nd select class girls, 5s. 10d.; boys, 8s. 10d.; girls, 9s. 10d.; infant class, 5s. 3d. -£9 13s. 4d. J. H. B.



LEEK, HANLEY CIRCUIT.-On Sunday, June 13th, 1869, we held our Annual Juvenile Missionary Meeting in the chapel, under the presidency of our esteemed superintendent of the school, Mr. Mathew Knowles. The attendance was exceedingly good, and the meeting was pronounced to be the most interesting one ever held with us at Leek. The following pieces were recited :- "Sabbath Morning," by Mary Adams; "Prayer for Poor Children," Jane Wadsworth; My Happy Home," Elizabeth Heath; "A Child's Prayer," Joseph Collins; "The Blind Boy has been at Play, Mother," Hannah Knowles; "Naaman's Little Maid," Jane Stritch; "Light for All," Mary Adams; "St. Ambrose's Prayer," Abraham Knowles; "A Mother's Love," Ellen Austin; "A Dupe," by William Green; Moss and Plant," "Jesus, Justice, and Sinner," "Work for All," Maria Knowles; A Call to the Young, "Feed my Lambs," Sarah Ann Cockersale; and "The Little Girl's Dying Gift;" all of which were given with much credit to those who had trained them. The secretary read the report, which showed a little in advance of last year. Addresses were delivered by the chairman and the Rev. R. Fanshawe, our beloved pastor, who told us several interesting anecdotes, which gave much spirit to the meeting. Mr. George Hutchinson, a scholar in our school, made his first speech, and acquitted himself in a most creditable manner. The meeting was concluded by singing and prayer. This meeting will be long remembered.

ISAAC HEATH, Mission Secretary.

BATLEY.-We brought our efforts to a close for the past year on Sunday afternoon, May 9, when we held our Annual Meeting in the Bank Foot Mill, which we have used for our preaching-room since

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