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And on the desart's fiery bed,

Had drooped, and sunk, and died.

Whilst all around was scorched and bare, And strength and hope were gone,

He made his last, his burning lair,

Unfriended and alone.

Oh! what an agony to think

How far his native rill!

Its crystal fount, its grassy brink,

In fancy fresher still.

But stricken hart ne'er panted more,

When life was on the wing,

For cooling brook and grassy shore,

Than I for Zion's spring.

Fountain of glory, grace and love,
Oh come, oh come to me!

And let not, Lord, my spirit rove

Again from home and thee;

Lest I, too, make my burning lair,

Unpitied and alone,

In that dark desart-world of care,
Where hope is never known.

Where fancy paints the verdant plain,

And blossom-shaded spring

Of Heaven, to barb the dart of pain,
And keener anguish bring.

Poor Dives! what a hart-like doom:

From out that fiery glow,

You saw the fields of Eden bloom,

And heard its waters flow;

E'en to a beggar meanly clung,
In suppliant's humblest strain,

And asked one drop to cool your tongue,
And asked that drop in vain.




THERE are few histories of disaster arising out of parental neglect more touching than that of Eli; and it shows how often even good men may err in the rearing of their children, and thus bring ruin and disgrace upon their families, and everlasting wretchedness on the souls of their offspring. The characteristic deficiency in Eli, was want of parental firmness. He could not but have seen the evil dispositions of his sons; and even had he not seen this, the complaints of the people were long and loud against their misconduct. Instead of dismissing them from the high and responsible office which they held, or, by the exercise of parental or official authority, restraining their vicious practices, he contented himself with advice and exhortation. The sacred history tells us that Eli was old,'

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contented himself with advice and exortation. The sacred history tells us that Eli was 'old,'

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