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first Epistle brings it as an Argument to prove that they were in the laft Times, or under the Difpenfation of the Meffiah, Heb. 1, 2. because the Mystery of Antichriftianifm was then working, and there were many that denyed that Jefus Chrift was come in the Flesh, 1 Eph. 2. 18, 22, 23, and Chap. 4. 1, 2, 3. This is Antichrift that denyeth' the Father and the Son He that denyeth the Son, our bath not the Father, i. e. doth not believe inainians are the Father. Which denying, or not Confef



fing, the Son, (I believe) doth exprefs ade-in fact theist,

nying that Chrift had appeared in the Flesh; notwithstanding what fome Learned Men have faid to prove that this Text was levell'd at the Gnofticks, amongst whom it was a received Principle, that they might lawfully deny Chrift in time of Perfecution, if at other times of Freedom and Security they profeffed him; Forafmuch as that abfolute denying Chrift's Appearance in the Flesh, was much more fatal to the Interefts of Christianity, and confequently much more Antichriftian than the other. For if Chrift were not come, then by confequence all the Obligations to ftrict Obedience, Mortification, and the Crofs, drawn from his Life and Doctrines, are null and void; and 2dly, They must be forced to look for another, who fhould appear in a State more agreeable to their Prejudices concerning him, which was a fatal Step to Delufion, John 5. 43. 2 Thef. 2. 10, 11, 12. And thofe very Perfons who, Chap 4. 3. are faid to be in the Spirit of Antichrift, are for that reafon, Chap. 2. 18. called Antichrifts. (Even as I


They that are led by the Spirit of God, are the Sons of God. Rom. 8. 14. and they to whom the aby✪ came, or who were Partakers of the ay, were called Gods, John 10. 35. and Partakers of the Divine Nature. 2 Pet. 1. 4.) But ever fince the Doctrines of Chriftianity have been clearly vindicated, and the fame Antichri ftian Spirit has been fettled in different Forms and Meafures in fuch Children of Darknefs, who fheltering themselves under the Name, and Profeffion of Chriftianity, have either by their Doctrines or Practices, or both, endeavoured to undermine and overthrow that very Religion which they profefs. And Antichriftianifm was not fuch a profeffed Enmity as was that of the Jews and Heathens, but generally fpeaking, they were falfe Brethren who either broached pernicious Doctrines in the Church, or lived very fcandalous Lives to the Reproach of their Religion; who when they were at 1aft discovered by the Illuminated Governors or the Church were ejected out of it. of which we have many Instances in St. Paul's Epiftles, and from that time did commence a profeffed Oppofition. These were called Hereticks, fuch as went out from the Church, but were not of it; for if they had been of it, no doubt they would have continued in it; but they went forth that they might be made manifeft, 1 John 2. 19. And in the progrefs of the great Apoftacy, the Poifon funk yet deeper, and difcovered it felf not fo much in any Oppofition to the Received Doctrines of Chriftanity, as to the great End and Defign of it, viz. The Reftitution


of Mankind to that Love of God from which they were fallen, by Humility, Mortification, and bearing the Crofs. For when the Emperors embraced Chriftianity, and the Church began to enjoy the Favour and Protection of the Secular Powers, that Primitive Love and Fervour which fhone fo visibly amongst them in the hottest-Perfecutions and Oppofitions of their Enemies began fenfibly to cool and languish, and more carnal Inclinations to start up in their room. The diftinguishing Marks of Fa vour and Honour which were put upon the Governors of the Church began fenfibly to foften and corrupt that Holy Severity that had fo long flourished amongst them; they began much more to afpire after Honours, Riches, and Authority, and the Church it felf was early beginning to be modelled according to the Form of the Civil Government in the Empire, which was one chief Occafion of the many Quarels amongst the Bishops about their Sees; and of their afpiring to a worldly Dignity fuitable to the Places of their Refidence. This Ambition and Strife of the Clergy produced alfo a fatal Degeneracy in their Manners, much complained of by Ancient Writers; having entertained wrong Notions of their Power of binding and loofing, inflicting of Cenfures, diftributing the Charity of the People, and determining of Controverfies in Civil Matters voluntarily refered to them according to the Apoftles Advice, they laid the Early Foundations of the Antichriftian Preheminence now visible in the Рарасу.

I 2

See Soz.

Lib. 6.


Mat. 10. 10. in

Tim. Hom,


Ep. 203. Papacy. St. Auftin* inveighs feverely against the worldly Pomp of Ecclefiafticks in his Time, and accordingly in conjunction with the rest of the African Bishops affembled in Council, paffed their Cenfure Con. Car-upon it. As did alfo St. Jerom. and St. thag. 4. Bafil, fo did alfo St Chryfoftom + but partiCan. 16. cularly St. Bernard, in his Memorable Sermon de malis Paftoribus. The Church in Cap. 16 fhort became too like a Worldly Kingdom, even in the worft refpects, especially when Kings and Emperors became over lavish in their Liberality to purchase Pardons for their Sins; whereupon a Learned Man ob, ferved, that the Difcipline of the Church was very much relaxed, in recompençe as it were, for the large Endowments received from them. This Profpect of Riches, Honours, and the Good Things of the World was an Encouragement to Men of worldly and corrupt Minds to get themfelves into Places of Truft and Authority in the Church, where refolving to enjoy them to the Heigth, they quickly fought out fuch Gloffes and Expofitions of thofe places of Holy Scriptures which witnessed against their Corruption, as might reconcile their Religion with their Inclinations, fo verily making the Word of God of none Effect by their Traditions, which were fo effectually conveyed to Pofterity, both by Precept and Example, that at length the Face of Religion was quite changed, and under the Name and Profeffion of Chriftianity, the very Defign of it, (viz. the Reftoring Mankind to the Love of God, by


the Mortification of themfelves) was utterly undermin❜d and fubverted, till it pleafed God about the beginning of the 15th Century, to raife upfome who boldly and refolutely bore their Teftimony againft many Corruptions, and began fuch a Reformation, as would (if the Primitive Standard had been closely obferved) have been moft glorious.





S5. Now all these Corruptions were no That the doubt Antichriftian, and fo far as the Ro- Charge of mish Church abetted and maintained that fianism is Idolatry and Superftition, that infolent not approand Blafphemous Ufurpation of a God-like priated to Supremacy, in oppofition to the Supremacy the Church of Chrift and the Civil Magiftrate, that of Rome. bloody and perfecuting Temper towards thofe that witneffed against her Corruptions, which are the plain and distinguishing Characters of Antichrift, fo far fhe might see Dax, properly be called Antichriftian, and the II. 37Pope as the Visible Head of the Apoftacy, 1 Tim. 4 might (according to what was before laid 1-4. down) be properly called Antichrift; which Dax. 7. 8, has been learnedly defended by Mr. Mede, 11, 20,25, Dr. More, &c. But that Antichriftianifm 23, 24, 25. fhould be fo far confined to the Church of 11.36. Rome, as to exempt all the other different 2 Thefs. 2. Communions of Chriftendom from that 4. Charge, is hardly juftifiable. It might be reckoned an invidious Defign to offer to expofe and lay open the Failures and Deficiencies of the Reformed Churches as to their Conftitution and Difcipline, many of which we lament, and wish to reform; but the Iniquity of the Times will not fuffer it. Whilft Policy and Worldly-Wisdom make

1 3+


8. .9,-14,

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