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For what should we earnestly seek, and patiently wait?


For what ought we to be grateful? (7.)
Under what should we be patient? (7.)

What should we expect and prepare for? (8.)
What should we instantly do? (9.)

8. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISE FROM THE ANSWER. Confession.-We confess, that our first parents, when in Eden, disobeyed thy commandments, and thus broke the covenant of works; and they, and we who are their children, and who were parties with them in that covenant, lost eternal life, and were subjected to thy curse, which included spiritual death, the ills of life, death for the body, and eternal misery for the soul.


O Lord, (1.) may we be enabled always to give a cheerful and ready obedience to all thy commandments, and to those to whom thou, in thy providence, hast given the rule over us. We confess, that (2.) we are by nature at a distance from thee; that (3.) all men, whatever be their station, are naturally equal before thee, with whom there is no respect of persons; and that (4.) we have no claim of right to any blessing either here or hereafter. May we, (5.) then, not be indifferent to the misery and helplessness of our spiritual condition; but do thou graciously enable us (6.) earnestly. to seek, and patiently to wait for the reviving influences of thy Holy Spirit. May we (7.) be grateful for all thy undeserved mercies; may we be patient under all our afflictions; (8.) expecting, and diligently preparing for death, by (9.) instantly fleeing to Christ Jesus, whom thou hast appointed as the only refuge from the wrath to come.


Our first [father and mother, Adam and Eve,] when in [the happy garden where God placed them at first,]

[broke the commandments of] their [Lord who formed them,] and thus [annulled, and put an end to] the [agreement as to perfect obedience, entered into between God and man,] and [Adam and Eve,] and [all of us] who are their [posterity or descendants,] and who were [concerned in, and real partners] with [Adam and Eve, who were our representatives] in that [paction or agreement,] [were deprived of] cternal life, and [were involved in, and subjected to] the [horrible punishments denounced by God,] which included [the death of the soul to every thing which is good;] the [privations, diseases, evils, and pains which happen to us in this world; [cessation of life, and corruption] for the body, and [never-ending] [anguish, horror, and despair,] for the soul.

6. Q. In what state are we by nature?

A. All men are born sinners. In a state of nature we all hate God, and are his enemies; we dishonour his name, we disobey his commandments, and deserve to be driven from his presence, and to endure the effects of his wrath and curse for ever.

1. VERBAL AND GENERAL EXERCISE. What are all men when they are born?

Who are born sinners?

How many men are born sinners?

When are men here said to be sinners?

In what do we all hate God?

In a state of what?

What do we do while in a state of nature?'

What do we do to God?

Who hate God while in a state of nature?

How many of us hate God while in a state of nature ?

Whom do we hate when in a state of nature?

Who are God's enemies?

C 2

What are we to God when in a state of nature 2
When are we God's enemies?

Whose enemies are we, when in a state of nature?

What do we do to God's name ?

Who dishonour God's name?

When do we dishonour God's name?

What do we dishonour?

Whose name do we dishonour?

What do we do to God's commandments ?

Who disobey God's commandments?

When do we disobey God's commandments?

Whose commandments do we disobey?/

What do we deserve from God?

Who deserve to be driven from God's presence on ac count of their sin ?

From what do we deserve to be driven?

From whose presence do we deserve to be driven?

What do we deserve to endure?

The effects of what?

Who deserve to endure the effects of God's wrath? Why do we deserve to endure the effects of God's wrath? Of whose wrath do we deserve to endure the effects ? What do we deserve to endure, besides the effects of God's wrath ?

Who deserve to endure the effects of God's curse for ever?

Of whose curse do we deserve to endure the effects for ever?

For how long do we deserve to endure the effects of God's wrath and curse?

What do we deserve to endure for ever?


How many men are here said to be born sinners? (Ail men.)

How many things are here stated as being done by men while in a state of nature? (Four.-1. They hate God. 2. They are enemies to God. 3. They dis

honour his name. 4. They disobey his commandments.) What is the first? &c.

How many things is it here said that men deserve? (Two.-1. To be driven from God's presence.

2. To endure the effects of his wrath and curse for ever.) What is the first? &c.

Of how many things is it here said we deserve to endure the effects? (Two.-1. The effects of God's wrath. 2. The effects of God's curse.) What is the first? &c.


How many doctrines are contained in this answer?

(Seven-1. All men are born sinners. 2. In a state

of nature we all hate God. 3. In a state of nature we are all enemies to God. 4. We dishonour God's name. 5. We disobey God's commandments. 6. We deserve to be driven from God's presence. 7. We deserve to endure the effects of God's wrath and curse for ever.) What is the first? &c.

4. EXPLANATIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Born sinners, sinful and guilty when they come into the world.

A state of nature, an unconverted state.

Hate, detest and abhor.

His enemies, opposed to himself, his character, his people, and his cause.

Dishonour his name, treat him, and every thing by which he reveals himself, with indignity and disgrace. Disobey, refuse submission and obedience to.

Commandments, will and orders, as made known to us in the Bible.

Driven, violently cast out.

Presence, company, communion, and favour.

Endure, suffer without help or relief.

Effects, awful consequences.

Wrath, just indignation.

Curse, merited punishment.


50. (1.) All men are sinners when they are born. Psal. li. 5. I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

51. (2.) All men by nature hate God. John xv. 24. Now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.

52. (3.) All men by nature are enemies to God.Rom. viii. 7. The carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 53. (4.) All men dishonour God's name.-Isa. lii. 5. My name continually every day is blasphemed.

54. (5.) All men disobey God's commandments.Tit. i. 16. In works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

55. (6, 7.) All men, for sin, deserve to be driven from God's presence, and to endure the effects of his wrath for ever. -Mat. xxv. 41. Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire.

[For Doctrines in Rhyme, &c. see Appendix.]

6. LESSONS FROM THE DOCTRINES. From these doctrines we learn,

(1.) That we should mortify and subdue all our natural sinful dispositions and inclinations.

(2.) That we should constantly endeavour to love God,

and to hate sin.

(3.) That we should seek to be reconciled to God. (4.) That we should guard against all dishonouring thoughts of God.

(5.) That we should endeavour to know and to obey all God's commandments.

(6.) That we should rejoice in, and endeavour to improve every opportunity of waiting upon God in his ordinances.

(7.) That we ought to be humble and grateful for God's gracious forbearance, and long-sparing mercy. [For collateral Lessons and Inferences, see Appendix.]

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