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gardens; useful manufactories; an hospital; and an Auxiliary Missionary Society among Hottentots! Who now will doubt, whether the Gospel ought to be preached to uncivilized nations? Several natives have been raised up from among the converted Hottentots, who preach to their countrymen with great acceptance and usefulness.

After travelling ten days in the direction of N. N.E. they arrived at the city of Latakkoo, which contains about 1500 houses, neatly built, and about 8000 inhabitants. After waiting ten days for the king, Mateebee, who was absent on a jackal-hunt, Mr. Campbell was introduced to him, and requested leave to send Missionaries to his people, which was granted. Here Mr. Campbell obtained the important information that there were twenty tribes of people north of Latakkoo, who all speak the same language, and who are reported to be still more civilized.

From Latakkoo, after a circular and interesting tour of six weeks, Mr. Campbell returned to Klaar Water, where he continued about a fortnight to arrange the affairs of that settlement, and whence he proceeded on a route entirely new, directly across the continent of Africa, westward. At length, after a jour ney of nine months, he returned to the Cape in safety and in better health than when he set out.

The following are the missionary stations in South Africa.

From Bethelsdorp Mr. Campbell proceeded through a wild country, almost uninhabited, on the borders of Caffreland, in order to fix upon two spots eligible for missionary settlements, in Zureveld, near the Great Fish River, the Government having kindly promised to give sufficient portions of land for that purpose. Two suitable places were accordingly fixed upon. Mr. Campbell next travelled in a north-westerly direction to Graaf Reinet, where Mr. Kicherer resides, and bad the pleasure of witnessing the happy effects of his labours: here also he met with the Hottentots who visited England in the year 1803. From this place he commenced his journey to the Orange River, about the 10th of May, Mr. Kicherer and other friends accompanying him a week's -journey, as far as the limits of the colony,preaching, wherever they had opportunity, to the boors and the heathen; some of whom, alas! had never heard of a God, nor had they a word in their language whereby to denote him. He crossed the wild Boschemen's country until he reached the Orange River, and after travelling about one hundred -similes talong its banks to the east- 2. At Klaar Water, near the ward, he found a ford which he Orange River. The Missionaries at safely crossed: be describes the rithis place are Mr. Anderson and ever as wider than the Thames at Mr. Janz. Mr. Anderson com. VaLondon Bridge. On the next day plains much of the general lukeas he reached Klaar Water, the mis-warmness of the people. About -nsionary settlement which has long been under the care of the Missionlobaries Anderson, Kramer, and Janz. sm Here he remained but a few days, -q and leftoit, accompanied by Messrs. en Anderson, Kok, and Hendrick, in vq order to explore a large and populous of city which had been described to him.

1. In the Namaqua Country, st Kamiesberg. The number of persons residing at this station, were, according to the last accounts, about five hundred, besides the Bastard Hottentots at the neighbouring krall of Byzondermeid, who amounted to one hundred and forty-five. The Missionaries at this station Messrs. Albrecht, Schmelen, Helm, and Ebuer,


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three hundred persons generally attended the preaching of the word on the Lord's days, and the bebaviour of people was, in general, decent and moral. In agriculture but slow progress was made, and the corn raised was insufficient for the subsistence of the people. Their

cattle, however, are multiplied. The number of people in this settlement was, in August 1812, from seven to eight hundred. Four persons had been baptized and received into communion in the course of the year. For several years after the Missionaries took up their residence among this people, they lived a wandering life, which was extremely inconvenient to the Missionaries, and a great obstacle to civilization and improvement. At length, after many entreaties, the people resolved to take up a settled residence. Since that time they have cultivated and sown a considerable portion of ground, planted several gardens; some of them have built houses of stone, and now begin to feel themselves at home.

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5. Theopolis. The Missionaries at this place are Messrs. I. GUHbricht and Bartlett.ed viola 6. Bushusmen Country; Mr. Eras17200 mus Smith. **c 7. Zurebrák near Zwellendam, Mr. J. Seidenfaden. agad aved 18. Tulbach Drosdy; Messrs. C. Kramer and A. Voss.

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9. Bethelsdorp. At this station the Missionaries are Messrs. Read, Wimmer, and Messer; A. Verhoogh, a native of Mosambique, and W. F. Corner, a native of Demerary.

10. Cape Town. Mr. Thom continues to preach three or four times a week to a considerable number of persons, chiefly the soldiers of the 93d regiment, (Sutherland Highlanders,) of whom he has frequently from two hundred to six hundred hearers. He speaks very highly of their moral conduct, their serious piety, and their exemplary liberality. Among other charitable objects, they have contributed seven handred rix-dollars (above one hundred pounds sterling) to the missionary cause.

3. Silver Fountain. Mr. and Mrs. Sass, after a most difficult and hazardous journey through the wilderness, in which they lost several of their oxen, and were without bread for nearly a month, reached, at length, the residence of Captain Kok. Here the people were so deBut Mr. Thom's labours sirous of hearing the word, that they entreated him to preach to them are not confined to the ministry of ? twice every day, and on the Lord's the Gospel: he has been instrumenday thrice. Many persons here re- tal in the formation of religious inceived the word with joy, and seve-stitutions, and in the distribution of ral individuals appeared to be really the Scriptures, books, and religious He has also under his care converted. The number of the tracts. people, in the beginning of the last some young men, intended for the year, (including old and young) was work of the ministry. about 118.1

4. Hooge Krall, the Drosdy of George, near Bota's Place. When the people of this krall, among whom Messrs. Read and Wimmer had preached, were apprised of the approach of Mr. Campbell and his friends, they sent messengers to meet him, and about fifty of them came se veral miles to welcome him, expressing the greatest anxiety to know whether or not they might expect a missionary; and when one was promised by Mr. Campbell, they dis played the highest degree of satis faction. At present, Mr. Pacalt is : labouring with success among these Flottentots, saj to


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1. Vizagapatam. Here Messrs. Gordon and Pritchett continue to labour, both in the work of translation and of instruction. Having made a good proficiency in the Telinga language, they preach to the people in their own tongue. They go frequently into the villages around them, reading and explaining portions of the word of God. Sometimes they have visited the idol temples, and have prevailed on some of the Bramins to listen to the Scriptures. On one of these occasions, each of the Bramins accepted a copy rule of one the Gospels, and promised to

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peruse it diligently. The converted Bramin, Anunderayer, goes on well, and takes delight in the instruction of his countrymen. Of another Bramin, Narasimooloo, they enter tained good hopes, and intended, when they last wrote, soon to baptize him. He also is employed in reading the Scriptures to the natives, in company with the Missionaries, who explain the passage read. Their visits to the native schools sometimes afford a high de. gree of pleasure.

2. Ganjam. Mr. Lee, who was at Vizagapatam, has removed to Ganjam, a populous town on the coast.. Here he is surrounded, not only by a vast body of the natives, but also by a multitude of Portuguese, halfcast people. He was about to open a school for children of the latter description, and another for the natives, in which he would teach both English and Gentoo, and thereby have an opportunity of introducing and explaining the doctrines of the Gospel. The attendance of Europeans and others on public worship is encouraging. About one hundred and twenty persons attend twice on the Lord's-day and hear the word with seriousness, and he hopes with good effect. Immediately after the service on Lord's-day evenings, he reads a portion of the Scriptures to the natives who are present, and explains it to them in the Gentoo language. He was then erecting a place of worship, fifty feet by thirtyeight, in doing which he is assisted by the Government. He has trans, lated Dr. Watts's First Catechism, and other useful books for children, He is also proceeding in his translation of the Book of Genesis into the Telinga.

3. Travancore. Mr. Ringeltaube still resides at Magilady, in Travancore, and continues his labours at several village churches in that neigh, bourhood. He visits twice a month his several congregations, and every evening addresses as many as are willing to attend. In some of these places, the people are irregular in their

attendance; but at Ectamoly and Auticada they attend much better; at the latter place he thinks of enlarging the church. Pittalow and Covilvilly appear stationary; but a new congregation has sprung up at Ananda-nadan-cudi-yirappa, where the people have erected a small church: upon the whole, there has been an increase in number; one hundred and forty-six have been baptized since he last wrote. The number af church-members is about six hundred and seventy-seven. About sixty children are in the schools under his direction.

4. Belhary. Mr. Hands had been alarmingly ill: he was, however, mercifully recovered; and after a journey to Vizagapatam and to Madras, returned to his station and resumed his labours, assisted by Mr. Taylor, a native of Madras, and one of the fruits of his ministry, there; and who, on his recommendation, has been received as a mis. sionary under the patronage of this Society. On his journey, wherever he halted, he usually endeavoured to publish among those who knew. the Canara language, the truth of the Gospel, which in general, the people were so ready to hear, that they crowded the choultry, from the time he entered till he left it. He passed through some hundreds of towns and villages; in some of which he found congregations of Roman Catholics, especially in the large towns near the Coromandel Coast; and in some of the villages, the greater part of the inhabitants were Christians of that communion; but too generally they were scarcely to be distinguished from their heathen neighbours. The paucity of Bramins there, the ruinous state of their pagodas and religious, houses, and the disregard now shewn to their once-famous deities, allord encouragement to hope, that the time is not far distant when they shall bear and receive the truth of the Gospel. His schools continue to flourish. Some copies of the New Testament in the Telinga tongue haye been dis

stributed among the Gentoos. He has also a class in the native school, who read the Telinga Gospels. The zeal of the half-cast people who at tend upon his ministry has afforded him much pleasure; they have raised upwards of five hundred rupees in aid of the Auxiliary Bible Society at Calcutta. Ile had the pleasure also of sending to the same Society one hundred and thirtythree rupees, received for Bibles sold to the soldiers and others. He speaks with great delight of the piety of some of the military. He expresses much thankfulness, that the Government has favoured him with a grant of the ground occupied by the Mission Garden, which contains about eight acres, and is to be held free from rent, as long as it is appropriated to the use of the Charity School.

5. Chinsurah. Mr. May, who was sent out with a view of aiding the Mission at Vizagapatam, especially in the tuition of the children, for which he has a peculiar talent, was led to settle at Chinsurah, where he has the prospect of much usefulness, especially to the rising generation. Mr. May superintends the Free School at Chinsurah, in which he has introduced some beneficial improvements: he intended to commence a native school in the month of January, on the British plan. Speaking of schools, he says, It is among the rising generation chiefly, that I look for success: by teaching them to read the Scriptures and laying before them the grand principles of our holy religion, we may remove their prejudices without shocking them." He is looking out for native teachers, as recommended by the late Dr. John, and wishes to pursue the plan of a good lady up the country, who employs two or three native teachers, giving each of them four rupees a month, and two annas for every regular scholar; this renders them diligent in procuring and retaining the children. Mr. May wishes for more assistance, and

particularly desires that any who may come out may be well acquainted with the improved method of teaching. The number of children then in the school was about seventy.

6. Madras. Mr. Loveless informs the Directors that the concerns of the chapel and of the free schools are much as usual; the attendance of the people on his ministry was rather more encouraging than before. He has been the instrument of disposing of a consi derable number of religious books.


Through the kindness of Sir Alexander Johnston, and other members of the Government in Ceylon, Mr. Palm, one of the missionaries, had been appointed minister of the Dutch church at Colambo. He had previously been useful in visiting and reviving some of the schools, and, in his present situa tion, says that he has better opportunities than ever of being service able to the missionary cause. He was endeavouring, with the members of the Dutch Consistory, to open schools at Columbo, for the poorer classes of children, on the plan of Dr. Bell.

Mr. Ehrardt has been employed by Government to visit the schoole many of which he found in great dis order. He took every opportunity of preaching, and instructing both adults and children in his journies.

Mr. Read was acting as visitor of the schools in the district of Point de Galle. He gives a deplorable account of the people in general, who, while they retain the name of Christians, are really idolaters. Mr. Read resides at Amlamgodde, where he preaches in Dutch or English, and occasionally there and at other places to the Cingalese, by an interpreter. The Government has promised to esta blish free schools at Galle, Matura, and Jaffnapatnam, one or more of which Mr. Read will probably be called to undertake. Colonel (now



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their countrymen. The young men who have studied the Bengalee language have performed public wor ship among them, reading the Scripture, praying, singing, and reading a sermon to them; after which the Lascars declared that they understood every word. One of their number, who teaches the students, has more than once read the Scriptures in Bengalee to his countrymen. One of the students has ap plied himself to the attainment of the Chinese language, under the tuition of a learned native of China.


Mr. Morrison has finished the great work of translating the whole of the New Testament into the Chinese language These Scriptures have already found their way into distant parts of the empire. Mr. Morrison has also printed and dis persed a catechism, containing the fundamental principles of Christian, ity, and a tract also on its chief doctrines. Mr. Morrison is not permitted to preach publicly, or to go into the interior of the country: Mr. Spratt continues to labour at but he expounds the Scriptures to Quebec (during the absence of the his domestics and a few others, and minister). He is well attended his. prays with them. Some individuals auditory listen with great seriousappear to have profited by the, ness to the word, and he is encou word, to forsake their idols, and de raged to believe that his labours are sire to be baptized as Christians. useful. An Auxiliary Bible Society The Chinese Dictionary and Gram- has been formed at Quebec, chiefly, mar, written by Mr. Morrison, are by his congregation; the military so highly esteemed, that the East- hospitals and the jail are furnished India Company has sent out a suit with the Scriptures, both in English able person to print it, at their ex- and in French, and the people are pense, in three volumes folio, s preparing to erect a new and larger, place of worship.

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Mr. Milne arrived at Macao, July 1813, and was gladly received: by Mr. Morrison, rejoicing in the hope of labouring together in the work of the Lord. But by the in stigation of the Roman Catholic clergy, the Portuguese Government ordered him to quit the island in ten days. To this severe measure Mr. Milne was obliged to submit, and he removed to Canton, where he applied himself assiduously to the study of the Chinese language. As European females are not permitted to reside at Canton, he was necessarily separated from Mrs. Milne, who continued with Mr. and Mrs. Mor rison, at Macao. "... 181 Sun Paka

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VI. LASCARS, Many of these poor strangers have gladly listened to the word of God: some have attentively perused the Scriptures of Truth, and have endeavoured to explain them to


Mr. Smart is diligent and useful at Elizabeth Town, and labours also at several other places from Gananoque to Matilda. When the peos ple are not hindered by military duties, his audience is frequently large, attentive, and apparently im pressed by the word of Truth...


Mr. Cox continues his labours, at Augusta, and at other places occa sionally; but the engagements and miseries produced by war have cramped his exertions.:

Mr. Hyde, who was sent out uns der the patronage of this Society, to labour in Newfoundland, appears to have been useful at St. John's he has also visited some other parts of the island, and at one place esta blished a Sunday-school. He speaks with great concern of the deplora ble state of the island in general. and the great need of additional labouters. #gas mara


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