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admirable distinctions laid down on this subject, by the last-mentioned author, will be prepared to acquiesce in the more original and ingenuous, but less wary and less correct, remarks of Pascal. The truth vis, that this great man was here somewhat misled by the prejudices of the school to which he was attached, and, perhaps, also by a prepossession arising from relative affection. The Jansenists believed, that miracles were wrought in favour of their body, and one of these, and we believe the earliest of them, was an extraordinary care effected on the e person of Pascal's own niece, by touching a relic preserved in the Portroyal. What appears of the case, does not seem to us to warrant the idea of any thing beyond one of those extraordinary developements of the resuscitating powers of nature, with which medical men of great practice are, as we believe, familiar. But we may; perhaps, forgive a different opinion in Pascal and the Jansenists. Nor let any man ridicule this instance of human -credulity in those eminent characters, until he shall have learned to rival them in their less common quadifications.

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If it should be thought that the exceptionable parts which we have presumed to point out in the opinions or practice of our author, may partly be traced to his connection with the church of which he was a member, this is an opinion to which we are *not disinclined. Pascal's attach-ment to that church, though malignantly questioned by the Jesuits, was most sincere. In his "Thoughts," he repeatedly professes his submission to its doctrines, and, on the subjects of transubstantiation and the relics of saints, expresses senti>ments which we cannot believe that such a mind would ever have embraced except on such authority. **It is surprising to find him somewhere stating it as his opinion, that hone great cause of the secession of (the "Reformed Churches, was the 'painfulness of the practice of auti


« C'est une des

cular confession. principales raisons qui a fait révolter contre l'Eglise une grande partie de l'Europe." How light, how easy the task of auricular confession may become, how conveniently it may be made not only an accompaniment, but a cloak to the vilestiarrégularities, fully appears, from the account given of the practice of the Jesuits, by Pascal himself, in the tenth of his Provincial Letters. On the other hand, no fact surely in history can be better authenticated than this, that the secession of half Europe from the Romish Church, was far less owing to the rígidness of the discipline of that church, than to the laxity of her practice. Lastly, the superiority of the Protestant practice Pascal himself elsewhere candidly admits, where, in repelling from the Jansenists the charge of secret Protestantism, which their enemies were fond of alleging against them, he says that they are Protestants only in their reformed morals: " ils ressemblent aux héretiques par la reformation des mœurs.'

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Let it not be imagined that these reflections are suggested by any 'feeling of uncharitableness towards a communion of Christians at vàtriance with our own. If we at all know our own hearts, such a suspicion would be extremely unjust. We are sensible of two very distinct, though not incompatible, impres sions, when we contemplate the Roman Catholic Church. One of these arises in considering her through the medium of those eminent persons with whom it has pleased Providence to adorn her sanctuary, and several of them even in these latter days. When, for instance, we listen to the devout aspirations of Kempis clasping, the foot of his Saviour's cross; when we catch the accents of charity that flow from the hips of Fenelon, We here adopt the name popularly assigned the work, De Imitatione Christi," "Without deciding whether it is this true one?? (160 se


bor witness the tears with which he Supplicates for his flock, between the porch and the altar; when we imbibe the solemn and saintly morality of Nicole, breathing from his 3 gloomy cell in the Portroyal the most heavenly lessons of purity, -charity, self-denial, and devotion; when we hear the voice of Pascal, now raised with authority, as if from Mar's Hill, to proclaim the unknown God, and now, in measures awful and piercing as the lamentations of a prophet, mourning over the misery of man; when we see and hear all this, we say we tremble to pro-nounce an indiscriminate sentence against a community blessed, even in its days of darkness, with such burning lights, lest haply we should be found to curse whom God hath pot cursed, and to defy, whom the Lord hath not defied.

But the great and serious concerns between man and his Maker, are not to be decided by mere autho-rity. And therefore, if, after all this, we disclaim the Romish religion, if we humbly, but deliberately acquiesce in a separation from that communion,-if we even say, O my soul, come not into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united!"-it is not because we strike a numerical balance between the holy, virtuous, and venerable persons we have mentioned on the one hand; and the sages, and martyrs, and confessors of Protestantism on the other: it is not because we confront the noble army of the Pascals, the De Sales's, the Duvergers, the Arnaulds, the Nicoles, the Sacies and the Fene lons, with our own Andrews's, Hookers, Hammonds, Ushers, Halls, Jew els, Beveridges, Leightons, Baxters, Wattses, Doddridges: but it is be cause, to our humble judgment, exercised most candidly, conscientiously, and solemnly, the faith of Rome appears to be a corruption, and ber pretensions a fable. It is because our reason, mistakenly, per haps, but most sincerely exerted, is merly unable to resist the trium


phant arguments by which the Fathers of the English Church vindicate the Reformation. It is, because we can find in Scripture nothing like a warrant, no, not even the semblance of it, for the claimed infallibity of the Romish hierarchy, which if denied, the whole fabric confessedly falls. It is, because we regard it as a matter of plain history, that the imposing ceremonies peculiar to the Romish worship principally arose from the ashes of extinguished Paganism. Above all, it is because the religion of Rome, not perhaps as held by those great and revered names above-mentioned, but certainly, and inevitably, in its natural and popular effect, appears to us materially to disparage the dignity and majesty of our blessed Lord and only Saviour, Jesus Christ. ..How, indeed, the eminent Christians alluded to, could endure, with unwounded feelings, the worship of their own communion in its popular form, is to us a perfect mystery. Amidst a host of subordinate mediators; of mediators, in name subordi. nate, but who, in fact, occupy all those emotions and exercises of hope, fear, love, gratitude, and dependance, that constitute devotion; what casual observer would conceive, that He whom, through all this dazzling magnificence of ceremonial, we so dimly discern or explore in vain, was the only Mediator between God and man? That he was the only begotten of the Father? That he trod the wine-press alone, and of the people there was none with him? That he had a name written which no man knew but he himself? That he openeth and no man shutteth, and shutteth and no man openeth? That he was both the author and the finisher of our faith, the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end? Oh, who are these beatified mortals, however radiant their crowns, or however, honoured their names as

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brethren that had the testimony of Jesus," who interfere with the incommunicable attributes of inter

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The case of these persons, we repeat, is not that of the Fenelons and Pascals. The great tie which bound Fenelon and Pascal to the papal church, was the Christian principle of submission and teachableness of mind. Fenelon especially, who, under very trying circumstances, memorably realized this principle in his own practice, recommends it to others with all his peculiar unction of eloquence. He believed that Protestantism, in its very nature, argued a proud, critical, and dogmatizing spirit, and that such a character was, in fact, gene

,cession, mediation, and the hearing and the Alfreds, the St. Bernards of prayer? Who are these created and the St. Louis's, would have decomforters that co-operate with the lighted to enjoy, and enjoyed not; unutterable inspirations of the Spirit and whether they had not reason to of grace; or what these human suf-fear lest, on that day when numbers ferings and merits, that presume to shall come from the east and the mingle their efficacy with the blood, west, and sit down in the kingdom of the everlasting covenant? of God, while the degenerate chilThe greatest allowances are, how-dren of the kingdom are thrust out, ever, to be made for those who have they may see the sincere disciples of been educated in a system thus a corrept faith admitted to a beaticombining grievous corruption with tude from which they themselves essential and invaluable trutha Be-shall be rejected as apostates.. tween such persons and those who are converts to the same system from a purer creed, the distinction is very material. He who has never known truth but as interwoven with error, may very naturally confound them together in his perception, while his affection is, in reality, fixed on truth alone; but he who has been familiarised with truth in all its purity, and who violates the prejudices of habit to embrace error, must evidently embrace it not for truth's sake, but for its own. We know, indeed, that conscientious converts have been made from Protestantism to Popery. The cir-rally discoverable in the writings of cumstances and the motives of such conversions; the corrupt or imperfect nature of the Protestantism that -was relinquished; the seductive talents, or attractive virtues of the teacher who persuaded ;--these, and a thousand other concomitant particulars, may safely be reposed with Him who judges all things, and whose goodness is equal to his wis dom. But man is not debarred from. using remonstrance with a brother whom he conceives to err; and, putting out of the question all the peculiar circumstances of palliation alluded to, we should be tempted, had we the opportunity, to warn such proselytes as we have supposed, that their case was deeply serious. We should earnestly im plore them to consider whether they were not trifling with a high privi. lege: conferred on theme by Providence; whether they were not trampling on means of grace which many prphets and kings, the Bedes

Protestants. That the ideas of this amiable and admirable man were erroneous on both these points, both as to the tendency and as to the fact, we are very decided in thinking, and should not despair, if we had a fit occasion, of fully proving. Deep submissiveness and child-like docility, are as strictly and imperatively duties in the Protestant as in the Catholic system, whatever may be the difference respect ing the objects to which these graces should be directed; and, on the other hand, 'whatever 'may some times be the case in the controversial writings of Protestants, (to which, as we conjecture, the reading of Fenelon in this department was confined), their hortatory" "and" devotional compositions enforce the duties in question as earnestly and as affectionately, though perhaps not always as ably, as his own.

These observations we make, advisedly, indeed, but with a velue

tance strong even to pain. They have been wrung from us only by a fear of the influence of error when sheltered under such authorities as Fenelon and Pascal; for we deeply feel how unworthy we are to offer even the slightest censures on men who appear to have made so emi nent a progress in the most exalted because the most sacred of all human pursuits. Let that progress be a subject of self-reproach, and a motive of exertion, to the professors of the Protestant faith; and let such, at the same time, feel themselves confirmed in their principles, by finding that the distinguished cha'racters on whom we have been descanting, whatever they might be in their creed, were in the temper of their hearts essentially Protestant. As one proof that this was the case with Pascal, and also as an appropriate termination to the comments of the Christian Observer on the merits of that great man, we shall now conclude with extracting some petitions from one of his prayers; petitions which, if offered up sincerely, and through the merits of our Redeemer, will never be offered up in vain.

C'est pourquoi, mon Dieu, je m'adresse & vous, Dieu tout-puissant, pour vous deman

der un don que toutes les éréatures ensemble ne peuvent m'accorder. · Je n'aurois pas la

hardiesse de vous adresser mes cris, si quelqu' autré les pouvoit exaucer. Mais, mon Dieu, comme la conversion de mon cœurque je vous demande, est un ouvrage qui passe tous les efforts de la nature, je ne puis m'adresser qu'à l'auteur et au mâitre toutpuissant de la nature et de mon cœur. A qui crierai-je, Seigneur, à qui aurai-je rêcours, si ce n'est à vous? Tout ce qui n'est pas Dieu, ne peut pas remplir mon attente. C'est Dieu même que je demande et que je cherche; et c'est à vous seul, mon Dieu, que je m'adresse pour vous obtenir. Ourtez mon cœur, Seigneur; entrez dans cette place rebelle que les vices ont occupée. Il la tiennent sujette. Entrez-y comme dans la maison du fort; mais liez auparavant le fort et puissant ennemi qui la maitrise; et prenez ensuite les trésors qui y sont. Seigneur, prenez mes affections que le monde avoit volées; volez vous-même ce tresor, ou plutôt reprenez-lé, puisque c'est à vous qu'il appartient, comme un tribut que fe veus dois, puisque votre image y est empreinte. Vous l'y aviez formée, Seigneur, conde naissance; mais elle est toute effacée. au moment de mon baptême, qui est ma seL'idée du monde y est tellement gravée, que la vôtre n'est plus connoissable. Vous seul avez pû créer inon âme: vous seul pouvez la créer de nouveau; vous seul avez pû y former votre image: vous seul pouvez la rẽformer, et y réimprimer votre portrait effacé; 'c'est-à-dire, Jesus-Christ mon Sauveur, qui est votre image et le caractère de votre sub"stance."

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The entire work will be in ton volumes folio, and its cost will be 3001.

List of New Publications. Shoreditch church will soon be thus lighted, The cost of a shop lamp thus lighted will be 4l, per annum. Besides the original Com pany in Westminster, which has also a station in Worship-street, an establishment for the generation of gas has been opened in Water-lane, Fleet-street. It may be used at any distance to which there are pipes to convey it.

A Steam Packet Company has been form ed in London, for establishing conveyances by steam-boats on the River Thames. It is expected that, in the spring, boats of this description will be seen passing between London and Gravesend, London and Kingston, &c. The great advantage of these boats is their moving rapidly against both wind and tide.

A School of Physic has been established in Dublin. The Professors are for Anatomy, Chemistry, Botany, Theory of Medicine, Practice of Medicine, and the Materia Medica Sir P, Dun has endowed a Clinical Hospital, where each Professor gives clinical lectures for six months in succession, and a medical library. A diploma granted after three years' study, equals an Edinburgh or Glasgow diploma. A longer period is required to equal those of Oxford and Cambridge,


The grand work on Egypt and Syria, begun under Bonaparte, and of which two parts have been published, is to be finished under the sanction of the French Government. The whole work will contain about 1000 plates with corresponding letter-press.

M. Lamoureux, an able naturalist, and an eye-witness of the fall of stones at Agen, Sept. 5th, has transmitted the following relation to the Institute, the general depôt of all that is scientific and curious in France. "At eleven in the morning the sky was pure, calm, and transparent, as it is almost always in the southern provinces, and as it so rarely is on our foggy banks of the Seine. On a sudden, in the northwest, appeared at a great distance a dark cloud, with a very slow motion, and of apparently very circumscribed dimensions; for at the great altitude at which it was, its diameter did not appear more than a few feet. Presently its motion increased, the cloud roiled over itself with a noise resembling that of a continual thunder. A terrible explosion took place; the noise ceased; the cloud divided itself; at the same instant che inhabitants of several communes were struck with terror at seeing falling around them stones of a very considerable size, making holes in the earth several inches in depth, The Count de Villeneuve, Prefect of the Department, has collected several of them." M. Lamoureux has sent his brother, who is very curious in such researches, to the place, to obtain all the information he can procure. The stones collected at Agen resemble those found at l'Aigle, Laudes, and other places; but they are of a cleatet grey. and a thinner consistency. If they came from the moon, they must belong to a more refined manufacture than we have hitherto seen.-M. Lamoureux proposes to deposit these beautiful specimens at the Institute.



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