Buckley * has shed as much blood as the former ; but I cannot forbear saying (and I hope it will not look like envy) that we regard our brother Buckley as a kind of Drawcansir, who spares neither friend nor foe ; but generally kills as many of his own... The British Essayists: The Tatler - Page 113by Alexander Chalmers - 1803Full view - About this book
| Great Britain - 1710 - 454 pages
...confefs'd, the Redoubted Mr. Buckley has (bed as much Blood as the former ; but I cannot forbear faying, (and I hope it will not look like Envy) that we regard our Brother Buckley as a kind of Drarvca»fir, who fpares neither Friend or Foe. But generally kills as many of his own Side as the... | |
| Sir Richard Steele - English essays - 1712 - 398 pages
...contefs'd, the Redoubted Mr. Bufklcy has (hed as much Blood as the former ; but I cannot forbear faying, (and 'I hope it will not look like Envy) that we regard our Brother Buckley as a kind ofDravctm-^.f Jirt who fpares neither Friend or Foef But gene-- " rally kill- as many of his own Side... | |
| 1751 - 330 pages
...it wiil not look like Envy) that we regard our Brother Bucklei as a kind of Drawcanjir, who fpares neither Friend nor Foe ; but generally kills as many of his own Side as the Enemy's. It is impoiTible for this ingenious Sort of Men to fubfift after a Peace : Every one remembers... | |
| Sir Richard Steele, Joseph Addison - England - 1774 - 344 pages
...confeffed, the redoubted Mr. Buckley •has fhed as much blood as the former ; but I cannot forbear faying (and I hope it will not look like envy) that we regard our brother Buckley as a kind of Draivcanjfr, who fpares neither friend nor foe ; but generally kills as many of his own fide as the... | |
| 1785 - 698 pages
...confeifed, the redoubted Mr. Buckley has ihed as muchblcxxT as the former; but I cannot forbear faying (and I hope it will not look like envy) that we regard oar brother Buckley as a kind of Drawcanfir, who fpares neither friend nor foe, but generally kills... | |
| Sir Richard Steele - English essays - 1786 - 516 pages
...the redoubted Mr. BUCKLEY * has fhed as much blood as the former; but I cannot forbear faying (and 1 hope it will not look like envy) that we regard our brother BUCKLEY as a kind of Drawcanjir, who fpares neither friend nor foe; but generally kills as many of his own fide as the enemies.... | |
| English essays - 1804 - 416 pages
...confessed, the redoubted Mr. Buckley " has shed as much blood as the former ; but I cannot forbear saying (and I hope it will not look like envy) that we regard...remembers the shifts they were driven to in the reign of kingCharles the Second, when they could not furnish out a single paper of news, without lighting up... | |
| English essays - 1823 - 380 pages
...confessed, the redoubted Mr. Buckley! has shed as much blood as the former ; but I cannot forbear saying (and I hope it will not look like envy,) that we regard...for this ingenious sort of men to subsist after a * " The Post-boy" was a scandalous weekly paper, by Abel Roper ; and " The Flying Post," by George... | |
| English essays - 1823 - 374 pages
...the redoubted Mr. Buckley! has shed as much blood as the former; but I cannot forbear saying (and 1 hope it will not look like envy,) that we regard our...for this ingenious sort of men to subsist after a * " The Post-boy" was a scandalous weekly paper, by Abel Roper; and " The Flying Post," by George Kidpath,... | |
| English essays - 1829 - 798 pages
...confessed, the redoubted Mr. Buckley} has shed as much blood as the former ; but I cannot forbear saying (and I hope it will not look like envy) that we regard...but generally kills as many of his own side as the enemy's. It is impossible for this ingenious sort of men to subsist after a peace : every one remembers... | |
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