ཀློ་་ རྨའད↑ ། ད་བ PRO UNITIS DICECESIBUS CASSEL. ET IMELAC: LECTA, APPROBATA, EDITA ET PROMULGATA CUI INTERFUIT CLERUS UTRIUSQUE DIŒCESENS, HABITA PRIMA HEBDOMADA MENSIS SEPTEMBRIS, AB ILLMO. et REVmo. D. D. THOMA BRAY, "Attende tili et Doctrinæ, insta in illis; hoc enim faciens, accurante et emendante Patricio Lynch VOL. I. a Cappsn Supe DUBLINII: EX TYPOGRAPHEO HUGONIS FITZPATRICK, Typographi et Bibliop. Rom. Cuth. Coll. de Maşınoslh. MDCCCXII. 1 INDEX CONTENTORUM. VOL. 1. DE utilitate Synodi Diocesanæ, &c. De Confirmationis Sacramento De Missis Defunctorum ... De Extremæ Unctionis III 6 ... ... ... VIII 34 . VIII 34. VIII 39 De Officio Parochi et Verbi Dei prædicatione De Collationibus Theologicis De Confraternitatibus De Scholis Parochialibus et Scho Cap. Pag De Patronis Locorum et Vigiliis Defunctorum De Vicariis Generalibus et Foraneis De Examinatoribus et Judicibus querelarum De Fide Divina ... De decretis Congregationum de De Votis Mulierum statutum De Vigilia omnium Sanctorum XVI 72 XVII 37 XVIII 77 XX 80 XXI 82. XXII 83 De Maleficiis, Magia et similibus De Officio Divino seu Horis Canonicis De Liberis Muratoribus, (Free Ma wakes, &c. Succession of the Archbishops of Cashel 109 Historical Memoirs of the Archbishops of Names of the Priests and Parishes in Cashel Regulations at a Provincial Synod in Cork, in 1808 VOL. IF. Page 134 Exhortations on the Christian Doctrine, in English, Part the first The same, on the collateral page, in Irish 135 Same, on the collateral page, in Irish ... 152 153 186 ... 187 202 Instructions on Confession and Commu- Regulations for Matrimony, in English, first Suppression of Patrons, in English Regulations for Stations of Confession Cautions to Communicants, in English 261 |