THE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN CHRISTIAN UNION, Under the direction of the Executive Committee. AT 17 BEEKMAN-STREET. ...... 1853. D. Fanshaw, Printer, 35 Ann-st. cor. Nassau. INTRODUCTION. The present is the Fourth Volume of THE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN CHRISTIAN UNION. When bound it will make a book of five hundred and seventy six pages of well printed and interesting intelligence, relating almost exclusively to the diffusion of the Gospel among those in our own country as well as in foreign lands, who have been misled by the pretensions and heresies of Romanism. And all this to subscribers for the sum of one dollar, with the addition of a few cents for postage. The reader will find in this volume many articles of permanent value, such as those relating to the honor due, according to the Scriptures, to the blessed Mother of our Lord; the teachings of the Douay, or Romish version of the Bible, on the way of Salvation; the admirable discourse of Dr. Merle d'Aubigné on the Antinomies or Contradictions which Characterize the Present Age; and many others, some of which will probably be published in the form of tracts. In regard to the value of its contents, this volume will well compare with the three which have preceded it. In typographical appearance it is much superior to them. We entertain the hope that this periodical will continue to improve and to become more and more worthy of the patronage which it now enjoys. Our readers will remark a greatly enlarged correspondence with foreign lands, both in our own Hemisphere and that of the Old World. The communications from Ireland, Sweden, France, Italy, |