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The last look, the last words, still lie riveted in your mind. And surely you have not forgotten your thoughts at that moment. "Could I bring him or her back again, my life I would not consider dear unto me, that I might prove my affection by my kindness and devotion." And yet do you believe your friends are in heaven? then why wish to deprive them of happiness? rather look to yourselves; see to it, that by your own repentance, and by bringing your children and neighbours around you to repentance, you promote their happiness; remembering that there is joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.

But we must return to the consideration of the manner in which men are brought to repentance. The Divine Being who has the hearts of all at his disposal, can make use of the humblest instruments to promote his glory, and employs various means to bring sinners to repentance; but the means which he has in a peculiar manner appointed, is the preaching of the Gospel, for which he has set apart a body of men

in all ages, whose peculiar duty and honour it is he has made it, however, a peculiar characteristic of his Gospel, that it should be preached to the poor, and in order to encourage the laity in assisting and aiding in this grand work, he has promised temporal blessings to those who honour him with their substance, and assured them that by giving the means of promoting the repentance of sinners, they are fellow-workers with God himself, and agents in promoting the happiness of heaI have on a former occasion referred to this subject, and it has afforded much satisfaction to the officers of the church to see with what readiness many have come forward to promote the interests of the Redeemer's kingdom; but we may be assured that the time is coming when instead of thinking we have done much, we shall be surprised that we could have for a moment hesitated. The period for exertion will soon be over with all of us; but still whilst the opportunity is left to us we must be up and doing. We have


one before us, who has spent his life in the cause, and who must, as he finds age treading upon him, be often contemplating the time when he shall have to render an account of his stewardship to Him. who only has a right to demand it. How desirous ought we to be, my brethren, that his last days should be his best days, and that ere he lay his aged head in the grave, whither we are all hasting, he should see that provision made for the poor of his flock, which may be the means of bringing generations yet unborn to the knowledge of Jesus, and of diffusing joy among the inhabitants of heaven, when this generation is gathered to our fathers! But which of us, my brethren, is not called upon by the same consideration? We are all dying creatures; the grave no sooner closes upon one than it calls for another; the habiliments of mourning are ever amongst us, and if we are hoping and which of us does not hope to join the blessed assembly above, regard for our own joy, as well as for that

of others, when we have departed this life, will stimulate us to exertion for the repentance and eternal salvation of sinners.

Many of you have contributed, and that very liberally, in furtherance of the cause which I am again presenting to your notice, and which is more particularly specified on the cards which I have this morning laid before you. One object for which they are there placed is, that strangers who visit our church, but who cannot be expected to contribute much, may amongst their friends raise something, in order to provide for the accommodation of the poor who cannot provide for themselves: but the principal object is, I confess, that you may introduce them into your families, and among your acquaintance; so that your servants, and your little children, even the little lambs of the flock, may early learn to follow their Saviour, and be taught that their first object in life is to be about their heavenly Father's business.

That much may be done in this way,

and that a blessing will come upon all who exert themselves, I have no doubt; so convinced am I of the truth of it, that if collectors could be obtained, I should be glad to see them visiting the cottages of the poor, and enabling even the humblest, the widow with her two mites, to be a fellow-worker with God, and thus to call down the blessing of heaven upon her humble but honest exertions. Already the work has been begun, and as far as it is gone it has prospered. Many of the children of this congregation have laboured in the cause, and I have this morning to thank, publicly to thank, the servants of many of your families, for their liberal contributions to the object we have in view.

But there is one circumstance, which I cannot be satisfied without bringing before you, and urging upon the serious consideration of every parent. Previously to the departure of my young friends in the gallery for their vacation, I called them together, and requested that they would

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