Page images

of Jamaica, and the author of the History of the Maroon War, Percival, Aubrey, &c.

Oct. 22. At Glasgow, Mrs Mary Smellie, relict of George M'Coll, merchant, Glasgow.

At St Quivox, Mrs M'Quhae, relict of the Rev. Dr M Quhae, late minister of that parish. At Greenock, Mr Thos. Stewart, bookseller. At Glasswood, Berwickshire, in his 70th year James Hill, Esq. of Walthamstow, near London. At Portobelio, William Caldwell, Esq. 23. Edward Stanley, Esq. aged 90, for many years his Majesty's Consul-General at Trieste. - At Kerse, Mrs Greenshields; and on the 26th, Isabella. youngest daughter of John Greenshields, Esq. of Kerse.

-At Queen's Elm, Brompton, Lieut.-Colonel Reginald Jas. late of the 37th regiment, aged 54. At Boarhills, Mary Bell, relict of the late Jas. Philp, Esq. of Boarhills.

24. At Glasgow, Mr George Wingate, manufacturer there.

- At Edinburgh, Isabella, eldest daughter of Dr John Thomson.

- At Edinburgh, Mrs Marion Mansfield, widow of James Mansfield, Esq. of Midmar.

25. At Aberdeen, Francis Suther, Esq. factor to the Most Noble the Marquis and Marchioness of Stafford, on the estate of Sutherland.


At Strathtyrum, James Cheape, Esq. of - At Montrose, Mrs Aberdein, senior, in the 83d year of her age.

John Hamilton, Esq. of Broomfield, aged 86 At Dupplin Castle, the seat of the Earl of Kinnoull, of a brain fever, Miss Hammond, the only child of Lieut.-General Sir Thomas and Lady Hammond, aged sixteen years and three months.

- At Ditton, near London, George Alexander Wylie, eldest son of the late Dr Wylie.

27. At Glasgow, Ann Bolling Buchanan, daughter of James William Alston, Esq.

30. Near North Queensferry, William Gurley, Esq. of Petershope, St. Vincent's, Captain in the 55th or Aberdeenshire regiment of militia.

At Dublin, after a protracted illness, the Rev. C. R. Maturin, M. A. Curate of St Peter's' Nov. 2. At Irvine, William Snodgrass, Esq. in his 84th year.

of Kirkton.

In the 72d year of his age, John Craig, Esq. Mrs Ann Welsh, relict of Mr Alex. Tweedie,

late in Dreva.

At her house, Leith-Street, Edinburgh, Mrs Ann Donaldson, relict of the late Mr Thomas Donaldson, merchant there.

At Aberdeen, Widow Primrose, aged 103. 4. At Mouswald manse, the Rev. Jacob Dickson, minister of that parish, in the 88th year of his age, and 55th of his ministry.

At Dalkeith, in his 74th year, Dr Andrew Graham, physician.

5. Near Salisbury, Captain Kenneth Mackenzie, R. N., only surviving son of the late James Mackenzie, Esq. of Forret. It is but justice to the memory of this brave and distinguished officer to say, that he was an ornament to his country. He fought in many of her battles, in which he was repeatedly severely wounded. The consequences attending a wound in his head put a period to his valuable life, and left his friends to mourn their sad and severe loss.

At Edinburgh, Wm. Russell, Esq. advocate. At Brechin, Mrs Hill, in the 88th year of her age.

6. At Glasgow, Mrs Ann Blair, aged 91, relict of the deceased Æneas M'Pherson, Esq. of Flichity, Inverness-shire.

At Dunfermline, the Rev. Dr Black, one of the ministers of the Chalmers's Street, congregation there, much and justly regretted.

At Ecclefechan, James Miller, Esq. of Castlebank, in the 82d year of his age. By his industry and activity, he had, from very low begin

nings, accumulated a fortune, said to amount to
Nov. 7. At Mount Bothwell Cottage, the infant
son of Captain Louis Campbell, R. N.

At Crescent, near Dundee, Miss Brown, daughter of the late Professor Brown, St. An drew's, and sister to the present Principal Brown, Aberdeen.

- At Stockbridge, Mr Charles Manson, late of Tobago. 8. At the manse of Annan, the Rev. William Hardie Moncrieff, minister of that parish.

9. Major-General Thomasry, of the 3d regiment of guards.

-The Hon. Francis Howard, youngest daughter of Lord Howard of Effingham.

- At Dublin, Richard Earl of Annesley, Vis count Gerawly, and Baron Castlewillan.

10. Mary Anne Maxwell, wife of Jas. Knowles, Esq. eldest daughter of the late William Mawell, Esq. of Yaxley, Huntingdon, and niece of the late George Maxwell, Esq. of Flitton Lodge, Lincoln-shire.

-At Tarbes, south of France, Mrs Hodgson, wife of Captain Hodgson, R. N.

11. At Annan, Mrs Irvine, relict of Robert Irvine, Esq. of Woodhall, aged 87.

Suddenly, the Rev. J. sLapslie, of Campsie.一 At Kensington, near London, aged 61, Mrs Isabel Lister, widow of the Rev. David Wilkie, late minister of the parish of Cults, Fifeshire.

13. At Hendon, Thomas Nicoll, Esq. formerly Lieutenant-Colonel of the 70th regiment.

- At Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, Miss Clementia Cleghorn.

14. At Dalkeith, Mr John Bruce, son of the late Mr Alexander Bruce, upholsterer.

At Lanark, John Mackenzie. Esq. Sheriff Substitute there.

15. William Thomson, Esq. of Thornbank, near Stranraer, aged 68. His death was quite unexpected; he left his own house during the day in usual health, to take his accustomed walk in the fields, but not returning according to expectation, his family made inquiry at the houses of their neighbours, but learned nothing: search was then made in the direction which he had taken, when his body was found lying beside a dyke, from the top of which it appeared be had been precipitated by a heavy gale of wind.

At Edinburgh, aged 93, Mrs Anna Foggo, widow of the late Rev. James Watson, one of the ministers of Canongate.

16. At Killermont, Miss Laura Colquhoun, youngest daughter of the late Lord Clerk Register.

17. At Moffat, Mrs Elizabeth Loehead, formerly of Glasgow, and relict of the late Rev. John Johnston, Ecclefechan.

-At Transy, near Dumfermline, John Wilson, Esq. late Provost of Dunfermline.

18. At Edinburgh, Hugh Fraser, Esq. younger of Eskadale.

19. At Edinburgh, Emily Jane, fifth daughter of Ceneral Sir John Hope.

- At Edinburgh, Mrs Ann Christie, aged 77, widow of the late Captain James Christie, of the city guard, much and justly regretted. -20. At Edinburgh, Mrs Harriet Mitchelson, relict of Dr Daniel Rutherford, Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh.

23. At Cupar, Catharine Buist, wife of John Inglis, Esq. of Colluthie.

Lately. At the Island of New Providence, in the West Indies, Captain W. R. Dawkins, Commander of his Majestys ship Helicon.

At Woodbridge, aged 62 years, Charlotte Skinner. She was letter carrier in that place upwards of 80 years, and is supposed to have walked a distance of nearly 80,000 miles in that capacity, being more than three times the circumfe rence of the globe.

In the Alms-houses, Cupar, Agnes Young, widow, aged 90 years.

J. Ruthven & Son, Printers.


ACADEMY, Scottish Military, account of,


Admiralty, case in the Scottish Court of,


Adventure, a singular one, 585
Aeronaut, death of Mr Sadler the, 631
Africa-Disastrous intelligence from Cape

Coast confirmed, 112-Further ac-
counts from, 240-Defeat of the Ash-
antees, 496

Agnew Case of Entails, remarks on the, 3.
Agricultural Reports, 124, 250, 379,
508, 635, 763
Appointments, Promotions, &c. 121,247,
376, 506, 634, 761
Arab, the, to his Horse, 275
Arbroath, spinning-mills in, 753
Assembly, General, sketches of the early
history of the, 86, 198, 320, 467,
589, 730

Associate Synod suspend the Rev. Mr
Fletcher of London, who contemns
their authority, 504

Aurora Borealis, Observations on the, 49
Auto-Biography of Gilbert Greenwood,
Part I. 153 - Part II. 293
Balladers, a Lament for the, 312
Bankrupts, lists of British, 125, 251,
380, 509, 636, 765

Barclay Drummond; or Memoirs of an
Exile, 93

Baxter, the Rev. Andrew, and Francis
Halliday, History of, 34
Bay Leaves, review of, 547
Bills of Exchange, &c. remarks on Glen's
Treatise on the Law of, 355

Birman Empire, war between the East
India Company and the, 239, 366,


Births, 126, 254, 381, 510, 638, 766
Boutourlin, Colonel, review of his history
of the campaign in Russia, 641
Brazil, accounts from, 624

Brewster, Dr, letter of, respecting Oil
Gas, and Professor Leslie's Photome-
ter, 741

Brougham, Mr, assaulted in the lobby of
the House of Commons, 502

Bullock, Mr, review of his work on
Mexico, 218

Buonaparte, Henri Quatre, Louis XIV.
and Cromwell, comparison of, 569

Burghs, chief magistrates of, 631
Bursting of an internal lake in Yorkshire,


Byron, Lord, review of Medwin's Con-
versations of, 607

Byron and Burns, dialogue between, 699
Calamitous Fires in Edinburgh, 120,755
Campaign in Russia, review of Boutour-

lin's military history of the, in 1812,

Carey, David, Esq. death of, 637
Character and writings of Dr Tucker,

Church of Scotland, General Assembly of

the, sketches of its early history, No.
II. 86-No. III. 198-No. IV. 320-
No. V. 467-No. VI. 589-No. VII.

Circuit Courts of Justiciary, proceedings
of, 505, 627
Civilization, on the progress of, 291-
Retrospective view of, 400
Classical Reveries, No. VII. 314
Classical Learning, Letters to the Editor
on, 336, 398

Clergymen, Town and Country-History
of the Rev. Andrew Baxter and Fran.
cis Halliday, 34
Clyde, scenery of the, 139
Coal and Oil-Gas Controversy, 736
Columbia, message of the Vice-President

to the Congress of, 113
Conflagration, dreadful ones in the High-
Street and Parliament Square of Edin-
burgh, 120, 755

Controversy regarding Coal and Oil Gas,

[blocks in formation]

Esq. to the Oil Gas Company, 738-
Letter from Edward Turner, Esq. and
Professor Christison, 740-from Dr
Brewster, 741-from Mr Pollock, Sec-
retary to the Dublin Oil Gas Company,
ib. of Vindex, from the Caledonian
Mercury, in answer to Dr Brewster,
&c., 744

Dramatic Sketch, 661
Dream, the Pilgrim's, 45
Dublin, a trip to Lochlomond and, 703
Duel, fatal one near Edinburgh, 754
Dundee, commercial prosperity of, 753
Earth, the, remarks on the figure of, 25
Edgefield, 70-Meeting of the Literary

and Poetical Association of, 74
Edinburgh, Walks in, by Dick Pepper-
mint, Walk I, 89-Walk II, 210-
Walk III, 339-Walk IV, 527-
Dreadful Conflagrations in, 120, 755
Education, Military, remarks on Mr
Scott's Academy for, 214
Education in the Grammar Schools, Let-
ters on, 336, 398

Egypt and Italy, review of scenes and
impressions in, 61

Elocution, notice of several works on,
679-Mr Roberts' Guide to, 698
Encyclopædia, review of the Scottish
Gallovidian, 385

English Literature, the influence of the
French Revolution on, 305

Ennius, character of, 133

Entails, Scotch, remarks on the Law of,
1-Decision in the case of Vans Agnew
considered, 3

Epistle from the Moon, 406
Essay on Punctuation, 413

Evening Star, verses to the, 696

sociate Synod, but refuses to give up
his pulpit, 504

France. The ministry in a minority in
the Chamber of Peers, 110-Changes
in the Cabinet of, 237-Censorship of
the Press re-established, 364-Death
of Louis XVIII., and accession of
Charles X., 494

Francesco of Rimini, 675

Fraser, Lieutenant John, notice of his
death, 128
Freedom, 320

French Revolution, its influence on En-
glish Literature, 305

Gallovidian Encyclopædia, review of the
Scottish, 385

Gas, Coal and Oil, documents regarding
the respective qualities of, 736
General Assembly of the Church of Scot-
land, sketches of the early history of
the, No. II. 66-No. IIL 198 No.
IV. 320-No. V. 467-No. VI. 589-
No. VII. 730

Gentleman, the real one, 310
Gilbert Greenwood, the auto-biography of,

Part I. 153-Part II. 293

Giulio Adorno, 409
Glenhowan, the Family of, 225, 281
Glory, 288

Gourlay, Mr, assaults Mr Brougham in
the lobby of the House of Commons,


Greece. Arms of, successful against the
Turks, 112-State of affairs in, 239-
Military and Naval actions in, 365-
623, 750

Grammar Schools, proposed new system
of Education in, 336, 398

Hacket, Mr Alexander, death of, 637

Eventual disuse of War, on the, 289, Harvest Home, 163

400, 531, 665

Exile, memoirs of an, 93
Executions, 118

Extracts from the Portfolio of a Scholar,
129-State of the Latin Language in,
(В. С. 78,) ib.-Plagiarisms of Virgil,
133 Character of Ennius, ib. Deri-
vation of the word "Italy," 134-Iden-
tity of the Thracians and Illyrians,
155-The Pelasgi, 135-Cicero de Re-
publica, 137-Did the Scots sell Char-
les I. to the English Parliament? 513-
Theory of the Colonization of Italy,
518-Were the Crusades productive
of advantages to counterbalance their
immediate evils ? 522

Family of Glenhowan, the, 281, 225
Farewell to the Rose, 147
Fatal Presentiment, additional instances
of, 148

Fires, calamitous ones in Edinburgh, 120,


[blocks in formation]

Henri Quatre, Cromwell, Louis XIV.,
Buonaparte, comparison of some points
of character of, 569

High School of Edinburgh, examination
of the, 376

Hindmarsh, Mr, notice of his Rhetorical
Reading, 697

Hints respecting the establishment of
scientific institutions, 733
History, military, of the campaign in
Russia in 1812, review of, 641
Horace, Book I. Ode 37, 280
Human Life, by Mr Rogers, marginal
notes to, 487

Indies, East, War with the King of Ava,

239, 366, 496, 750
Infidel's Wife, the, 442

Influence of the French Revolution on

English Literature, 305
Insolence of Office, remarks on the, 99
Irvine, Washington, review of his Tales
of a Traveller, 325

Irvine, Dr, of Little Dunkeld, death of,


Italian Sunrise, *711

Italy and Egypt, scenes and impressions Metastasio's poem La Liberta, translation

in, review of, 61

Jacobite Song, 31

Jeune Français, voyage d'un, en Angle-
terre et en Ecosse, review of, 481
Johnson's life of Savage, notice of the
original edition of, 419
Johnston, Dr, of North Leith, notice of
the death of, 252

Judicature Bill, remarks on the Scots, 18,


Justiciary, High Court of, proceedings of
the, 117, 118, 120, 372, 759
La Liberta, translation of Melastasio's
poem of, 729

Lament for the Balladers, a, 312
Latin Language, state of, from the ter.
mination of the first Punic War till the
death of Sylla, 129

Law of Entail sin Scotland, remarks on, 1
Law Courts in Scotland, on the Bill for
better regulating the, 18
Law Case, not to be found in the books,
report of a, 67

Learning, Classical, estimate of, with a
view to a new arrangement of the
Grammar Schools, 335, 398

Leslie, Professor, statement of, regarding
the comparative qualities of Coal and
Oil Gas, 736

Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland
to James VI, anent publishing the
Workis of Mr Thomas Craig, 152
Letters from a plain man on the subject
of education, 336, 398

Library, Time's, 275

Literary and Scientific Institutions of Scot-
land, defence of, from the term "Ille-
gitimate," 184

Literature, English, influence of the
French revolution on, 305
Lochlomond and Dublin, a trip to, 703
Longevity, remarkable case of, 753
Love, a lover's thoughts on, 471
Louis XVIII., of France, death of, 494
Louis, XIV., Buonaparte, Henri Quatre,
and Cromwell, comparison of, 569
M'Culloch, Mr, his Preliminary Discourse
on Political Economy, 593
MacCulloch, Rev. Dr Robert of Dairsie,
death of, 512

Macdonald, Lord, notice of his death,


M'Millan, Daniel, a covenanter, account
of, 201

Mactaggart, John, review of his Scottish
Gallovidian Encylopædia, 385

Magistrates, chief, of Scottish Burghs,


Marginal notes to Mr Rogers' "Human
Life," 487

Marriages, 127, 254, 382, 510, 638, 766
Medwin, Captain, review of his Conver-
sations of Lord Byron, 607
Memoirs of an Exile, 93

of, 729

Meteorological Tables, 124, 250, 379,
508, 635, 763

Mexico, review of Bullock's six months
residence in, 218-Election of a Presi-
dent in, 751

Military Promotions, 121, 247, 376, 506,
632, 761

Military Academy in Edinburgh, notice
of, 214

Military history of the Campaign in
Russia in 1812, review of, 641
Miracles, defence of the letter to the Ed-
itor of the Edinburgh Review on, 257,
550, 676

Moon, epistle from the, to a celebrated
Professor, 406

My first sermon, 78
Nature, sketches from, 29, 459

Nero, the death of, a dramatic sketch,


Ode of Horace, 280
Odds and Ends-Magna Parvis, 343-
Collins and Gray, 345-Happy Mo-
ments, 346-Pope, Bowles, Byron, and
Cowper, 347-The alarmed Coterie, ib.
-Two antique Paintings, 348

Office, the insolence of, 99

Oil and Coal Gas, documents in the con-
troversy respecting, 736
Original Edition of Johnson's Life of Sa-
vage, 419

Oudney, Dr Walter, death of, 637
Pan, the death of, 466
Parliament, proceedings of, 115, 241,

367, 497, 625, 752
Pedestrian, the, No. 1, 557
Pericles, a Sonnet, 28
Peru, Bolivar proclaimed Dictator of, 115
-Reported victory of Bolivar in, 751
Philtre, the, 417
Photometer, Professor Leslie's, letter of
Dr Brewster, condemning it, 741-
Answer to, 744
Pilgrim's Dream, the, 45
Poetry-Posthumous works of Shelley, 14
-Loch-na-bo, 24-Pericles, a Sonnet,
28-Recollections of youthful scenes,
30-Jacobite song, 31-The pilgrim's
dream, 45-Woman's Love, 53-
Stanzas to a young lady on Valentine's
Eve, 60-Sonnet, by a lady of sensibi-
lity, 75-To the Moon, ib. Cantata,
from the Italian of Tappi, 76, The
infant's dream, ib. -Cupid's love, 77
-Mutual love, ib.- Walks in Edin-
burgh, 89, 210, 339, 527-Farewell
to the Rose, 147. - Death, 151-Bea-
trice Cenci, 183-Tea, 201-To an In-
fant, 209-TheArab to his horse, 275
-Sonnet, 278-Ode of Horace, 280-
Glory, 288-Freedom, 320-L' In-
triguante, 348-Sonnet, 360-Epistle
to the moon, 406-Giulio Adorno, 409
-The Philtre, 417-A poet's dedica-
tion to his mistress, 423-The death
of Pan, 466-Retrospection, 470-
Sonnet, 568-Byron, *616-To the
Evening Star, 696-Sonnet, 699-
Canzone, 702-Sonnet, 722-Metas-
tasio's poem La Liberta, 729-Italian
Sunrise, *744

Poet's dedication to his mistress, a, 423
Political Economy, Mr M' Culloch's Pre-
liminary Discourse on, 593
Portugal danger of the King from hos-
tile factions, 111
Pride and vanity, an allegory, 56
Promotions, Appointments, &c. 121,247,

376, 506, 631, 761
Prussia, left-handed marriage of the
King of, 750

Public conversations, a slap at, by a pe-
dant, 81

Publications, monthly lists of new ones,
107, 234, 362, 490, 619, 746
Punctuation, an essay on, 413
Quippini, a poem, by Peter Marvel, 434
Rattle-snake, account of a, in the museum

of Glasgow, 375
Real gentleman, the, 310
Recollections of youthful scenes, 30
Reminiscences, travelling, No. II, 171
Remarks on Scotch entails, and the Ag-
new case, 1-On the Scots Courts of
Law Bill, 18, 425-On the figure of
the earth, 25-On the Aurora Borealis,
49-On the insolence of office, 89-On
Mr Scott's military academy, 214-On
the character and writings of Dr Tuck
er, 279-On Glen's law of bills of ex-
change, &c. 355

Report of an adjudged law case, not to
be found in the books-Shakspeare, v.
the author of Waverley, 67

Retrospection, 470

Revenue, British, quarterly returns of
the, 243, 631
Reveries, Classical, No. VII, 314
Review of Shelley's posthumous poems, 11
-Of scenes and impressions in Egypt
and in Italy, 61-Of Bullock's resi-
dence in Mexico, 218-Of tales of a
traveller, 325-Of the Scottish Gallo-
vidian Encyclopædia, 385-Of voyage
d'un jeune Français en Angleterre et en
Ecosse, 481-Of Smith's bay leaves,
547-Of Captain Medwin's Conversa-
tions of Lord Byron, 607-of Bou-
tourlin's Campaign in Russia in 1812,


Review, Edinburgh, defence of letter to
the Editor of on miracles, 257, 550,676
Rimini, Francesca of, 675

Roberts, Mr, notice of his Guide to Elo-
cution, 698

Royal burghs, meeting of the convention,
of, 246-extraordinary meeting of the,

Russia, campaign in, of 1812, review of
military history of, 641

Sadler, Mr, the aeronaut, killed by a fall
from his balloon, 631

Sandwich Islands, death of the King and
Queen of, in London, 245
Savage, original edition of Johnson's life
of, 419

Scenery of the Clyde, 139
Scholar, extracts from the Portfolio of a,

Scientific Institutions, hints regarding their
establishment in various parts of the
country, 733

Scotch Entails, remarks on the law of, 1
Scots Judicature, remarks on the propos-
ed bill for better regulating the forms
of process in the Courts of Law in
Scotland-1. Views of Government, 18
-2. Scots Acts of Sederunt, 20-3
Signet summonses and writs, 22-As-
similation of the Jurisprudence of Bri-
tain and Ireland, 425-Bill-Chamber,
427-Writs and special pleadings, 430
Scotland, defence of the Literary and Sci-
entific Institutions of, 184
Scottish Military Education, observations
on, 214

Scottish Gallovidian Encyclopædia, review
of the, 385

Sermon, my first one, 78
Shark caught in Scotland, 754
Shelley, Mr, review of his posthumous

poems, 11

Singular adventure, 585
Sketches from Nature, 29, 459
Sketches of the early history of the Ge-
neral Assembly of the Church of Scot-
land, No. II. 86- No. III. 198 No.
IV. 320-No. V. 467-No. VI. 589
-No. VII. 730

Slap at public conversations, by a pedant,

Sonnets, 28, 75, 278, 360, 568, 699, 722
Spain-Tyrannical government of Ferdi.
nand, 111-Change of Ministry in,
237-Commotions in, 365-Sanguin-
ary mandate of the Police Minister,
495 and decree of the King, 623-
Further commotions in, 749

Stage Coach, the, 349
Stanzas to a young lady on Valentine's
Eve, 60

Steam-yacht, the, 562
Tale from the German, 575
Tales of a Traveller, review of, 325
Tartarus, voice from, 690
Tea, 201

Thoughts on love, a lover's, 471
Time's Library, 278

Tombe of Harrold, the, 479

Town and Country Clergymen-The Rev.
Andrew Baxter and Francis Halliday,

Traveller, the, No. I. 418

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