Between the east and west; and half the sky Was rooff'd with clouds of rich emblazonry, tion which is essential to a great poet, and in Mr Shelley it overshadows even his powers of conception, which are unquestionably very great. It is by no means improbable, however, that this extreme anxiety to embody his ideas in language of a lofty and uncommon cast, may have Brighter than burning gold, even to the contributed to that which is undoubtedly the besetting sin of his poetry, its extreme vagueness and obscurity, and its tendency to allegory and personification. Dark purple at the zenith, which still grew Down the steep west into a wondrous hue rent Where the swift sun yet paus'd in his de scent Among the many-folded hills,—they were Those famous Euganean hills, which bear, As seen from Lido through the harbour The likeness of a clump of peaked isles— Around the vaporous sun, from which Hence it is in the vague, unearthly, and mysterious, that the peculiar power of his mind is displayed. Like the Goule in the Arabian Tales, he leaves the ordinary food of men, to banquet among the dead, and revels with a melancholy delight in the gloom of the churchyard and the cemetery. He is in poetry what Sir Thomas Browne is in prose, perpetually hovering on the confines of the grave, prying with a terrible curiosity Said my companion, “I will show you into the secrets of mortality, and speculating with painful earnestness on every thing that disgusts or appals mankind. But when, abandoning these darker themes, he yields himself to the description of the softer emotions of the heart, and the more smiling scenes of Nature, we know no poet who has felt more intensely, or described with more glowing colours the enthusiasm of love and liberty, or the varied aspects of Nature. His descriptions have a force and clearness of painting which are quite admirable; and his imagery, which he accumulates and pours forth with the prodigality of genius, is, in general, equally appropriate and original. How forcible is this Italian sunset, from the first poem in the present collection, entitled Julian and Maddalo, a piece of a very wild, and not a very agreeable cast, but rich in eloquent and fervid painting! As those who pause on some delightful way, Though bent on pleasant pilgrimage, we Looking upon the evening and the flood, Through mist, an heav'n-sustaining bul- there came The inmost purple spirit of light, and made fade," soon A better station." So o'er the lagune I lean'd, and saw the city, and could mark And ever as she went, the Image lay With folded wings and unawakened eyes; And o'er its gentle countenance did play The busy dreams, as thick as summer flies, Chasing the rapid smiles that would not stay, and how much it may be injured by a harsh line, an imperfect or forced rhyme, a defective syllable, or, as is often the case here, an unfortunate [ occurring in the middle of a stanza. Others, however, are fortunately in a more finished state; and And drinking the warm tears, and the though even in these it is probable sweet sighs Inhaling, which, with busy murmur vain, They had arous'd from that full heart and brain. And ever down the prone vale, like a cloud Upon a stream of wind, the pinnace went : Now lingering on the pools, in which abode The calm and darkness of the deep content In which they paus'd; now o'er the shallow road Of white and dancing waters, all besprent With sand and polish'd pebbles :—mortal boat In such a shallow rapid could not float. And down the earthquaking cataracts, which shiver Their snow-like waters into golden air, Or under chasms unfathomable ever Sepulchre them, till in their rage they tear A subterranean portal for the river, It fled, the circling sunbows did upbear Its fall down the hoar precipice of spray, Lighting it far upon its lampless way. By far the greater number of the pieces which the present volume contains are fragments, some of them in a very unfinished state indeed; and though we approve the feeling which led the friends of Mr Shelley to collect thein all, we question whether a selection, from the more finished pieces, would not have been a more prudent measure, as far as his fame is concerned. It dissolves entirely the illusion which we wish to cherish as to the intuitive inspiration-the estro of poetry-to be thus admitted, as it were, into the workshop of Genius, and to see its materials confused and heaped together, before they have received their last touches from the hand of the poet, and been arranged in their proper order. And it is wonderful how much the effect of the finest poem depends on an attention to minutiæ, that much is wanting, which the last touches of the author would have given, we have no fear but that, imperfect as they are, they will bear us out in what we have said of the powers of the poet. What a quiet stillness breathes over this description of The Pine Forest OF THE CASCINE, NEAR PISA! The whispering waves were half asleep, It seemed as if the day were one We paused amid the Pines that stood With stems like serpents interlaced. How calm it was !-the silence there By such a chain was bound, That even the busy woodpecker Made stiller by her sound. The inviolable quietness; The breath of peace we drew, The calm that round us grew. Of the white mountain's waste, Our mortal Nature's strife. The magic circle there, The breathless atmosphere. We stood beside the pools that lie A purple firmament of light, Which in the dark earth lay, More boundless than the depth of night, And clearer than the day In which the massy forests grew, As in the upper air, Like one beloved, the scene had lent Its every leaf and lineament With that clear truth expressed. There lay for glades and neighbouring lawn, And through the dark green crowd Sweet views, which in our world above An atmosphere without a breath, Until a wandering wind crept by, Like an unwelcome thought, For thou art good, and dear, and kind, We should pity any one who could peruse the following affecting lines, entitled "Stanzas written in dejection, near Naples," without the strongest sympathy for their unfortunate author. The sun is warm, the sky is clear, The waves are dancing fast and bright, Blue isles and snowy mountains wear The purple noon's transparent light Around its unexpanded buds; Like many a voice of one delight, The winds, the birds, the ocean floods, The City's voice itself is soft, like Solitude's. I see the Deep's untrampled floor With green and purple seaweeds strown; I see the waves upon the shore, Like light dissolv'd in star-show'rs, thrown: I sit upon the sands alone, Alas! I have nor hope nor health, Nor peace within nor calm around, Nor that content surpassing wealth The sage in meditation found, And walk'd with inward glory crown'dNor fame, nor pow'r, nor love, nor leisure. Others I see whom these surround, Smiling they live and call life pleasure; To me that cup has been dealt in another measure. Yet now despair itself is mild, Even as the winds and waters are ; I could lie down like a tired child, And weep away the life of care Which I have borne and yet must bear, Till death like sleep might steal on me, And I might feel in the warm air My cheek grow cold, and hear the sea Breathe o'er my dying brain its last monotony. Some might lament that I were cold, As I, when this sweet day is gone, Which my lost heart, too soon grown old, Insults with this untimely moan; They might lament, for I am one Whom men love not, and yet regret, Unlike this day, which, when the sun Shall on its stainless glory set, Will linger, though enjoy'd, like joy in memory yet. The following lines also appear to us extremely beautiful, though, in order to preserve the full effect of the rythm, they require some management in the reading. Lines. When the lamp is shattered As music and splendour The heart's echoes render No song when the spirit is mute : No song but sad dirges, Like the wind through a ruined cell, Or the mournful surges That ring the dead seaman's knell. When hearts have once mingled, To endure what it once possest. Why choose you the frailest For your cradle, your home, and your bier? Its passions will rock thee As the storms rock the ravens on high: Bright reason will mock thee, Like the sun from a wintry sky. From thy nest every rafter Will rot, and thine eagle home Leave the naked to laughter, When leaves fall and cold winds come. The following appear to us very much in the style of our old English lyric poets of the age of Charles I. Song Rarely, rarely, comest thou, Spirit of Delight! Many a day and night? Win thee back again? As a lizard with the shade Of a trembling leaf, Reproach thee, that thou art not near, Let me set my mournful ditty To a merry measure, Thou wilt never come for pity, Thou wilt come for pleasure; Pity then will cut away Those cruel wings, and thou wilt stay. I love all that thou lovest, Spirit of Delight! The fresh Earth in new leaves drest, And the starry night; Autumn evening, and the morn When the golden mists are born. I love snow, and all the forms Of the radiant frost ; I love waves, and winds, and storms, And such society As is quiet, wise, and good; Between thee and me VOL. XV. What difference? but thou dost possess I love Love-though he has wings, Thou art love and life! O come, Mutability. The flower that smiles to-day All that we wish to stay, Tempts and then flies; What is this world's delight? Lightning that mocks the night, Brief even as bright. Virtue, how frail it is! Friendship too rare! Love, how it sells poor bliss For proud despair! But we, though soon they fall, Whilst skies are blue and bright, Whilst eyes that change ere night Make glad the day; Whilst yet the calm hours creep, Dream thou-and from thy sleep Then wake to weep. Swifter far than summer's flight, Art thou come and gone: Lilies for a bridal bed, Pansies let my flowers be: Waste one hope, one fear for me. The longer poems, from which we have made no extracts, we think less interesting, though some of them, and particularly the Triumph of Life, an imitation of Petrarch's Trionfi, are written with very peculiar power and originality. Some translations are also included in this volume, of which the Scenes from Goethe's Faust, and Calderon's "Magico Prodigioso," are the most interesting. C SCOTS JUDICATURE BILL, Entituled, "An Act for the better regulating the Forms of Process in the Courts of Law in Scotland. I. VIEWS OF GOVERNMENT. "If it were possible, by proper regulations, to remove these evils," a 66 new cha. racter would be given to the administration of justice in Scotland, favourable to the litigants, honourable to the Judges, and, in time, affording effectual relief to the Court of ultimate Appeal."-Report of Mr Cleghorn-Appendix, p. 16. THE public are aware that the present system of the forms of adninistering justice in Scotland has been almost entirely regulated, since the Union, by Acts of Sederunt. It is undeniable that great abuses now exist. They have been forced upon the attention of the Legislature by the extraordinary number of appeals from Scotland, in comparison with those from England and Ireland. Some think that all the evils which have arisen are to be traced to the Bench; others, that "the principal point is, that Government shall do its duty by giving us learned, experienced, and conscientious Judges, who have not to learn their law on the Bench."-(Opinion of Mr Forsyth, Advocate, p. 146. All are agreed that our forms of process "stand in need of some improvement, or at least of some alteration," and that "there never can be a better opportunity than the present, for discussing and ascertaining what are the improvements or alterations most proper to be adopted, and how they can be most effectually carried into execution."-(Opinion of Mr Swinton, W. S.) This subject originated in the Report of a Committee of the House of Lords. Afterwards, the Act of 4 Geo. IV. c. 85,"to the intent that salutary regulations should be made and established," authorised his Majesty to appoint Commissioners to inquire into the forms of process in the Courts of Scotland, and appeals in the House of Lords. The Presidents of the Session, Exchequer, and Jury Courts, two Ordinary Judges of the Court of Session,-one of the Barons of Exchequer,-the Lord Advocate and Solicitor-General,-two Masters in Chancery,-two English Barrisers, two Scots Advocates, and one Principal Clerk of Session, were ap pointed Commissioners; and Royal instructions were issued to those Commissioners. The opinions of several eminent and learned persons in Scotland were taken. Those opinions, in an Appendix, and the Report of the Commissioners, have been printed. An Act of Parliament has been since introduced, which, after a considerable struggle, was got postponed till next Session, in order to afford the people of Scotland an opportunity of expressing their opinions. This liberality on the part of the Legislature, although nothing more than what the people were entitled to expect, will, no doubt, be duly appreciated by the public. It is, indeed, more liberal than any measure established by the Acts of Sederunt of the Scotch Judges since the Union, as to any of which it was never thought necessary to take the opinion of the country. It has been truly observed, that no measure since the Union has been set on foot, which is likely to be attended with more important results to Scotland than this Commission; and no Scotsman can await the resolutions which may be adopted, without the most anxious solicitude." (Opinion of Mr Put. Robertson, Advocate.) While appeals are competent to the House of Lords, and decided by an English Judge, it is not difficult to anticipate, that, in the progress of time, the Scotch forms and principles of law must be assimilated to those in England. From a conviction that the English system, upon the whole, is better adapted for dispatch, and the impartial administration of justice, than the Scots system, and that the mode of administering justice in England has been attended with |