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ART. XII.-Notoria; or Miscellaneous Articles of Philosophy, Literature and Politics.

From the Gentleman's Magazine. Mr. URBAN,-You have doubtless heard of Waterloo Waltzes, Waterloo Bonnets, Waterloo Shoes, &c. but not yet perhaps of Waterloo Literature. By this term, is meant a narratory style, which resembles the pell-mell of the Battle, and consists in bulls, erroneous dates, and writing history, without collation of the incidents, or examination of opposing authorities. Its general principle is, to give exparte evidence a grand display, that the reader may have the pleasure of finding it contradicted as he proceeds.

The intention of this essay being a jeu d'esprit, the names of the authors will not ill-naturedly be given: but the reader may be assured that the passages really exist.

The Battle commenced by the famous attack upon the villa called here Hougomont. The Literature also begins with a misoner: for it is allowed upon all sides that Goumont is the true appellation.

A Paddy, who was an eye-witness of this gallant affair, after an elegant pleonasm, informing us that the inhabitants fled to the forest of Soignes for security, "and in the hopes of saving their lives," says, that "our troops retiring into the garden did not yield one inch of their ground." The same writer speaking of the fruitless efforts of the enemy, uses these words, "at no period, during the day, notwithstanding the heavy masses of infantry and cavalry which were advanced against our centre, time after time, he was never able to force our position.'

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I proceed from hence to a concentrated account by an author, who with peculiar felicity distinguishes the ExEmperor by the elegant appellation of the Corsican.

The first thing I shall notice is an anarchy of dates and incidents, very similar to the bull before quoted. It is a letter of the Marquis of Anglesea, in exculpation of his regiment, the 7th Hussars.

This letter is dated Brussels, June 2, 1815, above a fortnight before the battle alluded to: and, notwithstanding, speaks of the 17th and 18th of that month; as well as bears the signature of Anglesea, not of Uxbridge. Now as

every body knows that the battles of Quartre-bras and Waterloo were fought upon the 16th and 18th of June, we are, I presume, to consider this letter as sent before it was written, or some such extraordinary event, far beyond the common course of things.

We are next told that Bonaparte ascended the Observatory, though it is plain that there were no means of so doing, and that the report of his guide disproves the fact.

Napoleon put himself at the head of his guard, consisting of fifteen hundred men: to which the enemy, greatly diminished in numbers, could offer no effectual resistance. As the guards amounted to fifteen thousand, the Cumpiler proves also to be a dealer in diminuation of numbers, and in a large way.

In defiance of the guide's account, Bonaparte is made to escape in his carriage, which is described as "a complete office, bedchamber, dressing-room eating-room, and kitchen." This Iliad in a nutshell is thus converted into an impossibility. Though Fielding says that stage-coachmen consider human beings only as baggage, whom, without regard to variations of size, by squeezing, they compress into the most portable form, to avoid waste of room; yet they would scratch their ingenious heads for a resolution of this wonderful convenience. The fact is, it only contained packages for various services, which were taken out and in, wherever Bonaparte stopped, as they were wanted; and were very ingeniously stowed in the carriage, like a dressing-case.

In a French account of the battle, mention is made of the ricochet shots of the English artillery. Ricochet shots mean those which bound along the ground like the duck and drake sport of boys upon ponds. The learned Compiler has converted ricochet into rocket, as the correct reading, and accordingly made quite a different material of the implement of war intended by the French writer. The following anecdote will illustrate the ingenuity of this conversion. It is usual at the Universities, upon matriculation of a student, to put down the father's profession. A great lawyer, upon his entrance, was required to state the calling of his fa

ther. As he was a native of the Northern coal counties, he replied, that his father was a fitter, an appellation given to a certain vocation connected with the trade of the black diamonds. Fitter, fitter! exclaimed the tutor; what is that? put down fiddler.

The Literature of the Secretaries of the two great Masters of the Art of War who were opposed to each other is equally amusing.

The dispatch of our illustrious Duke has like his own victories, no less than between forty and fifty ands in it: we have," at daylight in the morning," instead of "in the morning at daylight:" and, "between that river and the Meuse, between the 10th and 14th of the month," two betweens in one line: "excepting by following with," instead of "except by," &c.-The disjunctive powers of and are famously exhibited in the following sentence: "and having observed that the troops retired from the attack in great confusion; and that the march of General Bulow's corps by Frichemont upon Planchenoit and La Belle Alliance had begun to take effect: and as I could perceive the fire of his cannon, and as Marshal Blucher had joined in person," &c.-Grose tells the following story of poor Ames, the bibliographist. He had purchased a block of the capital A; and in order to make a grand display of his acquisition, began his Work with the conjunction and, though there was no preceding sentence. And and yet are the two great hacks of our language. Every body knows the admirable illustration of yet in the Aristarchus of Birch. It is singular too, that the Buonapartéan bulletins abound with short sentences, and the English with long-winded paragraphs. But, be the Literature of our gallant Heroes what it may, as Victory has bestowed the laurels instead of Apollo, long may they wear them in health, honour, happiness, and the deep respect of their grateful Country! They will not take ill a good humoured joke. They are too high-minded.

The boxing bulletins are not more curious than those of the Ex-Emperor. Towards the end of the day, the Duke of Wellington, through loss of men, fell back, to form a shorter line across the angle of the Nivelles and Charleroi roads. This was not unnoticed by Napoleon, who ordered an advance of some

corps, to occupy the ground deserted by the English voluntarily. Upon this event the bulletin observes, "In this state of affairs, the battle was gained!” From the other accounts by a French officer of the staff, it seems to be a rule, that, if the French penetrate within the lines of the Enemy, whether they are able to maintain themselves there or not, they are to be considered victorious. By the same logick, if a thief only enters a house, that house is already robbed; or, as the History of the Emperor Alexander tells us he saved the life of a drowned man, the battle is won, and the dead are alive by means of anticipation only. A. B. C.

Public-houses among the Classical Ancients.

The public-houses of the Classical Ancients were, in some things, different from ours. Plutarch mentions a Spartan, who, coming to an inn, did not call for solid fare, but gave the host some meat to dress*. Upon the further demand by the host of cheese and oil, "What!" says the Spartan, "if I had cheese, should I want meat?" The Romans did not recline, but sit, when they took refreshment in taverns, or had irregular meals elsewheret. Martial adds, that flaggons, chained to posts, were usual in such housest. Juvenal well describes the habits of such places:

In magnâ legatum quære popinâ Invenies aliquo cum percussore jacentem Permixtum nautis et furibus aut fugitivis.

Inter carnifices et fabros Sandapilarum Et resupinati cessantia tympana Galli. Equa ubi libertas, communia pocula, lectus

Non alius cuiquam, nec mensa remotior ulli. L. iii. Sat. viii. According to this account, there were no boxes, as at modern coffeehouses; but the drinking-vessels and tables were common. Persons attended, who sold ointments and perfumes, and addressed the visitor with Dominus and Rex, and other flattering expressions, if they had hopes of custom.|| The Land-lady had her dress tucked up Laconic Apophthegms.

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Mart. Epigr. L. v. Ep. LXXI.
L. vn. Ep. LX.

Hence the uncta pepina of Horace
Juvenal, ubi supra.

(succincta) for convenience and expedition; and brought pitchers of wine for the guests to taste:

Et cum venali Cyanè succincta lagenâ.*

In the Inns on the road, there was both hot and cold meat.t Tiberius prohibited their selling any baker's commodities. Nero permitted only boiled vegatables; though, before, every kind of delicacy was usual. Tavernkeepers had a particular costume, for Heliogabalus caused himself to be represented in one. We are told by modern Antiquaries, that the Erafuoi, or Axay, of the ancients were places accommodated with all things requisite for travellers of every description; and it was at them that the soldiers used to refresh themselves, and change their horses and carriages; from which custom of changing, in later times, even fresh garments were also called axraza. It must however be allowed, that though the places grew to be eminent, and large at last, yet at first it was only one diversorium, or inn, on which there was the sign of the Ansa, by which name, for that reason, the whole station itself was afterwards so called. By these Stathmoi the ancients also regulated the stages of their journey.** The Ansa, or sign, was the handle or ear of a pitcher, in which sense it is used by Virgil,†† &c.

As to Gin-shops, &c. the Ancients reckoned it mean to buy wine from a tavern.‡‡

was denominated Auctor, and the bidders Sectores. They signified their bidding by lifting up their fingers, and the highest bidder succeeded. The Magistrate's permission was necessary for a sale. About the forum were a number of Silversmiths' or rather Bankers' shops, where things sold by Auction were entered in tables, and sealed. At their shops, the auctions were in general made, that these Argentarii might note on the tables the names of the buyers; and the goods were delivered under authority of some magistrate. Buying-in, or redemption, was made by giving security through a friend, which was termed Dejicere libellos.* Petronius gives the inscription (similar to our handbill) of an auction literally this: "Julius Proculus will make an auction of his superfluous goods, to pay his debts."+ Estates, pictures, &c. were sold by the Romans in this way as now; and sales sometimes lasted for two months.‡

In the middle age, goods were cried, and sold to the highest, and the sound of a trumpet added with a very loud noise. The use of the spear was retained, the auctions being called subhastationes, and the subhastator, or auctioneer, was sworn to sell the goods faithfully. A cryer stood under the spear, as in the Roman æra, and was in the 13th century called Cursor.

In London, Sales by Auction were held at Mercers'-Hall, and other places.||

Auctionarius was a tradesman who augmented his property: properly speaking, he who bought old, worn, and da maged goods, to sell them dearer after

Of the Wine-cellars, the Herculanean excavations have supplied information, pretty well known; but there was a provision for securing what would otherwise have been lost by leakage.wards. T Sales by Auction. In the Roman sales, a spear was fixed in the forum, by which stood a crier, who proclaimed the articles. A catalogue was made in tables, called Auctionaria; the vendor

*Juvenal, ubi supra.
+Sueton. in Vitellio, c. 13,

Sueton. in Vitellio, c. 34.

& Id. c. 16. || Lampridius in vitâ. ¶ Hearne's Antiq. Discourses, i. 39. ** Herodian, L. ii. c. ult. p. 83. Ed. Paræus.

†† Du Cange in voce.

‡‡ Cicero in L. Pison. Pallad. de Re Rust. i. 18. Inter Script. Rei Rusticæ, p. 236. Ed. Lugd. 1537.

Translation of a Chinese Tea Merchant's Declaration, and description of a Chinese Musical Instrument. To the Editor of the Asiatic Journal. SIR-The following is almost a lite*Sigonius de Judiciis, L. 2. c. 24. Rom. Hist. Antholog. 225. Juvenal, L. 3. s. vii. Cicer. Orat. i. 17. 319. 729. Ed. Freig. + Satyric. p. 188. Ed. Nodot. Sueton. Cæs. c. 50. Capitolinus in Antonino.


Du Cange, v. Cursor, subhastare,

Hawkin's Musick. V. 172. ¶ Du Cange in voce.

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ral translation of one of those papers which are occasionally found in the chests of tea; it may perhaps amuse some of your readers, and will at any rate apprize them of certain advantageous qualites in Hyson, of which they are probably ignorant, so that, not satisfied with, "te veniente die, te decedente," they will be tempted to imagine with Dr. Johnson, that "Te sine nil altum mens inchoat."

Declaration of Cow Long.


This capital tea, a transparent jewel, with a snowy crystalline bud, is the first under heaven.

Of an estimable description which is beautiful, and without defect, perfect and not able to be surpassed; of Hyson, the very right hand, anciently and universally established amongst distant people, from its praiseworthy flavour.

This Hyson, having traversed hills and seas; sought from the heights of southern exalted mountains, which tower above the clouds, rises to that perfection, that being compared with other teas, it maintains the superiority.

It has a fine odour, containing an extreme degree of excellence; having been received formerly, and at the present time with reverential eagerness, by persons of rural habits.

These sprigs, of established reputation, are for people, who travel, truly precious, having a manifestly laudable character, for their excellent and approved description.

It possesses unceasing superiority, while prepared, with unremitted skill; its species, although beautiful, and venerable, has inexhaustible virtue.

This tea, (of the high court) when first prepared and violently operated upon with hot water, has a superior faculty of performing wonders, its first buds and fibres after three full and complete springs, are excellent, to remove obstructions, to rouse from intoxication or drowsiness, to slake thirst, and this more than golden production makes old age retire, procrastinates stale years, and like a precious gem, spreading over the taste and palate, gives a secret courage, in calamities, remote or near; its desirable fragrance, spread through the inner chamber, shall receive universal approbation.

You may have remarked the characters or shop marks upon the sides of nearly all tea chests; these are probably

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"Sincere perfection."
"Bud of Spring."

"Established abundance."
"Fountain of heaven."

I am sorry to observe, that these pleasing professions are not at all times borne out by the qualities of the article enclosed,, and it does happen, in the course of events, that upon the opening of" sincere perfection," or "the bud of spring," a large stone surrounded with paddy chaff, will occasionally make its unwelcome appearance.

I received, some time since, from China, a "Cheng," or "Seng," of which a short description may possibly interest some of your musical readers. The instrument consists of seventeen bamboo tubes, tipped with ivory, and having each a small hole, which are inserted perpendicularly, in a sort of glazed bowl, of between two and three inches diameter, presenting a very delicate and pleasing appearance. There is a mouth piece, faced with ivory, in the side of the bowl, and the wind passing up, through the tubes, gives an agreeable note, somewhat resembling that of a hautboy, when one, or more of the holes, are stopped by the finger. It appears to be finished, with great nicety, as each tube has, at the inserted end, a small vibrating reed, which is kept in its position, by a very minute piece of lead, or composition. The notes, which are thirteen in number, four of the tubes being silent, and merely placed there by way of finish, are all in the natural key, stictly in unison with the pianoforte, with which, in simple airs, the cheng forms not an unpleasant accompaniment; they follow in this order CFF (alt.) C (alt.) D (alt.) E (alt.) G DBE G A B. The G and B, you will observe, occurs twice, and is in each case, precisely the same note.

I am, Sir, yours, &c.


Description by a Muhammadan of a

Sati, or Burning of a Widow. The circumstance recently took place near Commillah. A niece of the late Raja of Tipperah was the object in question. About four o'clock in the evening I went to the place pointed out for the sacrifice; soon after which the procession made its appearance to the sound of martial music; upon a cot (such as in general is made use of by Europeans) appeared the corpse at full length, elegantly dressed in the finest muslin, having his face painted after the manner of the Rajputs, and a star made of numerous coloured threads and small thin pieces of bamboo, about the size of a thick darning needle, attached to his ear. Upon the same cot, in a reclining posture, was his wife most superbly dressed in muslin and fine clothes; her hair was loose and encircled in various wreaths of yellow flowers, having rings of pure gold in her ear and nose, and upon her wrists and ancles were rings of pure silver. Numerous attempts were made by her relations, and by myself, to dissuade her from the rash step she was about to make, but all to no purpose. At length the night fast approaching, various culis were employed to dig a hole in the ground, which was made in the form of a cross, during the making of which she repeatedly made inquiries as to its exactness. Having satisfied herself upon this subject, she then observed that there was not a sufficiency of wood to keep up a large fire till day-light, and then directed her confessor (a Brahman) to get for her seven Supari trees, which being brought, she then expressed a wish to have the ceremony commenced upon; she then descended from the cot, placed a number of cowries in a cloth, which she distributed only to her own cast, repeating a short sentence from the Vedas, and receiving for answer the words Ram, Hori, Ram, Krishno, Hori. She was then bathed, and walked round the funeral pile (which was about six feet long and four broad) three times, and was again bathed; she then distributed her wearing apparel, but retained all her ornaments; again walked four times (in all seven) round the pile, and was again bathed; she then advanced to the pile and spoke to her female relations, recommending their following her example (as I was afterwards told) desired a Brahim to give her a black pigeon,

and resolutely stepped upon the pile. The corpse of her deceased husband was then brought and placed close to her, which she clasped in her arms and kissed; then desired her friends to make no delay, and retired to rest-to rest I may safely say, as upon feeling her pulse before the fire was communicated, I could not perceive the least motion in it. Fire was then communicated to the pile amidst loud shouts from the spectator's, the music playing the whole time, and although the flame was very bright, yet for a time it was completely hidden from the sight by showers of short bamboos which were thrown into it by the by-standers, both Hindus and Musulmen. The Sati was a most beautiful woman, very fair, and having a countenance somewhat resembling the Chinese. Suffice it to say, that I retired filled with sensations of a nature not the most enviable. The sight was altogether in the words of the poet: "Sublimely grand and awfully terrific." MIRZA KAZEEM.

Tipperah, 30th Dec. 1816.


During the march of the British forces upon the capital of Kandy, lieutenant Lyttleton and a sergeant of the 73d regiment having attacked a wild elephant, were pursued by the gigantic animal; and the latter, whose name we cannot learn, was unfortunately overtaken and torn piecemeal. Lieutenant Lyttleton found safety in a tree, where he was obliged to remain many hours closely watched by a dreadful adversary, whose sagacity exceeds that of almost any other animal, and whose swiftness in a woody country is very far superior to that of the fleetest horse. as from his ponderous weight he overthrows those obstacles which the horse is obliged to shun.



Mr. Powell, commander of the Queen Charlotte, informs us of the interesting circumstance of his having recovered from a rock twenty-one miles N. W. of Nooaheevah (one of the Marquesas), a man that had been its solitary inhabitant for nearly three years. His account stated, that early in 1814 he proceeded thither from Nooaheevah with four others, all of whom had left an

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