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The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Write explanatory and illustrative notes on the following passages:

(a) There chaunced to stand by a certain iesting parasite, or scoffer, which wold seme to resemble and counterfeit ye foole. But he did in anche wise counterfeit, that he was almost ye verye same in dede that he labored to represent: he so studied with wordes and sayinges brought furth so ont of time and place to make sporte and moue laughter, that he himselfe was oftener laughed at then his iestes were. Yet the foolishe fellowe brought out now and then such indifferent and reasonable stuffe, that he made the prouerbe true, which saieth; he that shoteth oft at the last shal hit the mark.

(b) Yea you shoulde haue sene children also, that had caste away their peerles and pretions stones, when they sawe the like sticking upon the Ambassadors cappes: digge and pushe theire mothers under the sides, sainge thus to them. Loke mother, how great a lubbor doth yet were peerles and precious stoones, as thongh he were a litel child stil. But the mother, yea and that also in good earnest peace sone, saithe she I thinke he be some of the Ambassadours fooles.


(c) But these seilye poore wretches be presently tormented with barreyne and vnfrutefull labour. And the remembraunce of theire poore indigent and beggerlye olde age kylleth them vp.

(d) We see the whole world and each part thereof so compacted, that as long as each thing performeth only that work which is natural unto it, it thereby preserveth both other things and also itself. Contrariwise, let any principal thing, as the sun, the moon, and any one of the heavens or elements, but once cease or fail, or swerve, and who doth not easily conceive that the sequel thereof would be ruin both to itself and whatsoever dependeth on it? And is it possible, that man being not only the noblest creature in the world, but even a very world in himself, his transgressing the law of his nature should draw no manner of harm after it ?

(e) As for laws which are merely human, the matter of them is any thing which reason doth but probably teach to be fit and convenient; so that till such time as law hath passed amongst men about it, of itself it bindeth no man.

(f) Man doth seek a triple perfection: first a sensual, consisting in those things which very life itself requireth, either as necessary supplements, or beauties and ornaments thereof; then an intellectual, consisting in those things which none underneath man is either capable of or acquainted with; lastly, a spiritual and divine, consisting in those things whereunto we tend by supernatural means here, but cannot here attain unto them.

(g) First truely I note, not onely in these Misomousoi Poet-haters, but in all that kinde of people, who seek a prayse bi dispraysing others, that they doe prodigally spend a great many wandering wordes in quips and scoffes; carping and taunting at each thing, which by stirring the Spleene, may stay the braine from a through beholding the worthines of the subject.



(h) I dare undertake, Orlando Furioso, or honest King Arthur, will never displease a Souldier; but the quiddity of Ens and Prima materia, will hardely agree with a Corslet: and therefore, as I said in the beginning, even Turks and Tartares are delighted with Poets.

2. What evils, according to Hythlodaye, resulted from the conversion of arable land into pasture, that took place in England about the time when he is supposed to have lived?

3. What appears to have been More's opinion of the character of contemporary sovereigns?



How were the hours of labour regulated in Utopia ?
Describe the religious ceremonial of the Utopians.

6. Why is it easier, according to Hooker, to attack than to defend existing institutions ?


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7. What was the cause of men's uniting themselves at the first in politic societies ' ? Why is some kind of government necessary ? 8. Give some account of Anaxagoras Hippocrates, Pittacus, the 5 Mirror of human wisdom,' and the wittiest, of the School-divines. 9. What is the cause why so many natural or rational laws are set down in Holy Scripture ?


10. In what sense may Poetry be said to be more philosophical and more studiously serious than history?



How does Sideney distinguish between things which move laugh



11. To what book is the Apologie for Poetrie supposed to be an answer?


ter and those that give pleasure?

13. Reproduce Sidney's praise of the ballad of Chevy Chase.

14. What does Sidney think of the capabilities of the English 3 language as a literary instrument ?

15. Comment on the following passages with special reference to the italicized words:

(a) Me thinkes I deserve to be pounded, for straying from Poetrie to Oratorie.

(b) The poet never maketh any circles about your imagination, to coniure you to beleeve for true what he writes.

(c) They shoulde be no sooner taken with the maner, but furthwith they should be punished

(d) To have made suche a tragycall comedye or gallymalfreye.

(e) Hitting jump that indivisible point or centre wherein goodness consisteth.

(f) The justice of one that requiteth nothing mincingly.

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16. What is the construction of the verb endeavour' in Robinson's 1 translation of More's Utopia?





The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

'Teufelsdröckh's Biography exhibits a man as it were preappoint. ed for Clothes-Philosophy.' Interpret this, and outline the varions stages of the philosopher's life. What is the true higher purpose' of the Clothes-Philosophy?



2. State concisely the doctrine of Renunciation, Work, Silence, set forth in Sartor.

3. Annotate :

(a) No man who has once heartily and wholly laughed can be altogether irreclaimably bad. How much lies in Laughter; the cipher Key wherewith we decipher the whole man! (Mention the one occasion on which Teufelsdröckh is recorded to have laughed.)

(b) Rightly viewed, no meanest object is insignificant; all objects are as windows through which the philosophic eye looks into Infinitude itself. If through this unpromising Horn-gate, Teufelsdröckh has led thee into the true Land of Dreams, and thou seest that thy daily life is girt with Wonder, then art thou profited beyond money's worth.

(c) Truly a Thinking Man is the worst enemy the Prince of Darkness can have; every time such a one announces himself, I doubt not, there runs a shudder through the Nether Empire; and new Emissaries are trained, with new tactics, to, if possible, entrap him, and hoodwink, and handcuff him.

(d) Thus must he, over the whole surface of the earth (by footprints) write his Sorrows of Teufelsdröckh; even as the great Geothe, in passionate words, had to write his Sorrows of Werter before the spirit freed herself, and he could become a Man. Vain truly is the hope of your swiftest Runner to escape from his own Shadow.'


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Give Hutton's estimate of Goethe's character. Comment on the statement that there is nothing more remarkably illustrative of Goethe's "daemonic" influence than Carlyle's worship of him.' 5. Discuss the following: :

(a) Wordsworth is the most solitary of poets. Of him, with far more point than of Milton, may it be said that his soul was like a star, and dwelt apart.

(b) Shelley was essentially the poet of intellectual desire, not of all emotion.

(c) Matthew Arnold is the disciple of Wordsworth, emphatically in his later rather than in his earlier phase.

(d) Measure and order are for Tennyson of the very essence of beauty.




6. What are the chief characteristics of Clough's poetry? Annotate 8 the lines:

Ah! yet when all is thought and said,

The heart still overrules the head;
Still what we hope we must believe,

And what is given us, receive;

Must still believe; for still we hope
That in a world of larger scope,
What here is faithfully begun

Will be completed, not undone.

7. Tell briefly the story of Iris in the Professor.


What does Holmes mean by the 'depolarization' of words and ideas ? 8. Annotate:

(a) A man's mental reactions with the atmosphere of life must go whether he will or no, as between his blood and the air he breathes, ...I look upon a library as a kind of mental chemist's shop.


(b) The cutwater of this great Leviathan clipper, the OCCIDENTAL, must throw a little spray over the human vocabulary, as it splits the waters of a new world's destiny.

(c) We must have a weak spot or two in a character before we can love it much.


(d) ▲ man's opinions are generally of much more value than his arguments.

(e) A person of genius should marry a person of character. does not herd with genius.


(f) We Yankees are a kind of gypsies,—a mechanical and migratory race. A poet wants a home.


'Thackeray has not written a less popular, nor a more beautiful story than Esmond.' Justify this estimate.

I would have History familiar rather than heroic.' Interpret this with reference to Esmond.

10. Give some account of Esmond's relations with the famous wits of the age.

Reproduce and comment on Esmond's character of Marlborough. 11. State the substance of Kingsley's lecture on The Two Breaths, and give some account of his services to the cause of Sanitary Reform.







The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. What is of interest to the student of English Literature and its history in Beowulf?


Sketch Caxton's life and services to Literature.

3. Give an account of three of Shakespeare's fellow-dramatists, excluding Ben Johnson.


Briefly recount the treatment which Shakespeare the dramatist and his works have received since his death.


Describe and characterize Milton's prose writings.

6. Addison, Swift, Macaulay, Carlyle, Ruskin-compare the style and spirit of any one of these essayists with the style and spirit of any other of them.

7. Give some account of Byron and his works, viewed particularly as an outcome of the political, social, and religious conditions of his time. 8. How were novels transformed in character by Sir Walter Scott ? Make specific references to characters of Scott and to novels of Scott and earlier writers.

9. What is a sonnet? Give a critical estimate of three writers of sonnets in connexion with specified sonnets of each of the three.

10. Describe the setting or occasion of any three of the following passages. Give the substance of the whole of the three passages selected, along with three or four lines of the actual words :

(a) 'I made them lay their hands in mine and swear

To reverence the King.

(b) 'Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,


Who never to himself hath said,

(c) Seven years, my lord, have now passed since I waited.
(d) 'So saying, her rash hand in evil hour

Forth reaching to the fruit,





(e) Methinks I see in my mind a noble and puissant nation rousing herself like a strong man after sleep,

(f) 'A good man was ther of religioun,

And was a poure Persoun of a toun;

11. Regarding the following, state generally their theme, where 24 necessary, and their place in their own time and in the history of English Literature:

Cursor Mundi-Confessio Amantis-Mandeville's Travels-The Ship of Fools-Gammer Gurton's Needle-The Anatomy of MelancholyThe Holy War-Alciphron-The Minstrel-The Critic-Imaginary Conversations-History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Armada.






The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Translate as literally as is consistent with modern idiom :—

(a) Ac hie swuncon on idel, and earmlice fērdon, swà Paet se hälga wer hie wundorlice, alone swa hē stōd strūtiendne mid tōle, paet hiera nan ne mihte Paet morp ge fremman ne hie panon a.styrian.

(b) Hie wurdon på ģe.brōhte to Pam biscope ealle, and he hēt hie a.hōn on heam gealgum ealle; ac hē naes nā ģe.mynding hū se mildheorta God clipode Purh his witegan pas word pe hēr standap: pa pe man lætt tō dēape ā.lies hie ūt simle.

For the four verbs italicized in (a) give the corresponding parts of the present tense.

Decline, in the singular, se hālga wer.

Translate into Anglo-Saxon :-Go to the sellers and buy oil for yourselves. And when they went and wished to buy, then came the bridegroom; and those that were ready went in along with him to the marriage; and the door was locked.

2. Place in a table of consonantal sounds (according to Morris' classification into spirants, explosives, unvoiced, voiced, and nasal consonants) the following sounds :-f, m, s in sure, z in azure, th in thy, th in thigh.

3. Define and illustrate Notional and Relational words, and also, in connexion with these, the Nominative case, the Possessive case, Demonstrative roots, Pronouns.

4. Illustrate and name, as in a philological method of parsing, all the current uses of the word one


What are the several practical tests by which we may form a probable judgment of what English words are of English origin?

6. What may be said for and against the custom of the English language to construct new scientific terms from non-native elements?









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