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Examiner-E. R. GARDINER, Esq.

1. Describe the construction and method of working of a Bull's kiln for bricks.

2. Specify for first, second and third-class bricks, and note the proportion you would anticipate from a kiln and from a clamp.

3. Describe with sketches the method of lime-burning in a continuous kiln. 4. Give average quantity of fuel required for brick burning in kiln and in clamp, and for lime-burning.

5. Specify for coursed rubble stone in lime mortar giving quantities of material required.

6. Describe the process of making concrete, in foundation of a building, heavy dock wall, terraced roofs. Note all points that need attention to secure good results.

7. What is meant by reinforced concrete? What are the principles of its construction ?

8. What is pig-iron? Describe its manufacture.

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Describe the construction and use of Vernier scales.

3. What preliminary tests would you put a theodolite and a level to before using them on work.

4. Sketch any irregular eight-side figure and describe how you would survey the same by Gales' Traverse. Detail both the work to be done in the field, and the reduction of the field book before plotting the survey.

5. A survey is given you to contour at 5 ft. intervals. Describe how you would determine the contour lines in the field and plot them.

6. Discuss the measurement of a base line in which the utmost degree of accuracy is required.

7. The angle of intersection between two tangent lines being given, and the radius of a curve to be set out between them, show how to determine the tangent points and the tangential angle corresponding to a given chord. Describe how you would set out the curve with one theodolite.

8. Give any method of determining the variation of your compass from the true meridian.

Examination for the Degree of M.D.




Examiner LT.-COL. C. P. LUKIS, M.D., F.R.C.S., I.M.S.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Discuss the importance, from the point of view of diagnosis, 400 prognosis and cerebral localization of systematic examination of the eyes in all cases of disease of the Central Nervous System.

2. Discuss and describe the different forms of "Compensation" as 300

met with in disease.

3. Enumerate the variations that may occur in the normal consti- 300 tuents of the urinary secretion. Note the circumstances in which the variations occur and discuss the factors which influence elimination in each case.


Examiner-MAJOR R. BIRD, C.I.E., M.D., F.R.C.S., D.P.H., I.M.S.

NOTE.-Only THREE questions to be attempted.

1. Discuss the operative treatment of malignant disease of the stomach. 2. What are your views with regard to the operative treatment of enlarged prostrate ?


Describe the conditions under which you would consider Osteotomy of the long bones desirable?


When and where do gallstones require operative treatment ?!


Examiner-LT.-COL. F. S. PECK, I.M.S.

Time-Three hours.

1. Discuss the treatment of accidental ante partum Hemorrhage.

2. Outline the various treatments in vogue for Eclampsia at the present


3. What are the morbid conditions of the Fallopian Tubes? Give the causes and appropriate treatment of each.


Examiner-MAJOR L. ROGERS, M.D., M.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., I.M.S.

1. Describe the changes found in the blood in the different diseases which produce great enlargement of the spleen.

2. Describe the different forms of ova found in the intestinal canal. How do intestinal worms produce injurious effects ?


What micro-organisms may cause acute meningitis ? Given a case f acute meningites post mortem, how would you proceed to isolate and identify the causative organism?


Examiner-W. C. HOSSACK, Esq., D.P.H., M.D.

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Describe the manner in which you would estimate it.

2. Distinguish between the following fibres.

Give drawings.

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What are the respective hygienic advantages of those fibres when made up as clothing.

3. Describe the initial rashes of small-pox.

4. Discuss the theory that the rat flea is the chief means of infection in plague.

Examination for Honours in Medicine.



Examiner :-LT.-COL. F. S. PECK, I.M.S.

1. Discuss the value of the different instruments in modern use, by which the cervex of the Grand Uterus may be dilated during labour. Describe the mechanical action of these instruments and give the class of case in which each would be most appropriate.

2. Give the proper treatment of each stage of transverse presentation. 3. What do you know about Uterine Febroids and their treatment?

Tagore Law Examination:




1. What were the two classes of courts in the Sanhita period or the period of codification? Describe the several grades of courts belonging to each class, and explain how the Mimansa principles were applied in the adjudication of cases in these courts.

2. (1) Explain the difference between a Vidhi, an Arthavada and a Namdheya, giving an instance of each. To what modern rules of interpreta

tion does the principle of Arthavada correspond?

(2) Show the difference between a Vidhi, a Niyama and a Parisankhya, illustrating them by examples. What are the two varying conceptions of the Parisankhya, and which of these is the correct conception ?

3. Enumerate the Mimansa axioms with a brief explanation of each. How far and in what forms are these axioms recognized by modern English writers on interpretation? Explain in particular the axiom: "More words, more meaning."


What are the four general principles of the Mimansa system of interpretation. Explain them by examples from the Vedic texts. To what rules of modern European books on interpretation do these four general principles more or less correspond? In what relative position do these principles stand to each other? State the order in which one of these is to be preferred to another and the reason for such order.

5. Explain what is a Nyaya, in other words, an Adhikarana. What are the component parts of it? Explain the Hetuvadnigad Adhikarana, the Dwayo Pranayanti Nyaya, and the Apachheda Nyaya. To what case does Jimutvahana apply the two last mentioned Nyayas? Give half a dozen instances of what are called Loukika Nyayas (popular maxims).

6. What are the maxims (Nyayas) in Jaimini's work which directly relate to the Smriti Law and the Usage Law. Shortly describe and explain each of these, mentioning more fully the characteristics of the maxim called 'the Drishta Mulaka Smriti āpramanya adhikarana,' that called 'the Padartha Prabalya (force of usage) adhikarana,' and that called 'the Samanya Srati Kalpana or the Halaka adhikarana.'

7. (1) Explain what is Pratishedha as contradistinguished from a Paryudasa, giving instances of each from the Sruti and Smriti texts.

(2) Explain what is Atidesha and Badha, giving examples of each from the Sruti and Smriti texts.

8. (1) What is the distinction made by Jaimini between Purusha Dharma and Kratu Dharma ? How does Vijnaneshwar utilize the distinction in

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