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the head of every human being; and after passing a life of sorrow here, made anxious and miserable by the fearful looking for of judgment to come, we should all have sunk into final ruin and everlasting death. So true is the saying of St. Peter, that "there "is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved, "but only the name of the LORD JESUS "CHRIST." To him the blessing of our reconciliation with Gop the Father is entirely and only owing; for it is he, as the Apostle assures us, who has made our peace with GOD, by the blood of his cross. He is the only refuge of an awakened conscience; the only rock on which a penitent sinner can depend for pardon and acceptance with his Maker; even that JESUS, who has purchased for us freedom from the sentence of everlasting death, an escape from the horrors of hell, a hope of eternal happiness, and the promise of the assistance of the Holy Spirit, through a life of trial, difficulty, and temptation, if we will but do our part in the covenant of grace; "quit ourselves like men," in our conflict with the world, the flesh, and the devil; and strive with all our might to fol low a course of godliness, sobriety, uprightness, and charity, while we continue in this state of discipline and trial.

Let us, then, in the second place, my brethren, seriously consider what are the ends and purposes to which we ought to apply this knowledge of what JESUS CHRIST has done and suffered for us. You will all,

I think, agree with me, that we cannot truly understand how infinitely GOD must be displeased with sin and sinners, except by looking at the sufferings of him "who be"came obedient unto the death, even the "death upon the cross," that he might destroy the power of sin, and save those whom sin had ruined. If GOD spared not his only Son," but delivered him up to the cross,' when he had put himself in the place of a guilty world; most assuredly, He will not, He cannot, in justice, spare them, who, despising the atonement of. their Saviour, and the means of salvation which that sacrifice has placed within their reach, shall yet "continue in sin," and neglect to perform the conditions of salvation.

You will further agree with me, that we ought to learn from the sufferings of CHRIST the exceeding great love of GOD towards us, his lost and undone creatures.


"so loved the world, that he gave his only. "begotten Son, to the end that all that be "lieve in Him, should not perish, but have "everlasting life." "In this was manifestsd

"the love of GOD towards us, because that "God sent his only-begotton Son into the "world, that we might live through him." With such an instance of GoD's infinite compassion before our eyes, how can we avoid, my brethren, returning him love for love, and giving him, as he requires us to do, our best and chief affections: " My

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son, give me thy heart?" If a kind and compassionate man among your brethren upon earth relieve your wants, or add to your comfort; if a benevolent physician. heal, without charge or expense, your painful diseases; restore your languid body to health and strength; and save you from the chambers of death; do ye not feel yourselves bound to make all the acknowledgment which you can bestow-the offering of a grateful and affectionate heart? How much more then, my friends, should you lift up that heart, a grateful offering to your God and your Saviour, who has relieved you in your greatest need; who has healed your spiritual sickness; has administered medicines to your souls; and rescued you from the pains of eternal death. Surely the language both of our lips and our hearts should be, "I will sing unto the LORD, and praise his 66 name; I will be telling of his salvation " from day to day; yea, while I have my "being, I will sing praises unto my GOD."

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You will lastly agree with me, my brethren, that as we are thus bound to love our Redeemer for all that he has done and suffered for us, so we are obligated also to shew forth our love by keeping his commandments." He it is that loveth me," saith CHRIST, "who doeth what I say. Actions, even in the common affairs of life, speak more clearly than words. A servant who really loves his master, will follow his directions, and do what he knows will be agreeable to his wish. Thus is it in religion; if we feel grateful for the salvation that has been wrought for us, we shall express our gratitude in our lives, as well as with our lips; and fulfil those laws of holiness and purity, honesty and sobriety, meekness and charity, which CHRIST has made the proofs of our sincerely loving him. Let us then resolve to give this substantial outward evidence of our inward love and gratitude to the Saviour of our souls; endeavouring to become like unto him in righteousness and true holiness; and praying to GOD, in the words of the Collect for the day, "that he "would enable us by his grace to follow "the example of his patience; and also to "be made partakers of his resurrection, "through the same JESUS CHRIST Qur "LORD. Amen."


[For Good-Friday.]

HEBREWS X. 19-22.

Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest, by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; and having a high priest over the house of God; let us draw near; with a true heart, in full assurance of faith, having our heart sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed in pure water.

N the epistle for the day, St. Paul proves


that the Jewish religion was only an introduction to christianity; that "the law "was only our schoolmaster to bring us to "CHRIST;" that all its sacrifices, were in

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