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to be spiritual-minded; pure in heart, word, and deed; to mortify all our corrupt affections; to "keep ourselves unspotted from "the world ;" and to

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perfect, even as our "Heaven, is perfect."

endeavour to be Father who is in With this great

object in his view, the apostle John wrote that epistle from which the one appointed for the day is taken. He first exhorts christians to be holy and good, from the consideration of the great privileges which the gospel conferred upon them. "Behold," says he, "what manner of love the Father "hath bestowed upon us, that we should be "called the sons of GOD!" Can any thing be conceived more likely to inspire us with a desire and endeavour to "cleanse ourselves " from all sin," than the consideration that GOD looks upon us in the affectionate light of children; and is willing to treat us as a loving father would treat a son, for whom he had the tenderest regard? Can we fail of feeling the deepest gratitude to that merciful Being, who, when we were dead in sin, lost, disgraced, and undone, quickened us by his free grace, restored us to his favour, and took us again to his bosom, as his children? Or can we refrain from returning him "love for love," and striving to render ourselves less unworthy of his favour, by an

obedience to his commands? But St. John goes on to mention another consideration which should lead us to be christians in heart and in deed. "Beloved," says he, "now are "we the sons of GOD; and it doth not

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yet appear what we shall be; but we "know, that when he shall appear, we "shall be like unto him; for we shall see "him as he is." You are sensible, my friends, what the condition of mankind is by nature. You know that, by the fall of Adam, all his posterity became subject to everlasting death; to the fearful looking-for of a judgment to come, the just reward of the sin of our first parents; and of those sins which every human being is continually committing against the holy and perfect law of God. While we were thus the children of wrath, were miserable in life, and had no hope in death; GoD sent his Son into the world, to redeem us from all iniquity, to be a propitiation for our sins, and to make our peace with our Father who is in Heaven. Nor did his mercy stop here. The Saviour of the world did not only bring the "glad "tidings" of GOD's pardon to lost mankind; but he also "brought life and immortality "to light." He opened the gates of heaven to us wretched offenders, which had been shut against us by the sin of Adam; and pro


claimed to the children of men, that "who"soever believed in him, and kept his sayings;" that is, whosoever became a christian, and fulfilled the law of CHRIST, "should not see "death eternal, but should have everlasting "life." Here then, my friends, is another motive for piety and virtue, which no man who has eyes to see, and ears to hear, and a heart to understand, can possibly resist; to be like our Saviour, in blessedness and joy; to see God as he is; to view his glory, to adore his majesty, and to sing his praises through all eternity. To be freed from all that can harm, or grieve, or injure us; and to enjoy, without end or abatement, happiness and peace for ever and ever. In the world wherein we are at present placed, you are aware, my brethren, that nothing like this felicity can be found. "Man that

is born of a woman, is full of trouble," and liable to sorrow, as "the sparks fly "upwards." Many of you who hear me, have, I doubt not, much to struggle with in this vale of tears; infirmity of body; troubles of mind; poorness of circumstances; loss of friends; want of employment; and those particular inconveniences and discomforts, which are oftentimes the lot of those who are badly off in this life. All these things render the world in which we live


far from being a place of happiness; and, perhaps, if there were no other life after this, the greatest portion of mankind might with some reason, it were say, good for (6 us never to have been born." With what joy, then, should we receive the news of there being a place of everlasting rest and glory prepared for the righteous, after the storms and troubles of this life are passed away?

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How should we rejoice and be exceeding glad, when we hear these gracious. words of our blessed Redeemer, "Come 66 unto me, all ye who are weary and heavy "laden, and I will give you rest; take my "yoke upon you, and ye shall find rest unto "He that believeth in me, your souls." though he were dead, yet shall he live; "and whoso liveth and believeth in me "shall never die." "Let not your hearts "be troubled; I go to prepare a place for you; and I will come, and receive you "unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also!" And how earnestly should we strive, as St. John goes on to admonish us, to purify ourselves, even as he is pure; to endeavour, as far as human infirmity will permit, to imitate the pure and holy life of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, that we may be qualified to partake of his glory; and to make



a poor, but acceptable return, for his mercy in having procured it for us.

The apostle having pointed out the motives which should lead us to try after christian perfection, and shewn that every sincere christian will actually endeavour to obtain it, by "purifying himself, even as CHRIST "is pure ;" goes on to declare, that no man, who indulges in vice of any kind, can be considered as a follower of his Saviour, or sincere in his wish to obtain everlasting happiness. "Whosoever committeth sin," says he, " transgresseth also the law; for sin is the transgression of the law; and ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins, and in him is no sin. Who"soever abideth in him, sinneth not; who



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soever sinneth, hath not seen him, nor "known him." The best proofs of a man's intentions, are his actions. The nature of the tree is known by its fruits; and the life and behaviour will shew whether the faith be sound, and the professions sincere. We live in times, my friends, when there are many, who say "LORD, LORD," but "do not" the things which CHRIST has commanded to be done; who satisfy themselves with having faith, but omit the weighty matters of justice, honesty, sobriety, chastity, and charity. Who value themselves

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