Review.-Carpenter's Examination of Scripture Difficulties. 25 "1 Kings iv. 29. And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceedingly much, and largeness of heart, even as the It is one of the most cheering signs of| the times, that books of this description are in demand to a far greater extent sand that is on the sea shore.' Lord Bacon than was ever before known. has admirably illustrated the singular exThe following extracts, we flatter our-pression in the closing sentence of this text. selves will be highly acceptable to all our readers. "Exodus xxxiv. 7. ' And that will by no means clear the guilty.' Dr. Geddes gives a very different translation of this passage, which is certainly more in accordance with the context, and does no violence to the original; it is as follows:-'Acquitting even him who is not innocent.' This rendering he justifies by a supposed ellipsis of asher, who, and a slight change of the points. Such, also, is nearly the interpretation of Lud de Dieu, which is approved by Rosenmüller. Nothing can more strongly express than does this, the goodness of God to frail mortals, which has been misunderstood and misinterpreted by all our translators. We must not omit to add, however, that this acquittal of the [not] innocent is always represented in Scripture as being the consequence of that provision of mercy secured by the death of the Redeemer. "Numbers xxii. 23-30. The dialogue between Balaam and his ass.' This part of the history of Balaam has been often made the subject of profane ridicule and banter; bat assuredly every man of sense must see, that of all absurdities that is the greatest which subjects a miraculous event to the ordinary rules of reasoning. 'What a number of ideas must the ass have had, to be able to reason with his master,' says one learned man; while another bas discovered that the anatomical structure of the beast rendered it impossible for it to speak at all! But such objectors have forgotten the principal thing in the narrative, namely, that an adequate canse is assigned for this wonderful occurrence; The Lord opened the mouth of the ass.' If they will boldly say that this was beyond the power of Omnipotence well; but we should not then be surprised were some dumb ass, speaking with man's voice, to forbid their madness." See 2 Pet. ii. 16. It He remarks, that, as the sand upon the sea shore incloses a great body of waters, so Solomon's mind contained an ocean of knowledge. Matthew vi. 27. Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature.' This is an awkwardly translated passage; the allusion is rather to the continuance of a person's life, than to his increase in height. We must suppose the number of them to be very few, who, short as they may be, would prefer having nearly two feet added to their stature; much less for them to be very anxious about such an addition; but we need not go far in search of many who would gladly make great sacrifices for length of days. To guard us, therefore, against over-thoughtfulness for the things of this life, Christ in effect says, that it is not in the power of our greatest anxiety to add the least moment or shortest measure of time to our age in this world. The word Hλikia is rendered age, John ix. 21. He is of age, ask him." And the Psalmist speaks of our days being an hand breadth,' Ps. xxxix. 3. In agreement with which a popular author says A span is all that we can boast, Let the above suffice to convince the reader that in this work he may expect to find a large treasure of biblical criticism, collected from the best sources both British and Foreign, in which are also many original hints from the esteemed author's own mind. Judges ix. 13. Wine, which cheereth God and man.' Wine is here very improperly said to cheer both God and man. should be Gods, that is, the hero gods of the heathen; for Jotham is speaking to men of an idolatrous city. Or it might be translated with great propriety, cheer both high and low,' both prince and people; for the A Set of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. By meaning is, all conditions of men find themselves refreshed by wine. אשר י H. SEARLE. THERE are no works more coldly received by the public than detached pieces of original sacred music. Not suited to public worship because origi- | success. Besides original reflections, nal, and therefore not generally known; the work abounds with prose and poetinot fit for mere amusement because sacred, the demand for them is confined to those few circles, domestic and social, where music is a familiar langnage, and devotion is allied to harmony. cal contributions, selected from various authors, but bearing either directly or indirectly on the writer's declared object. Some of these extracts have great point and elegance; but there are a Nor does this necessarily imply any few concerning which, had our opinion deficiency of merit; we are acquainted been consulted, we should have respectwith publications of this class, of first fully, but decidedly, advised their omisrate excellence, (and in their foremost sion. With this limited exception we rank, some by a respected member of would recommend the work, especially our own denomination, C. W. Banister,) to those persons whose restricted means which although associated with the most and opportunities forbid their examinpleasurable youthful recollections, of ing the more elaborate and standard many now turning the brow of the hill productions ou the same subject. After of life, and never opened, but with a all, we are convinced, that could obfeeling of gratitude to their respective jectors be induced to take the Bible authors, are yet unknown beyond this itself, which we fear they seldom or limited sphere, which have never taken never read, into their calm consideratheir place in our public worship, nor tion, more might be expected from its remunerated their authors, (we appre-own pure radiance, its compassionate hend,) for the trouble of copying them appeals, and awful denunciations, than out for the engraver. has either been realized, or can be anticipated, from the best intentioned and most ably written works in its defence. Dying Sayings of Eminent Christians; especially Ministers of various Denominations, Periods and Countries, selected and arranged in the Alphabetical Order of the Names of the Deceased. By INGRAM COBBIN, M.A. Westley and Davis. 6s, bds. If such be the fate of sterling merit, and acknowledged genius, that of mere mediocrity may be easily anticipated, and to no higher praise can we consider this work entitled; the airs are easy and agreeable, the harmony generally correct, and had we found them in a large and popular collection, and been ignorant of the original on which some of them have been evidently, although MR. Cobbin's work collects into one perhaps unintentionally modelled, they focus those scattered rays of celestial would have passed nearly uncensured, light and glory which have irradiated but the author has not, we conceive, the dying chamber of many departed sufficient originality of conception, and saints, transforming it into the very feeling for the poetry of music, to justify" gate of Heaven." Those fearful Chrishis public appearance as a contributor to our already abundant stores of Psalmody. tians who are all their lifetime subject to bondage through fear of death, can scarcely fail, while perusing these pages, to find doubts give way to exultation, and dread of the "last enemy," yield to the hope of final conquest over it; and if the infidel would examine these The Infidel; containing various Reflections on Parts of Scriptural History, &c. pp. 63. Price 2s. 6d. Wilson. THE anonymous author of this pam-numerous memorials of victory over phlet informs us, that it is "written death and the grave, he most surely with the intent of convincing of their envy those holy triumphs which he would error those who have, and of conveying seek in vain amid the gloomy annals of a friendly admonition to those who have infidelity. The closing scene of Bradnot, enlisted under the banners of mo- ford, Brainerd, Janeway, Fuller, Gill, dern unbelief." Approving, as we most Fletcher, Ryland, and a host of other cordially do, of his benevolent under-eminent saints, will be found in this votaking, we earnestly wish him enlarged lume. NEW PUBLICATIONS. 1. Protestant Remarks on Transubstantiation, and other Tenets of the Church of Rome, &c. By the Rev. W. Cowley, A.M. A reply to the Rev. F. Martyn, catholic pastor of Walsall and Bloxwich, who has written "A Letter to the Protestant Inhabitants of Walsall and its Vicinity." Mr. Cowley, when referring to his catholic brother's definition of the catholic church, writes thus: "And I speak truly, when Ideclare it as my opinion, that no catholics, not cardinals. not even his holiness, (of whom I would speak with veneration, as the head of the Roman Catholic Church) have any more knowledge of the matter than I have." p. 84. Is this language befitting the lips of an evangelical clergyman? Christian courtesy can never surely require all this from any disciple of Christ. It was not thus the apostle wrote concerning the man of sin!' 2. Memoirs of the Life and Character of Mrs. Sarah Savage. By J. B. Williams, Esq. F.S. A.; with a Preface, by the Rev. Wil liam Jay. To which are added, Memoirs of her Sister, Mrs. Hulton. Fourth Edition. Corrected and enlarged. Holdsworth and Ball. Price 5s. 6d. To say that Mrs. Savage and Mrs. Hulton were worthy of being known as the daughters of Philip Henry, and as the sisters of Matthew Henry, is a eulogy of high and honourable import, and quite their own. We are much indebted to Mr. Williams for the indefatigable pains he has taken to spread through the country the fragrant names of the Henry family; and his Prefaces shew that he has himself largely imbibed the spirit by which they were so highly distinguished. Mr. Jay's Introduction too is not inferior to any other admired production of his pen. 3. The Child's Commentator on the Holy Scriptures. By Ingram Cobbin, A.M. Vol. I. Westley and Davis. 4. The Teacher's Offering; or Sunday School Monthly Visitor. Edited by the Rev. John Campbell. Vol. I. New Series. Both these are charming little books, well adapted to secure their object. Happy the children and youth of the rising generation, if they knew their happiness! By the publication of these' Select Christian Authors,' we think Mr. Collins, of Glasgow, and his learned coadjutors, are conferring an immense benefit on the country. The religious public will receive them with avidity, and many, we trust, will derive the greatest advantages who now belong to the irreligious public. 7. Counsels for the Sanctuary and for Civil Life; or Discourses to various Classes in the Church and in Society. By Henry Belfrage, D.D. Falkirk. Whitaker. Price 7s. 6d. An admirable volume, by which the pious and eloquent writer has increased the already numerous claims he has on the gratitude of all who are well affected to the great cause of evangelical religion. 8. Rudiments of Music; or, an Attempt to facilitate the Practice of Psalmody. By David Everard Ford. Westley and Davis. Price 1s. We ardently wish success to Mr. Ford in his very praise-worthy attempts to improve the psalmody of our public worship; and we think this elegant little tract will contribute materially to that important end. 9. Apostolical Preaching, the Ministration of the Spirit; in Answer to Mr. Warner's Sermon on the Teaching of Jesus Christ, the Model of Pulpit Instruction, &c. By the Rev. Thomas Newton, M. A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Curate of Melksham, Wilts. Seeley. Price 1s. gentle and affectionate rebuke to Mr. Warner, and all others who neglect the Epistles, under the pretence of honouring the Gospels of the New Testament. Α' 10. The Baptist Children's Magazine, and Sabbath Scholar's Reward. Vol. II. WightAn admirable little preman and Cramp. sent, adorned with many wood cuts, for a child in a Sunday school, or church school. All' anabaptistical,' as we may be accounted by some of our neighbours, we confess, however, that we demur to the propriety of writing addresses to a child respecting the ordinance of baptism, as we should if they were written respecting the Lord's supper. At the same time, we think that children, 5. Serious Reflections on Time and Eter-even at a very early age, should be spectanity. By John Shower. And on the Consi- tors when either of the ordinances is admideration of our Latter End, and other Con-nistered. And when they ask, What mean templations. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knt. ye by this service?' their question, though it may arise from simple curiosity, should Introductory Essay, by Dr. Chalmers. be seriously answered. 6. On the Mischiefs of Self Ignorance, and the Benefits of Self Acquaintance. By Richard Baxter. Introductory Essay, by the Rev. David Young, Perth. 11. The third volume of the Works of the English and Scottish Reformers. Edited by Thomas Russel, A.M. 44. A Taheitan Yeuth searching after Evidence of the Truth of his Bible. Thomas Keyworth. Second Edition. Baynes. R. tion and Prayer, with an Appendix on the Nature and End of Christian Fasting. By Joseph Ivimey. Wightman and Cramp. Price 1s. 19. Discourses on some important Points of Christian Doctrine and Duty. By the Rev, Alexander Stewart. 8vo. 20. The Last Supper; or, Christ's Death kept in Remembrance. By the author of The Morning and Evening Sacrifice," and "Farewell to Time." 12mo. Two little tracts of great merit: we cannot but wish them the widest possible circulation. man. 21. Counsels for the Sanctuary and for Civil Life; or, Discourses to various Classes in the Church and in the World. By Henry Belfrage, D.D. 12mo. 22. Emma de Lissau, a Narrative of the striking Vicissitudes and peculiar Trials of her eventful Life; with some information respecting the Religious and Domestic Habits of the Jews. By the author of "Sophia de Lissau." 2 Vols. 12mo. Gardiner and Son, Princes Street, Cavendish Square. 23. Scenes of War; and other Poems. By John Malcolm. Foolsca 8vo. 15. Report of the Speeches and Proceediags at a Dinner to commemorate the Abolition of the Sacramental Test, on Wednesday, the 18th of June, 1828, at Freemason's Hall: H. R. H. the Duke of Sussex in the ChairWilliam Smith, Esq. M. P. Deputy Chair. Taken in Shorthand by Mr. Gurney. Wightman and Cramp. Price 3s. Among the few pamphlets which every body will read, this probably is one. They who were present will delight to refresh their memories, and to revive and renew the ardour of feelings which rose to a degree of excite-" ment perhaps never surpassed. And, without pledging ourselves to every sentiment, we advise those of our readers who were not present to give it a very serious attention throughout; and more especially to meditate deeply the principle which Lord John Russell has so distinctly laid down. See p. 13. 24. Diversions of Hollycot; or, the Mother's Art of Thinking. By the author of Clan-Albin," and "Elizabeth de Bruce." Thick 18mo. half bound. 25. Rational Readings. By the same Author. 12mo. 26. My Grandfather's Farm; or, Pictures of Rural Life. 12mo. In the Press. 16. The Monthly Bible Class Book; or, Scriptural aids to promote a Revival of Religion among the Rising Generation; in a In January will be ready, "Sacred and Series of Catechetical Exercises founded upon Moral Poetry," selected from the works of some of the most interesting portions of the the most admired authors, ancient and moWord of God. Part I. John's Gospel.dern, in 12mo., with au Engraving, by Charles Heath, from a design by Corbould. By Morrison. 12mo. Price 78. Just published, embellished with a striking likeness of the Rev. Christmas Evans, and continued monthly at Cardigan, No. 25 of "Greal y Bedyddwyr," (The Welsh Baptist Magazine) which is the organ of the Denominatio namongst the Welsh Baptists. A full and impartial History of the Reformation in England, to be comprised in Six Lives, viz. of William Tyndale, Lord Thomas Cromwell, Archbishop Cranmer, Bishop Latimer, Bishop Coverdale, and The above Publication is sent free of car-John Fox. riage to all the agents in the Principality; and those Welsh Baptists, and their adherents, that reside in differeut parts of England, may obtain it in future, on application, through the medium of the publishers of the English Baptist Magazine. N.B. The whole profits accruing from the sale of the Work are given to aged and necessitous Baptist ministers. 18. The divinely appointed Means for preserving a Prosperous, or restoring a Declining Church. A Sermon, preached at the Baptist Montly Meeting, held at Maze Pond, Southwark, November 18, 1828, in which it is recommended to the Baptist Churches, speedily to observe a day of Public Humilia Sherman's Guide to Acquaintance with God. Third Edition, considerably improved. "The Immediately will be published, Means of a Religious Revival: a Sermon preached at Reading, December 14, 1828. By John Howard Hinton, M. A. Counsels for Youth. By the Rev. J. Thornton. 1 Vol. 18mo, Letters on Missions. By W. Swan, Missionary at Selinguisk; with an Introductory Essay, by William Orme, Seoretary to the London Missionary Society. 1 Vol. 12mo. The Modern Martyr. By the author of the Evangelical Rambler. 2 Vols. 12mo. is now nearly ready for publication. OBITUARY. MR. WILLIAM COLLIER. The subject of the following memoir was born at Reading, in Berkshire, January 28, 1756. His parents were both rigid members of the Church of England, and carefully brought up their children in the same persuasion; but greatly to the grief of his father, who was as much opposed to all sectaries as he was attached to the Established Church, this hapless child became a dissenter. During the youthful days of Mr. Collier, he frequently attended on the ministry of the Rev. W. B. Cadogan, and the Rev. Thomas Davis, both of Reading, whose ministry was beneficial to his soul. incensed. In order to cure him of his heretical pravity, he had recourse to various means; sometimes promisin, sometimes threatening, but all to no purpose; for his son (to use his own expression) "had made up his mind on the subject of religion," and having decided on the Lord's side, it was useless to assail him. Through grace, he was alike unmoved by menaces or entreaties. The opposition of his father was not the only opposition he had to encounter, but he was enabled to resist, and he continued stedfast in the faith. It Is pleasing also to reflect, that he was enabled, by an upright and consistent conduct, to disarm persecution, and in a great measure, to live down prejudice; proving the truth of the Scripture, "that when a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh his enemies to be at peace with him." In June, 1782, Mr. C. entered into the matrimonial connexion with Miss Ann Perkins of Reading, who proved a true help meet to him. An excellent man, now living, who well knew her, writes of her thus:-"She was a very pious woman: on her death-bed she seemed almost in heaven." They had eight children, six sons and two daughters. Two sons died in infancy, and the eldest daughter in 1820. Four sons The precise time or manner of his conversion is not correctly known by the writer of this article, but Mr. C. has often been heard to say, he was brought to the knowledge of the truth when nineteen years of age, and therefore it must have been in some part of the year 1775. In general, it is known that the ministry of Mr. Davis was very useful to him, in connection with the spiritual and affectionate conversation of his uncle, Mr. Robert Collier, who was for many years a deacon and a distinguished ornament of the Baptist church at Reading. He from that and one daughter still survive. May period became a thoroughly changed man, a "living epistle of Christ, known and read of all men." He did not take upon him a profession of religion without counting the cost, but having done so, he, with a decision that characterised him through life, made his choice, and resolved, at all hazards, to follow divine direction, and obey the will of God. On the 13th of July, 1777, he was baptized by Mr. Davis, and joined the church under his care. When the father of our friend first perceived the predilection of this son towards the Baptists, he became highly they follow their honoured parents so far as they followed Christ! In 1785, Mr. C. was chosen a deacon, for which office he was eminently fitted, as far as deep-rooted piety, unbending rectitude, and stability of principle are qualifications. It was, however, a subject of regret, that the numerous and pressing engagements of his secular profession, left him but little time to attend to the duties of his office in the church. Hence one of his successors in the same office, speaking of him, says "He (Mr. C.) was always a man of peace, and an honourable member |