"He was letter addressed to Mr. Grimshawe in a sneer at his dissenting brethren. 1809, Mr. R. saysSpeaking of Mr. R. he says, conscientiously and firmly attached to the discipline as well as doctrine of the Establishment, and never shrunk from its defence when he thought himself called upon to advocate its cause." "Many of our hearers have been accustomed to attend at various descriptions of meeting houses. The general character of meeting-house piety is simple, earnest, scriptural, plain, and interesting. The awful condition of a sinner in his natural state, and the consolations and promises of a Saviour, are dwelt upon throughout their prayers and discourses. Thus far all is good; and we must do the same, if we would retain or regain our congregations. Thus the Fathers of the English Church preached to our elders and predecessors—thus preached Romaine, Walker, Venn, Berridge, Milner, Newton, &c. and thus souls were saved, and the church of England flourished, and was built up under their miuistry. May you and I do so likewise, and daily see the fruit of our labours in the growth of our people in divine knowledge." pp. 181, 182. The following is not quite so respectful towards Dissenters. We consider these and a few other things as defects, but they weigh little against the general merits of the volume. It is a very admirable performance, in which the powerful mind of the writer had fine opportunities to display itself to high advantage. The numerous letters of Mr. Richmond to his wife and children, as well as the letters of Mrs. R. and one of her daughters, giving an account of the domestic character, and of the last days of the deceased minister, husband, and father, are highly pathetic. That reader must be indeed "mixed up with laudanum," who can read either of these letters without feeling his heart excited by the strongest sympathies, and the most painful sen sibilities. Outlines of Practical Education. By JAMES BUTLER. One vol. post 8vo. 4s. Longman and Co. AT a period when Education engages the attention of the public as well as that of the learned world, we naturally anticipated no small number of publications on the subject, and certainly we have not been disappointed. We are literally overwhelmed with works of this description, some of which furnish us with plans professedly calculated to remove every difficulty attendant on the pursuit of learning, and by an unac To which it might have been replied, "But does not the preaching of the Gospel prove in some cases prejudicial to the Church of England, and tend- to make Dissenters? Did it not have this effect at Reading, after the death of Mr. Cadogan; and at Kettering, after the removal of Mr. Maddock? May not this be the case, after your death, at Turvey; and may it not, we ask, be so even at Burton-Latimer, or at Biddenham, after the death or removal of Mr. Grimshawe?" For our parts, "if Christ be preach-countable process, to open a way to the ed," though it be with envy and strife, attainment of that knowledge in a few we "will rejoice," whether it tend to months, for which our honest forefathers the increase of churchmen or dissen- were destined to toil with intense apters; knowing that all genuine Chris-plication for as many years. Such works tians, to whatever section they belong, it is true, have met with much attention are equally members of the mystical body of Christ. It is due to the author of this Memoir to say, that it is remarkably free from the marks of a sectarian spirit. The churchman appears certainly in many of its pages, but it is without a scowl or and excited considerable interest, but like the toys of infancy, they please for a short time, are thrown by, and are forgotten. There are writers of a more philosophical cast, though by no means so numerous as the former. These have done much to improve antiquated sys tems and divested them of a consider- | only secured, by taking the successive steps able portion of the rubbish with which in the order in which truth itself proceeds -from simple definitions and principles, to they were connected. Such authors their combinations, and the deductions made have conferred lasting benefit on man- from them. A clear conception of each kind, and we doubt not but that the separate truth, aids us in the comprehension names of Edgeworth, of Jardine, of of those higher truths, derived from the Stewart, and of Carpenter will live in combination of the former; the relations of after ages, and glitter on the rolls of propositions become more extensive as we proceed, and the power of the mind to comfame, when the ephemeral productions prehend them results solely from having of their contemporaries shall be lost in comprehended all the intermediate relations. oblivion. In the several departments of human knowWe have been surprised at the intro-ledge a gradation is observable, to which duction of the systems already deprecated into several of our respectable seminaries, the conductors of which are probably not aware, that in gratifying their thirst for novelty and applause, they materially injure the youth entrusted to their care, by giving them erroneous ideas on the subject of education, and by undermining those habits of industry which it is their duty to encourage. Most persons will allow that youth is the most favourable period for attaining the elementary parts of learning, while the maturer powers may be successfully employed in progressive improvement in those sciences of which they are the foundation. To expect a youth, therefore, to arrive at proficiency in any science, prior to his acquaintance with its rudiments, is to us utterly ab. surd. The system powerfully reminds of those stimulants which are resorted to for the purpose of forcing the productions of the vegetable kingdom. In their results, at least, they are exactly similar, inasmuch as superficial acquisitions are derived from the one, while weak and sickly qualities are attendant on the other. As an instructor of youth, the author of the work before us is entitled to our the mind in its several acquisitions must correspond. Any attempt to advance with greater rapidity than that which makes each separate acquisition sure, can only ultimately deceive, and subject us to the inconvenience of either beginning again, or remaining for ever imperfectly informed. Since the condition of the human mind renders it necessary to have objects and truths continually present, before we can form clear ideas concerning them, it would seem but natural to expect that the progress of a young mind will be but comparatively slow. And this conclusion, justly derived from a view of the nature of the human mind, is verified by fact. It hence appears our wisdom in education, to follow a course prescribed to us by reason and nature; to form our methods of instruction on principles, from which we may justly expect a final success, and not by any erroneous estimate of our powers, to aim at the accomplishment of objects for which we have no qualification." From these observations it will be perceived that Mr. B. justly supposes that the time which a boy spends at school should be employed in laying a foundation for that subsequent improvement which must necessarily be conducted by the pupil himself, by which method, says our author "he will not only be relieved from the drudgery of acquiring the elements of the different sciences, more peculiarly felt in maturer years, but he will be in possession of principles and of knowledge, which he can practically use with a facility the greater in proportion to the clearness of his comprehension of them.” Having satisfactorily established his first proposition, Mr. B. assumes, secondly, that " Intellectual education contemplates the improvement of the separate faculties or powers of the human mind— "A progress in scientific knowledge is attention, abstraction, memory, reason, judgment, and imagination." Upon each | to be attributed solely to a debilitated state of these subjects the author expatiates of the intellectual functions. in a very forcible and ingenious manner. Our limits forbid a lengthened quotation; we shall therefore content ourselves with the following general remarks "To qualify an individual to conduct at large the various intellectual operations requisite in business and in science, it is necessary to aim at the improvement of each power; for each has a share in those combinations of ideas, by which we advance in the acquirement of knowledge, and derive for ourselves the principles of action. So intimately connected is the improvement of one faculty with the enlargement of another, that we cannot fairly expect the maturity or vigour of one, apart from a general culture of the whole. We cannot, for example improve the powers of reason and judgment without strengthening the memory; and we cannot cultivate the memory without enlarging the power of attention. Particular operations of the mind are thus facilitated by general culture; it is by this that an individual is enabled to concentrate these powers on any given object; and to maintain a balance of power or influence in their combined operations." The third proposition to which our attention is directed is, "That the culture of habit is another important object of early education." After stating the powerful influences to which the mind is subjected by habit, and the beneficial results attendant on its culture, Mr. B. remarks: A uniform activity of mind-the habit of thinking and our personal energies in continued action, reasoning-are absolutely essential to keep and to direct them to proper objects. A neglect of the early culture of mental habits, is followed in subsequent life by the most fatal consequences: it incapacitates for any arduous or difficult undertaking. The rapid exhaustion of the power of attention impairs the memory and the judgment: the mind loses its susceptibility of the most urgent motives, from its inability to embrace the ideas which give them force: every attempt to repair the deficiencies of mind, is counteracted by the force of habits which form of themselves a character;-there must be a revulsion of the whole mind to do away with its predominant principles, which nothing, we imagine, can effect, but a severe state of circumstances,-the iron hand of unrelenting necessity." The "Adaptation of every mode of treatment to the pupils as individuals" forms the next subject of discussion. This is an interesting and important branch of school duties, and is attended with considerable difficulty. Mr. B. appears to be decidedly opposed to the indiscriminate exercise of severe measures, and strongly contends for the introduction of plans which are calculated to enlighten and impress the conscience of the individual, rather than to rest on treatment in which the heart and mind of the pupil are not interested. His remarks on this head we consider particularly excellent; and though we must not follow him through the whole of his arguments, we cannot refrain from tran It must not be forgotten, however, that while the force of habit may be allied to our capacity of making distinguished at-scribing the following, which do equal faiuments, the understanding is impaired honour to the feelings and talents of the and reduced sometimes, even below a sus-authorsceptibility of recovery, by the neglect of habitual exercise. The faculties of the mind must degrade daily, unless supported by habit;—and it is a melancholy fact, presented to us every day-that in the minds of many men, who should now, as to years, be vigorous, the faculties of reason and judgment seem almost extinct. They can recollect what they have always said on certain subjects, and they say what they have always thought, and will never think otherwise; the acquisition of new ideas seems impossible; the capacity to receive them seems impaired beyond the practicability of the reception. The indolence, inactivity, and want of dexterity in youth are "The tendency of harsh treatment to maintain continual irritation of the feelings, to interrupt the exercise of esteem, and to keep in play the disposition of revolt against arbitrary authority, so natural to every human mind, may ultimately produce the most unhappy effects on the temper and disposition of the pupil. As far as we as tutors are concerned, our pupils have a right to be happy; upon which we are not justified to infringe by any arbitrary or useless severity of behaviour towards them. But this consideration is of trifling weight in comparison of the certain and beneficial consequences resulting from a mild govern of the adorable Redeemer are held up to the view of young minds in a manner which we hope will not fail to strike their attention. Without any invidious comparison of this book with those of higher pretensions, we cordially recommend it to the attention of our young friends, not merely because it is cheaper than others, but on account of its piety, morality, and good taste; and, more especially, because the Editor has given to filial piety, a marked attention throughout. ment. From the culture of good feeling in their minds, we shall save them from the vices that originate in a deluded imagination, conjoined with insensibility of heart;we shall prepare them to derive their happiness from the resources of virtuous life; and give them the disposition to transfer to others the good they have accumulated upon themselves. The natural virtues of courage, intrepedity, and honour, even in their most enobled exercises, may form an alliance with the milder graces of character, and derive an additional lustre from the union. Mere hardihood is not a quality of worth, apart from its direction to a proper object, and under the influence of right motives. The The first tale is an admirable one, culture of the affections impairs not one of the impulses or tendencies of mind by which entitled "Juvenile indiscretion; or the men are fitted for great actions, or the busi-adventures of two Runaways," but it is We must, howness of exalted stations in society. It is too long for insertion. rather the source from which we are to exever, make room for two of the charming poems with which this "New Year's Gift" abounds. Perhaps the best way of recommending these delicious fruits to our young readers will be to give them a taste in a specimen or two. pect a full tide of public feeling towards all the objects and enterprizes which interest our common humanity, or which solicit our attention in the great commerce of the world." The remainder of the work treats on the different branches of English instruction, the Mathematics, the Languages, Natural Philosophy, &c. and closes with a few pages of concluding observations. In dismissing this highly interesting volume, we cannot too strongly express our approbation of its contents, and the great pleasure we have derived from its perusal. We therefore cordially recommend it to the attention of our readers, and to those especially who are interested in the important subject of education. Affection's Offering; a book for all Sea- We have been very much pleased with THE LITTLE CHIMNEY SWEEPER. By W. Holloway. "Whose is that shrill and tiny voice, That breaks upon our sleep,' O'tis that little sooty boy, From his dark cellar driven, For, O! 'tis cold 'tis bitter cold! And fast the snow comes down, Poor little thing! his feet are bare; Across his shivering shoulders hangs He knows no father's tender care, And rude, and merciless! Perhaps a pauper from his birth, Now he must wait at great folks' doors, Hush, children hush! so snug and warm- Oh! ye that o'er the distant wrongs succinctly, on all subjects of general utility and importance, that they may not, on leaving school, be ignorant of the common affairs of life, the customs of society, and the practice of trade; that they may not, amidst their showy accomplishments and refined education, have, on entering the world, to learn the alphabet of common sense. The proprietors, therefore, feel great pleasure in inviting the attention of the youth of the British empire to the following prize subjects. Class I. English Composition.-The best Essay, to entitle the Writer to Books of of the value of four guineas: the next best, to Books of the value of one guinea: and the eight next best, to Books of the value of five shillings each. Class II. Translation from the Latin.The best translation, to be entitled to Books of the value of two guineas; the seven next best, to Books of the value of five shillings each." We refer our readers to the volume itself, for particulars as to subjects and conditions. The price of this little annual places it within the reach of those who have not the means of compassing more expensive publications. "Affection's Offering" may be made at little cost, and we sincerely hope that its circulation will prove equal to its merit. An Examination of Scripture Difficulties; elucidating nearly seven hundred pasApart from its general interest, this sages in the Old and New Testament, designed for the use of general readers. elegant volume presents a peculiar feaBy WILLIAM CARPENTER, Author ture of attraction. The proprietors have of "A Popular Introduction to the advertised Prize Essays to rouse the Study of the Scriptures," "A Scripemulation and call forth the energies ture Natural History," &c. &c. of the juvenile mind. We remember MR. Carpenter is already known to the the effect of a similar excitement on the Christian world, and this work, we apmind of the lamented Henry Kirk prehend, will not lessen his well earned White, and heartily wish that the pre-reputation. By a very neat and modest sent may be rewarded by results as preface, he introduces his work to gesuccessful and happy. neral readers; and in a motto borrowed The following is the proposalfrom Montaigne he says, "I have pick"The proprietors of Affection's Offered a nosegay of culled flowers, and ing,' having an especial regard for the brought nothing of my own but the moral and intellectual improvement of the thread that ties them." Those who are rising generation, propose to the youth of officially and practically conversant with both sexes the following Prize Essays, Scripture difficulties will be best prewith a view to create a laudable emulation, pared to appreciate his merits; and by exercising and improving their mental faculties. It is of the utmost importance many, we trust, will derive important that young persons should be taught to assistance in their daily reading of the think justly, and write clearly, neatly and sacred volume. |