more those preparing for the ministry; deal with credit, will afford him. and thus far, every piousand enlight-sufficient excitement of a ened mind must unite with them. agreeable kind. In these exercises We cannot too earnestly desire the he has, moreover, all desirable mental improvement of those on opportunity of comparing himself whom the welfare of our churches with others, and by measuring his must, at some future period, in a progress with that made by them measure depend. Let them be under the same advantages, of furnished with every species of determining whether or not he has useful knowledge, let them acquire rightly improved them. This is clear perceptions of truth, and the but one, amidst a number of exability of presenting it in all its citements of a like description; most attractive and impressive others, such as annual examinaforms to the minds of others-but tions, &c. might, were it deemed never may they be urged on to necessary, be mentioned. these attainments by a kind of stimulus which is unworthy of the object, and must of necessity be dangerous in its operation. But perhaps it may be urged, (indeed the writer has known it urged,) that the excitements alluded to are inefficient, because they too little partake of the nature of encouragement. Be this as it may, the introduction of prizes is far from From what is known of the plan upon which education in our theological institutions is now conducted, all additional excite-being calculated to supply that ment, of the kind in question, is defect. "For they which run in totally unnecessary. Appeals suf- the race, run all-but one receivficiently powerful are made to that eth the prize." It may happen that class of feelings, upon which this a man of fine natural endowments, new stimulus is designed to ope- though of habits by no means disrate; and it is wished to see tinguished by diligence, may carry them made less frequently than off the reward-and what is the at present, rather than multi-consequence? That one individual plied. In illustration of this derives encouragement from his remark, consider the means em-success-nay, more-by the time ployed, with the immediate view his triumph is proclaimed abroad, of fitting the student for pulpit by a public recital or more ordiexercises. All the students, it nary means, he likewise becomes appears, are required in rotation inflated with vanity. But the arto deliver an essay or a sermon dour of the rest, many of them before their tutors and associates. probably of far more exemplary On these occasions, all present are diligence and greater merit, will be allowed freely to utter their re- damped, or even extinguished, by marks, and the composition read disappointment. What other reundergoes a general criticism.sult can be anticipated, when they Should the production be an unfortunate one, it may easily be conjectured that so large a body of critics will not suffer the author of it to want any stimulus to improvement that can arise from pain and mortification, and should it, on the contrary be successful, the pleasure of having passed the or discover, that whatever assiduity they may employ, another, with much less effort, can outstrip them in the course, and seize that reward which, if bestowed on genuine worth, they only would be entitled to expect? Hence it is evident, that to the most patient and unrelenting industry, unless asso ciated with superior talent, the an appeal to either, in those premeasure in question furnishes little paring for sacred functions, exor no encouragement; while. ge- ceedingly dangerous. Nor will nius, for starting up perhaps from this experiment, it is conceived, be slumber into a momentary exercise followed by its natural conseof its powers, is crowned with quences, if it does not engender honour and pampered with ap- in the minds of those whom it will plause. And even if the success- drag into contention, feelings preful candidate should exemplify the judicial to the growth of piety and rare combination of superior talent mutual good will. Who can help and application, still the only con- dreading the influence it will have sequence will be, that one will be upon them, while living together impelled for an instant onward, under the same roof? Were they in while the greater part will be dis- a similar situation with the mempirited and driven back. In mere bers of an university, where in literary establishments, where in- such "strivings for the mastery," tellectual excellence constitutes the the antagonists may never have chief good, where, whether it be been in the least degree acquaintof natural endowment, or the re-ed, or may never have even seen sult of an extraordinary exercise each other's faces where, how of perseverance, triumphing over much soever the name of the vicnatural difficulties is never made tor may be blazoned, those of the a matter of inquiry or regard- vanquished remain unknown-the where, provided the work be good, measure would be less objectionthe merit of the workman is deemed able; but as they dwell together of trifling importance, and general in one family, meeting around the welfare is but little thought of, so same table, and living in hourly long as brilliant names adorn their intercourse, there is room for more registers there is nothing so in-serious apprehension. To say that consistent in such kinds of stimulus; but the same cannot be said of those places which ought to be regulated by contrary principles, where character should have its proper weight, and the advancement of all in their respective spheres, be equally desired. If, however, the introduction of prizes could be deemed a measure merely useless, or admitted of no other objection than those already specified, these observations would never have been written. But consequences far more injurious must be anticipated. For no one, of the most distant acquaintance with human nature, will pretend to deny the immense difficulty of awakening emulation without exciting envy, between which the line of demarcation is scarcely discernible; a circumstance that renders they will be able to suppress the risings of jealousy on such occasions, is, in other language, to call them super-human; and when this feeling is once produced, who shall set limits to its growth? The object of jealousy will be never out of sight-jealousy, in all likelihood, will give birth to envy-from envy will spring dislike; and however these feelings may be smothered, and suffered to operate only within the bosom, yet there they will rankle, prejudicial at once to all peace of mind, and free exercise of brotherly affection. And all union of feeling and sentiment being thus to a great extent interrupted, those materials will be destroyed from which many friendships might be formed, not only interesting to those between whom they subsist, but likely to be of future benefit to the church. For much as the writer the love of human applause, by dreads the influence of such compe- which not only their usefulness, titions, in producing discord among but, in some instances, even the them while dwelling together--much safety of their souls is endangered; as he fears lest we should be doomed, but if there be any one measure at no very distant period, to see more calculated than another to the family comfort and social feel- call such a principle into action, ing, which have hitherto distin- it must surely be the very exguished our academies, exchanged pedient now in question. "God for that cold, distant, worldly, forbid," said the apostle, "that envious spirit, which pervades an I should glory, save in the cross university-he is almost equally of Christ." In this he has left apprehensive respecting its tend- an example, worthy the imita ency to diminish their future use- tion of all the ministers of Christ. fulness. All who have thought on But in the glorying of which he the subject will readily acknow-speaks, did he include the prostiledge, that it is peculiarly desir- tution of religious subjects to conable that union of feeling should tentions for the praise of men? prevail among the several parts of Supposing the doctrine of the atoneChristian denominations, which, ment to be selected as the subject owing to their peculiar views of for one of these competitions, none ecclesiastical government, have no can be so ignorant as not to perother bond. Without it they can ceive that this is a modern, and never extensively spread their not the apostolic method of glorycommon sentiments, nor make ef- ing in the cross. Instead of such forts of any considerable magni- expedients for promoting the imtude for the advancement of reli-provement of candidates for such gion. Frequently, very frequently, important offices, let every attempt have we heard it lamented ("haud be made for impressing their minds ignota loquor") that more of the with the immense responsibility of spirit of union does not subsist their station; let the glory and the among those who, in occupying doom which respectively await the pastoral offices, may be regarded faithful and the slothful servant be as the the representatives of our continually kept before them; and churches: But if there is now never let these exalted motives be ground for such regret, what are thrust out from their minds by the we to expect from our future mi-introduction of others altogether nisters, if, from the very first, they are taught to look on each other as rivals-if competition is made a part of their theological education, and, in our religious seminaries, those seeds of jealousy are sown, which future contact and opportu-prised to see them regarded as nities of comparison can only be expected to hasten forward and mature? worldly and grovelling. Motives arising from a consideration of heavenly things will stimulate to correspondent actions; but if earthly things are held out as worth contending for, we must not be sur objects of eager desire and pursuit. When operated on by the former, the mind is under the inBy the confession of all who fluence of a steady attraction, discharge ministerial duties, there drawing it continually onward is no principle with which they through those successive stages of have more frequent occasion or improvement which lead to the greater difficulty to struggle, than reward; while the stimulus afford ed by the latter is nothing better be given to this object instead of than the thrust of a poisoned goad, being fixed as before, is left to which may give a momentary im- the influence of right feeling and pulse, but must, at the same time, principle. We are addressed as communicate a rankling soreness wise men, and supposed capable and disease. For these reasons, of knowing our individual duty, the writer cannot but be earnestly and it is assumed that love will desirous (and he is now expressing induce us to perform it. But though by no means a solitary wish) that the amount to be contributed by the introduction of prizes will be a Christians to this purpose is not measure never adopted by those specified, the duty of contributing who regulate the affairs of our is very plainly and powerfully urged theological institutions. upon them. To the church at Corinth the apostle says, God hath ordained that they who preach the gospel should live of the gospel. A spirit of great benevolence and liberality prevailed in the primitive churches, and displayed itself even with relation to Christians at a distance, though themselves in deep poverty. It is not then for a moment to be supposed, that they would suffer those excellent men who devoted their time and energies to the promotion of their good, to be destitute of what was necessary to their comfort. The prevalence of this spirit of liberality will account for the little that is said on this sub FROM the peculiar nature of this subject, it is very seldom introduced into the pulpit, and it is greatly to be feared that many Christians and Christian churches are but imperfectly instructed in this part of their duty. If it be a scriptural precept that churches should support their pastors, delicacy should not prevent ministers from giving that prominence to this part of truth which is given to it in Scripture, and to which its importance fairly entitles it. We feel bound then on the present occa-ject in the New Testament. Chrission, fully and candidly to state the doctrine of Scripture on this important subject. Under the former dispensation the ministers of religion, the priests were amply provided for by the institution of tithes, and were not allowed to be proprietors of land lest the pursuits of agriculture should too much secularize their minds and divert their attention from their appropriate duties and pursuits. In the New Testament the same principle is recognized and adopted. We live, it is true, under an economy far more spiritual and glorious than the Mosaic. The principle is therefore, accommodated in its operation to this difference. The precise sum to tians understood and practised this part of their duty so well, that the apostles felt it unnecessary to say much to them respecting it. In the church at Corinth circumstances existed that induced the apostle Paul to decline receiving from them any pecuniary supply, and to this church, therefore, more is said enforcing this duty than to any other, lest an unfair advantage should in future be taken of his conduct. They are, however, severely censured for compelling him to act in this manner, while the church at Philippi are highly commended for the uniform kindness they had shewn the apostle. Not that he was anxious on his own account to receive the substantial proofs of their kindness which they were so bishop that he should not be greedy ready to afford. He had attained of filthy lucre? but if they did, then a noble superiority over external we perceive at once the necessity things, and his happiness was not of having some pledge from their materially affected by the circum- previous character, that they were stances in which he was placed. not influenced by the love of gain He had learned to be full and to in seeking to enter the office of the be hungry, both to abound and ministry. If proper persons are to suffer need. Yet though these chosen, and it is the fault of the were his personal feelings, he de-churches if this is not the case, clared they had well done in that they ought, we contend, to be well they had communicated with his supported. affliction. It was fruit that abound- Besides, it may be safely asserted to their account, an odour of a ed that churches that do not supsweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable port their pastors, are seldom so well pleasing to God. But there prosperous among themselves, or is another passage, which on this so useful to others, as the churches subject possesses peculiar weight. that understand and practise their Let the elders that rule well be duty in this particular. For this counted worthy of double honour, difference it is not difficult to acespecially they who labour in word count. God will put honour on and doctrine. Our Lord, in de- his own plans in preference to tecting and exposing the hypocrisy those suggested even by Chrisof the Scribes and Pharisees, tians. Pastors not deriving their proves, that when a son is com- support from their churches, are manded to honour his parents, he apt to feel too much independence, is commanded to support them if and not to make that preparation necessary. When the same word for the pulpit which would enable is here used in reference to elders, them to fill it with respectability. does it not then imply that they They feel that no one has any are to be supported? Nothing can right to complain, and this in conbe more easily proved from Scrip- nection with natural indolence, ture than the position for which we operates most unfavourably on contend. But common justice and their pulpit exercises. Giving and fairness, as well as Scripture, show receiving important benefits too, that pastors should be supported. will create mutual interest which Who goeth a warfare at any time must have a beneficial influence on at his own charges, who planteth both minister and people. a vineyard and eateth not of the fruit thereof, or who feedeth a flock and eateth not of the milk of the flock? If pastors sow unto their people spiritual things, is it a great thing if these pastors should reap their carnal things? What is given to pastors should not be considered as charity. It is a return for their labour, and it is universally admitted that the labourer is worthy of his hire. If pastors received no salary in apostolic times, why was it a qualification of the Let churches then study this subject more attentively, and liberally provide for their pastors as a part of Christian duty, and the best consequences cannot but follow. A-X. ON REVIVAL of RELIGION. To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine. SIR, WHILE the subject of revival in religion is happily engaging the |