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To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine.

tures." As it has been with them, so it was individually with the Jews and Pagans of antiquity: and so it is now with the great body of man- BEING about to attempt the eskind who receive not the testi- tablishment of a Congregational mony" of Christ. Surely it is Library, and wishing to profit by matter of serious interest, and can- the experience of others in the unnot but be attended with improve-dertaking. I shall feel obliged if ment to inquire into the character some one of your correspondents, of this morbid apathy of the soul who has directed his attention to to its own vital interests, which the subject, will supply me, through thus induces it to listen to the your excellent Miscellany with such truths of revelation with cool in- information as he may consider difference, while those of com- important to the success of such paratively trifling importance are an institution. approached with eagerness and Information is especially solicitexamined with minute attention. ed as to the rate of subscription The cause of this fatal darkness most approved, the periods of of soul is declared in the Scriptures attendance, the most effectual meto be sin; but how has it produced thods of enforcing the return of this awful effect? By what mys-books at the time prescribed, and terious process does it thus com- the proper care of them while in pletely close the mind and harden the subscriber's possession; and as the heart against the pure doctrines to the most eligible plan of settling of the Gospel? How is it that those and securing the property of the capable of the loftiest intellectual institution. pursuits, who often astonish us by their sublimity of thought, and others who search the secrets of material nature and unveil her operations with surprising (we were almost tempted to say superhuman) Considering the immense advanacuteness, are, with the pages of tages which may arise from exciting inspiration before their eyes, as and supplying a demand for useful ignorant and unconcerned about and religious reading among the their immortal welfare as the weak-members of our congregations, esest and most imbecile? How is it that they, who are "wise in their generation" and providently lay up earthly wealth, care not to seek eternal treasure? How is it that mankind in general, with the Bible in their hands and in the certain prospect of approaching death, with one consent flee to the mad whirl of folly and vice, as the unthinking horse rusheth into the battle."

(To be continued.)

If your correspondent, who may kindly reply to this note, can furnish a copy of some approved regulations, he will confer an additional favour.

pecially the young, and the importance of guarding them against the pernicious works which are in constant circulation, it is most earnestly to be desired that an extensive and well-chosen library may be connected with every congregation, as the best means of accomplishing those valuable objects.

Your insertion of this letter, and the reply which I hope will be promptly afforded, may probably remind many of readers of the your importance of the subject, and stimulate them to establish libraries in their respective congregations. E. C.




Fountain of ev'ry good,
Exhaustless, full, and free;
Of ev'ry blessing I enjoy,

The springs are all in Thee.

When the primeval pair

To thy new world were come,

And thou becamest their frequent guest,
And Eden was their home;

Pure as the earliest gush
Of that ambrosial flood,

That rose amid its happy bowers,
And wander'd thence abroad:
Ere yet the faded leaf

Had floated on its tide,

Or ere the pale and smitten flower
Had on its margin died;
So placid and so pure,
From all admixture free,

In constant and perennial stream,
Their blessings flowed from Thee!
The withering blast of sin
That ravaged ev'ry shade,

The curse that shed its pois'nous dews
O'er earth's expansive bed,
Shook every bud of hope,
And tore its verdant dress,

And dash'd their thousand rills of joy
With lasting bitterness.

Their hapless offspring still
These dire effects endure;

Of those embittered waters drink,
No prophet's hand can cure.
But ev'n these mingled draughts
For lond thanksgiving call,
For O, our own unnumber'd sins
Demand unmingled gall.
While from thy nether springs
Thy common gifts I share,

I want, I ask some signal proof
Of thy peculiar care.
From life's immortal fount
(The bosom of my God)
Proceeds, in everlasting flow,
A clear and crystal flood.
O that Salvation's cup
Fill'd to o'erflowing there,

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Britons! boast not of your laws,

Justice, truth, and equity,
While you plead not Afric's cause,
While you hear not Afric's cry.
High as heaven that cry ascends;
Wide as earth behold it spread!
He who no attention lends,

Vengeance hovers o'er his head.
Tyrants make a scoff at right;

Fools may laugh at "wrath to coine; But the God who dwells in light

Seals the bold oppressor's doom. Oh! partake not in bis sin,

Lest you share destruction tooLest the unerring voice within

Say "The negro bleeds for you." Tewkesbury. D. G.

When I would look on him

Who loves and saves my soul,
Dark shadows oft my vision dim,
And o'er his beauty roll.
"Tis unbelief's deep gloom

Doth thus the mind obscure ;-
Oh, sun of truth! my heart relume

With rays divinely pure.
Rise, like a mighty wind,

Thou holy Spirit, rise,

Sweep off the clouds of doubt that blind
These light-desiring eyes.

On this dull darkling sight,

Bid thy glad day-spring shine
And fill me with its quick'ning light,
And let thy peace be mine.

G. L.


Padobaptism Examined; with Replies to | as it may not have been known to many the Arguments and Objections of Dr. of our readers, having been some years Williams and Mr. Peter Edwards. By out of print, we shall give the Contents in an abridged form.

ABRAHAM Воотн. In three vols.
Price 11. 16s. Palmer.

To many it may appear strange, that this baptismal controversy should continue to be agitated, even in the 19th century, more than a quarter of which has already run out. No difference of opinion to such an extent could have obtained among Christians on any moral question; but it must ever be remembered, that baptism and the Lord's Supper (which has been equally fruitful in controversies, if not more so,) are ritual observances. We have no light "Part 2. The proper Subjects.-No exwithin to appeal to, as in a question of press precept nor plain example for Padobaptism in the New Testament-No evidence morals: our only appeal is to the law, of Padobaptism before the latter end of the and thus it becomes a question of inter- second, or the beginning of the third cenpretation. Now, unhappily, all Chris-tury-The high opinion of the Fathers contians are not agreed on the canons of cerning the utility of Baptism. interpretation; educational prejudices and submission to human authorities will be mingled with our most sincere inquiries, and hence it is not so marvellous as it might appear at first sight, that we arrive at different conclusions.

"Vol. I. Part 1. The Mode of Adminis tration. The nature, obligation, and imsignification of the terms Baptize and Bapportance of Positive Institutions - The tism-The design of Baptism; or the facts and blessings represented by it, both in regard to our Lord and his disciples-The practice of John the Baptist, of the apostles, and of the church in succeeding ages-The present practice of the Greek and Oriental churches-The design of Baptism more fully expressed by immersion, than by pouring or sprinkling.

We think it is evident, that the controversy respecting the mode of baptism must be interminable, unless the contending parties can be brought to agree on the nature of positive institutions. And the controversy respecting the proper subjects will be equally so, till we understand better the difference between the two economies, or what the apostle to the Hebrews designates

the old and the new covenant.

"Vol. II. The modern grounds of Pædobaptism; namely, Jewish proselyte Baptism,

External Covenant relation, Jewish Circumncision, Particular passages of Scripture, and apostolic tradition.

"The Scriptures are, Matt. xxviii. 19. Gen. xvii. 7. Ezek. xvi. 20, 21. Matt. xix, 14. John iii. 5. Acts ii. 39. Acts xvi. 15.

33. 1 Cor. i. 16. Rom. ii. 16. 1 Cor. vii. 14.

"Apostolic tradition, and the impracticability of pointing out the time when Padobaptism commenced-Infant baptism and

Infant communion introduced about the same time, and supported by similar arguments— General remarks.

"Part 3. The title of Dr. Williams's

book, bis professions, and bis conduct relative to this controversy-The little regard Dr. W. pays to quotations produced from Pedobaptists, and his disposition to extort pretence that bis book includes a full reply concessions from the Baptists-Dr. W.'s to Pædobaptism Examined.'

"Vol. III. Positive institution and ana

Under this impression, we cannot but wish that the first chapter of the invaluable work before us was published separately, and deeply studied by all whom it concerns. And what minister, logous reasoning-The meaning of the words what church, what individual believer Baptism, and Baptism as represented by is there whom it does not concern? Dr. W.-The general principles on which The late venerable Abraham Booth Communion and Infant Baptism compared Dr. W. founds the right of infants-Infant was no ordinary writer. This work-The utility and importance of Baptism, was the greatest labour of his life, and as represented by Dr. W.


"Part 4. Mr. Dore's Preface-The Re- | A Memoir of the Rev. Legh Richmond, ply to Mr. Peter Edwards.

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The paper and the type are very good, and the correctness of the reprint has been secured by the careful superintendence of John Satchell, Esq. whose habits of precision and accuracy are well known. Mr. Ebenezer Palmer, the publisher, has spared no expense in rendering this edition worthy the patronage of the public.'

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A.M. Rector of Turvey, Bedfordshire, and Chaplain to kis Royal Highness the late Duke of Kent. By the Rev. T. S. GRIMSHAWE, A.M. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 662. with a portrait. Seeley. WE rose from the perusal of this excellent Memoir with the impression strong upon our mind-"a good minister of Jesus Christ," a character of all others the most dignified, because the most useful; promoting, as it does, the best interests of men in both worlds.

Mr. Grimshawe's estimate of the late Mr. Richmond's labours is thus given:

"Among those who have contributed to the revival of religion in the present day, the subject of the following memoir stands highly distinguished. His name has been too long associated with every exertion to promote the growth of piety, both at home and abroad, not to have excited a very general solicitude for whatever may illustrate the history and character of a man, who has so often delighted the public by his eloquence, stimulated it by his zeal, and edified it by his example.'

The first volume is adorned with an excellent representation of a mural tablet, which stands over the vestry door of the meeting-house in Little Prescott Street.

Without undervaluing the publications of Drs. Gale, and Gill, and Stennett, and others, we venture to affirm that no library can be complete in the article of Baptism without this work. We cordially recommend it, therefore, not only to our own ministers and students, but to all candid inquirers among our pædobaptist brethren, who may find here what they may seek elsewhere in


We have heard with pleasure, that the Particular Baptist Fund has taken a hundred copies. Our opulent friends, we hope, will compassionately consider that many of our ministers who might read these volumes with great pleasure and advantage, cannot afford to purchase them. It will afford us great satisfaction to know that they have multiplied their donations in this way, which will be at once highly acceptable and useful.

Mr. Richmond, on leaving the university of Cambridge in 1798, settled as a curate at Brading in the Isle of Wight, and removing from that station in April, 1805, he became the minister of the Lock Hospital in London, and in October of the same year he entered upon the living of Turvey in Bedfordshire, where he continued till his death, May 8, 1827.

When Mr. R. commenced his ministry in the dark village of Brading, he was an unconverted clergyman, though of a respectable character as to morals, and apparently of upright aim in the discharge of the duties of his office. Soon after this, his heart was renewed by the Spirit of God, and this by means which at once displayed the sovereignty and riches of divine grace. But he must himself be heard in relation to this momentous change wrought in his character and sentiments., He is assigning his reasons for calling his son by the name of Wilberforce, and says, p. 26.

"I feel it to be a debt of gratitude which I owe to God and to man, to take this affecting opportunity of stating, that to the unsought and unexpected introduction of

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some trifling article, wrapped up in a leaf of Bishop Jewell's Apology. His attention was directed to the wrapper by one of his family, who jocosely remarked, this looks as if it would suit you, Legh.' He read the leaf, and instantly set off for Newport, to inquire after the remaining pages. The grocer, smiling at the anxiety of his clerical customer, replied, O yes, sir, here they are, and I have a whole hogshead of these worthies: they are much at your service, for twopence a pound.' The treasure was speedily and joyfully secured; and to this incident, trivial as it may appear, Mr. Richmond owed his extensive and profound acquaintance with the authors of the Reformation.

Mr. Wilberforce's book of Practical Christianity' I owe, through God's mercy, the first sacred impression which I ever received as to the spiritual nature of the Gospel system, the vital character of personal religion, the corruption of the human heart, and the way of salvation by Jesus Christ. As a young minister, recently ordained and just entrusted with the care of two parishes in the Isle of Wight, I had commenced my labours too much in the spirit of the world, and founded my public instructions on the erroneous notions which prevailed among my associates. The scriptural principles stated in the Practical View' convinced me of my error, led me to the study of the Scriptures with an earnestness to which I had hitherto been a stranger, humbled my heart, and brought me to seek the love and A great part of the volume is made blessing of that Saviour who alone can afford a peace which the world cannot give.-up of accounts concerning Mr. R.'s traThrough the study of this book, I was in-velling and preaching for the Church duced to examine the writings of the British Missionary Society, and for (that which and Foreign Reformers. I saw the coinci- was originally formed among the Disdence of their doctrines with those of the senters) the Society for the Conversion Scriptures, and those which the word of God taught me to be essential to the welfare of the Jews. His animated extempore of myself and my flock. I know too well manner, and his evangelical preaching, what has passed within my heart for now a well fitted him for such an employment: long period of time, not to feel and to the funds collected by him, it appears, confess that to this incident I was indebted, were very considerable. originally, for those solid views of Christianity on which I rest my hope for time and eternity. May I not, then, call the honoured author of that book my spiritual father, and if my spiritual father, then my best earthly friend? The wish to connect his name with my own was justifiable. It was a lasting memorial of the most important transaction of my life; it still lives amidst the tender; ness of present emotions, as a signal of endearment and gratitude, and I trust its character is imperishable."

It was in this village and neighbourhood that those incidents occurred which

led to his celebrity as a writer; here he met with the "Dairyman's Daughter," and "Little James," and the "Negro Servant." It was here too that he compiled a considerable work,

which he entitled "The Fathers of the English Church." Our author speaking on this subject, says—

But it was in his character as the pious village rector that he excelled. How distressing to the flock must it have been, when such a shepherd was removed, to have had no choice in the selection of his successor; but either to be compelled to sit uuder the uninteresting harangues of a blind guide, where "the hungry sheep look up and are not fed," or to use their liberty (who can properly estimate the liberty secured by law to British Christians!) of fitting up a barn to perform spiritual worship, and to enjoy an evangelical ministry. How descriptive is the fine alliteration employed in the "Velvet Cushion," when viewed in such a situation! O the "Dissenterism of Barns!" how infinitely more valuable than either the "Protestantism of Churches," or the "Popery of Cathedrals!"

Mr. R., it is said by his biographer, "The circumstance to which Mr. Richmond was indebted for his superiority on was "a faithful son of the Church of this subject is singular, and deserves inser- England;" and we are happy to add, tion. While he resided in the Isle of Wight, that as one of its ministers, he never and shortly after his perusal of Wilber-slandered his own mother's children," force's Practical View, which had effected so striking a change in his own sentiments considered in the higher character as and character, a grocer at Newport sent him members of the Church of Christ. In

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