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O thou, to whom all creatures bow
Praise ye the Lord; our God to praise



Preserve me, Lord, from crafty foes
Protect me from my cruel foes
Resoly'd to watch o'er all my ways
Save me, O God, from waves that roll
Since I have plac'd my trust in God
Since godly men decay, O Lord
Sing to the Lord a new-made song
Sing to the Lord a new-made song
Speak, O ye judges of the earth
Sure wicked fools must needs suppose
That man is blest who stands in awe
Thee will I bless, my God and King
The heavens declare thy glory, Lord
The king, O Lord, with songs_of praise
The Lord hath spoke, the mighty God
The Lord himself, the mighty Lord

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To find Psalms suited to particular Subjects and Occasions.

ADORATION of God, psalms 8,65,
95, 96 and 145. (See Praise.)

- of the second person in the
Trinity, psalm 47.

ADVENT, psalms proper for, 18, verse
8, &c. 50, 89, 96, 97, 98, and 146,
verse 6, &c.

AFFLICTED, prayer of, psalms 13, 42,
94, 102, 119, verse 81, &c. and
psalm 143.

-, comfort of, psalm 119, verse

49, &c.

-, complaint of, psalms 42, 77,
102, 114, verse 81, &c. and psalm


--, psalm proper for, 119.
AFFLICTIONS, benefits of, psalm 94,
verses 12, 13, and 14, psalm 119,
verses 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, and 75.
deliverance from them

celebrated, psalms 34 and 107.
AGED SAINT, prayer of, psalm 71,
verses 17 and 18.
ALMS-GIVING, Psalm 41, verses 1, 2 and
3, and psalm 112.

ANGELS guard the righteous, psalm 34,
verse 7, and psalm 91, verses 11 and

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ATHEISM, practical, punishment de-
nounced against, psalm 14.
-----, prevalence of, lamented,
psalms 10 and 12.

ATTRIBUTES of God, psalm 36, verse
5, &c. psalms 111, 145, 146 and 147.
BLESSING of God on temporal business
and comforts, psalm 127.
BLESSINGS of a family, psalm 128.

-, temporal, promised, psalm
144, verse 12 to the end.

-, promised to the righteous,

psalms 1, 32, 122 and 128.

prefigured by the ceremonies of the
law, psalm 51.

BROTHERLY love, psalm 133.
CARE of God over his Saints, psalm 34.
CHARITY to the poor. (See Alms-

CHARITABLE man, blessings promised
to, psalm 41, verses 1, 2 and 3.
CHILDREN, comforts of, psalm 127,
verses 3, 4 and 5.

instructed in God's law,
psalm 78, verse 6, &c. psalm 119,
verse 9, &c.

CHRIST, the true David, psalms 35 and
89. (See David.)

-, covenant made with him typi-
fied by David, psalm 89.

-, divinity of, psalm 45, verse 6,
&c. psalms 47 and 110.

his incarnation, psalm 40,
verse 6, &c.

-, David in the person of, de-
scribes his sorrows and the malice
and persecution of his enemies, and
prays for deliverance, psalms 22,
35, 41 and 55.

-, his death and sufferings set
forth in the person of David, psalms
22, 35, 40, 41, 55 and 69.

his resurrection predicted,
psalm 2, psalm 16, verse 9, &c.
psalm 69, verse 29, &c. psalm 118,
verse 22, &c.

his ascension celebrated,

psalms 24, 47, 68, &c.


his exaltation in his human

nature to his Mediatorial Kingdom,
psalm 2, verse 7 to the end, psalms
8, 21, 72, 89, 110, 118 and 132.

his glorification in his human

nature, psalm 8.

-, his love to his Church celebra-

ted, psalm 45.

-, his love to his enemies, psalm
35, verse 11, &c.

- his glory and power, psalm 45,
verse 2, &c.

-, his kingdom among the Gen-
tiles, psalms 72, 87, 110 and 132.

BLOOD of Christ, cleansing from sin,, a Priest and King, psalm 110.

CHRIST, our strength and righteous-COMPLAINT of quarrelsome neighbours,

ness, psalm 71, verses 14, 15 and 16.
-, his first and second coming,
psalms 50, 96, 97 and 98.
CHRISTMAS day, psalm 45, psalm 85,
three last verses, psalms 89, 110
and 132.

CHURCH, established by God, psalm 44.
built on Jesus Christ, psalm

118, verse 22, &c.

gathered and settled, psalm 132.
its beauty, worship and order,
psalms 48 and 122.


the birth-place of Saints, psalm

safety and joy in it, psalm 27,

verse 4, &c. psalms 48 and 84.

destruction of its enemies,

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psalm 122.

COMFORT and support in God, psalm
4, 16, verse 5, &c. psalms 32, 34,
46, and 94, verse 12, &c.

and support in God from a
view of his past mercies, psalm 77,
verse 10, &c.

and support in sadness, prayed
for, psalms 102 and 142.

- of God's Spirit prayed

for, psalms 42, 43 and 51.
COMMUNION of Saints, psalm 16, verses
4 and 5, psalm 133.
COMPLAINT of absence from public wor-
ship, psalm 42.

of sickness, psalm 6.
of temptation and spiritual

affliction, psalm 42.

of the prevalence of impiety
and wickedness, psalms 10 and 12.

psalm 11.

of heavy afflictions in mind

and body, psalms 102 and 143.
COMPASSION of God, psalms 103 and
145, verse 9 to the end.
CONFESSION of sin, repentance, and
pardon, psalms 32, 38, 51, 130 and

CONFIRMATION, psalms proper for, 19,
verse 7, &c. 25, verse 7, &c. 34,
verse 11, &c. 51, verse 9, &c. 119,
verse 9, &c. verse 33, &c. verse
103, &c.

CONSCIENCE, its guilt relieved, psalms
32 and 130.

CONSECRATION of a Church, psalm 132,
verse 7, &c. (See Office of Conse-

CONTENTION, complained of, psalm

CONTRITION, an act of, psalms 25 and

CONVERSE with God, psalm 63.
CONVERSION of Jews and Gentiles,
psalms 87, 96, 106 and 126.
CORRUPTION of manners general, psalms
11 and 12.

COUNSEL and support from God, psalms
16 and 119.

COURAGE in death, psalm 16.
COVENANT made with Christ in the
person of David, psalm 89.
CREATION and Providence, psalms 33,
104, 135, 136, 147 and 148.
CREATURES, no trust in them, and God
all sufficient, psalm 33, verse 12 to
the end, psalms 62 and 146.

praising God, psalm 148.
DAVID, in his sufferings, deliverances,
kingdom, &c. a type of Christ, psalms
2, 18, 21, 22, 35, 40, 44, 45, 55, 69,
72, 89, 109, 110, 118 and 132, (See
DEATH, courage in, psalm 16, and
psalm 23, verse 4, &c.

-, deliverance from, psalm 31 and


of Christ, psalms 22 and 69.
- of saints and sinners, psalms 37
and 49.

the effect of sin, psalm 90.
DEFENCE and salvation in God, psalms
3, 18, 61 and 121.
DELAYING sinners warned, psalm 95,
verse 7, &c.

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