4 Almighty grace, thy healing power, so vile a heart as mine. 5 Thy pard'ning love, so free, so sweet, 1 dear Saviour, I adore; O keep me at thy sacred feet, and let me rove no more. H HYMN XXXIV. PENITENTIAL. The Pool of Bethesda. John v. 2---4. 3 Thou cov'nant-angel, swift come down, 4 Thou seest me lying at the pool, 1 HYMN XXXV. PENITENTIAL. THAT my load of sin were gone! At Jesus' feet to lay it down! to lay my soul at Jesus' feet! 2 Rest for my soul I long to find : Saviour of all, if mine thou art, Give me thy meek and lowly mind, and stamp thine image on my heart. 3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin, 4 Fain would I learn of thee, my God; 5 I would; but thou must give the power; my heart from every sin release; Bring near, bring near the joyful hour, and fill me with thy perfect peace. My God, thy powerful aid impart, my guardian and my guide. 6 O keep me in thy heavenly way, and bid the tempter flee; And let me never, never stray from happiness and thee. 1 HYMN XXXVIII. The Joys of Heaven. COME, Lord, and warm each languid heart, inspire each lifeless tongue; 4 There, on a throne (how dazzling bright!) on all the heavenly minds. 5 There shall the followers of the Lamb join in immortal songs; And endless honours to his name employ their tuneful tongues. 6 Lord, tune our hearts to praise and love, 1 our feeble notes inspire; Till in thy blissful courts above, we join th' angelic choir. HYMN XXXIX. Heavenly Joy on Earth. COME, we that love the Lord, and let our joys be known; Join in a song with sweet accord, and thus surround the throne. 2 The sorrows of the mind be banish'd from this place; Religion never was design'd to make our pleasures less. 3 Let those refuse to sing that never knew our God, But fav'rites of the heavenly King may speak their joys abroad. 4 The God that rules on high, and thunders when he please, That rides upon the stormy sky, and manages the seas: 5 This awful God is ours, our Father and our love; He shall send down his heavenly powers to carry us above. 6 There shall we see his face, and never, never sin; There, from the rivers of his grace 7 Yes, and before we rise a thousand sacred sweets, 10 Then let our songs abound, and every tear be dry; 1 We're marching through Immanuel's ground, to fairer worlds on high. Regardless of immortal joys, and strangers to the skies! 2 These transient scenes will soon decay, they fade upon the sight; 3 Their brightest day, alas, how vain! 5 There joys unseen by mortal eyes, 6 Lord, send a beam of light divine, 1 across my peaceful breast. L HYMN XLII. INVITING. Life the Day of Grace and Hope. IFE is the time to serve the Lord, And while the lamp holds out to burn, 2 Life is the hour that God hath given 3 The living know that they must die; 4 Their hatred and their love is lost, 5 Then what my thoughts design to do, |