honour, and welfare of thy peo- for our sins, may, through thy ple; that all things may be so or- goodness, be mercifully turned indered and settled by their endea- to plenty, for the love of Jesus vours, upon the best and surest Christ our Lord; to whom, with foundations, that peace and hap-thee and the Holy Ghost, be all piness, truth and justice, religion honour and glory, now and for and piety, may be established ever. Amen. among us for all generations. These, and all other necessaries 0 In Time of War and Tumults. ALMIGHTY God, the su for them, for us, and thy whole preme Governor of all things, Church, we humbly beg in the whose power no creature is able to name and mediation of Jesus resist, to whom it belongeth justChrist, our most blessed Lord and ly to punish sinners, and to be Saviour. Amen. merciful to those who truly repent; save and deliver us, we humbly For Rain. O GOD, heavenly Father, who beseech thee, from the hands of by thy Christ, hast our enemies; that we, being armed promised to all those who seek thy with thy defence, may be preservkingdom and the righteousness ed evermore from all perils, to glothereof, all things necessary to rify thee, who art the only giver of their bodily sustenance; send us, all victory, through the merits of we beseech thee, in this our ne- thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. cessity, such moderate rain and Amen. showers, that we may receive the fruits of the earth to our comfort, and to thy honour, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A For Fair Weather. For those who are to be admitted into Holy Orders, to be used in the Weeks preceding the stated Times of Ordination. LMIGHTY God, hea A venly Father, who hast pur LMIGHTY and most merci-chased to thyself an universal ful Father, we humbly be- Church, by the precious blood of seech thee, of thy great goodness, thy dear Son; mercifully look upon to restrain those immoderate rains, the same, and at this time so guide wherewith, for our sins, thou hast and govern the minds of thy serafflicted us: And we pray thee to vants, the Bishops and Pastors of send us such seasonable weather, thy flock, that they may lay hands that the earth may, in due time, suddenly on no man, but faithfully yield her increase, for our use and and wisely make choice of fit perbenefit; and give us grace, that sons, to serve in the sacred miniswe may learn, by thy punishments, try of thy Church. And, to those to amend our lives, and for thy who shall be ordained to any holy clemency to give thee thanks and function, give thy grace and heapraise, through Jesus Christ our venly benediction; that both by Lord. Amen. their life and doctrine they may In Time of Dearth and Famine. show forth thy glory, and set O GOD, heavenly Father, forward the salvation of all men, whose gift is that the rain through Jesus Christ our Lord. doth fall, and the earth bring forth Amen. her increase; behold, we beseech thee, the afflictions of thy people; increase the fruits of the earth by LMIGHTY God, the giver of all good gifts, who of thy thy heavenly benediction; and divine providence hast appointed grant that the scarcity and dearth, divers orders in thy Church; give which we now most justly suffer thy grace, we humbly beseech A Or this. thee, to all those who are to be called to any office and administration in the same; and so re A For a Sick Child. LMIGHTY God, and merciful Father, to whom alone plenish them with the truth of thy belong the issues of life and death; doctrine, and endue them with in- look down from heaven, we humnocency of life, that they may faith- bly beseech thee, with the eyes of fully serve before thee, to the glory mercy, upon the sick child for of thy great name, and the benefit whom our prayers are desired. of thy holy Church, through Jesus Deliver him, O Lord, in thy good appointed time, from his bodily Christ our Lord. Amen. 0 In Time of great Sickness and Mortality. pain, and visit him with thy salvaALMIGHTY God, the Lord tion; that if it should be thy good of life and death, of sickness pleasure to prolong his days here and health; regard our supplica- on earth, he may live to thee, and tions, we humbly beseech thee; be an instrument of thy glory, by and, as thou hast thought fit to serving thee faithfully, and doing visit us for our sins with great good in his generation: Or else sickness and mortality, in the midst receive him into those heavenly of thy judgment, O Lord, remem- habitations, where the souls of ber mercy. Have pity upon us those who sleep in the Lord Jesus miserable sinners, and withdraw enjoy perpetual rest and felicity. from us the grievous sickness with Grant this, O Lord, for the love of which we are afflicted. May this thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. thy fatherly correction have its due Amen. influence upon us, by leading us to consider how frail and uncertain our life is; that we may apply our hearts unto that heavenly wisdom, which in the end will bring us to 0 For a Person, or Persons going to Sea. ETERNAL God, who alone spreadest out the heavens, and rulest the raging of the sea; we commend to thy Almighty everlasting life, through Jesus Christ protection, thy servant, for whose our Lord. Amen. For a Sick Person. preservation on the great deep our prayers are desired. Guard him, we beseech thee, from the 0 FATHER of mercies, and dangers of the sea, from sickness, God of all comfort, our only from the violence of enemies, and help in time of need; look down from every evil to which he may from heaven, we humbly beseech be exposed. Conduct him in safethee, behold, visit, and relieve thy ty to the haven where he would sick servant, for whom our prayers be, with a grateful sense of thy are desired. Look upon him with mercies, through Jesus Christ our the eyes of thy mercy; comfort him Lord. Amen. with a sense of thy goodness; preserve him from the temptations of the enemy; give him patience un For a Person under Affliction. MERCIFUL God, and hea der his affliction; and, in thy good us, in thy holy Word, that thou dost time, restore him to health, and not willingly afflict or grieve the enable him to lead the residue of children of men; look with pity, his life in thy fear, and to thy glo- we beseech thee, upon the sorry: Or else give him grace so to rows of thy servant, for whom our take thy visitation, that, after this prayers are desired. In thy wispainful life ended, he may dwell dom thou hast seen fit to visit him with thee in life everlasting, through with trouble, and to bring distress Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. upon him. Remember him, O C 1 Lord, in mercy; sanctify thy fa- tion; convince them of the misetherly correction to him; endue his rable condition they are in, by soul with patience under his af- their sins and wickedness; and let fliction, and with resignation to thy thy powerful grace produce in them blessed will; comfort him with a such a godly sorrow, and sincere sense of thy goodness; lift up thy repentance, as thou wilt be pleascountenance upon him, and give ed to accept. Give them a strong him peace, through Jesus Christ and lively faith in thy Son, our our Lord. Amen. blessed Saviour, and make it effectFor Malefactors, after Condemnation. Or else ual to the salvation of their souls. the Prayer in the Visitation of ning, "O Father of Mercies," &c. may be used. ismay be used. O Lord, in judgment remember 0 MOST gracious and merci-mercy; and whatever sufferings ful God, we earnestly beseech they are to endure in this world, thee to have pity and compassion yet deliver them, O God, from the upon those persons recommended bitter pains of eternal death. Parto our prayers, who now lie under don their sins, and save their souls, the sentence of the law, and are for the sake and merits of thy dear appointed to die. Visit them, O Son, our blessed Saviour and ReLord, with thy mercy and salva-deemer. Amen. THANKSGIVINGS. The Thanksgiving of Women after Child-birth; thine inheritance, and to refresh it to be said when any Woman, being present in Church, shall have desired to return Thanks to when it was dry, to the great comAlmighty God for her safe deliverance. fort of us thy unworthy servants, ALMIGHTY God, we give and to the glory of thy holy name, thee humble thanks, for that through thy mercies in Jesus Christ 0 thou hast been graciously pleased our Lord. Amen. For Fair Weather. hast relieved and comforted our man, thy servant, who desires now 0 LORD God, who hast justly humbled us by thy late to offer her praises and thanksgiv- visitation of us with immoderate ings unto thee. Grant, we beseech thee, most merciful Father, rain and waters, and in thy mercy that she, through thy help, may souls by this seasonable and blessboth faithfully live and walk according to thy will in this life ed change of weather; we praise present, and also may be partaker and glorify thy holy name, for this of everlasting glory in the life to come, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Rain. O GOD, our heavenly Father, who by thy gracious provi thy mercy, and will always declare thy loving kindness from generation to generation, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Plenty. MOST merciful Father, who of thy gracious goodness hast dence dost cause the former and the latter rain to descend upon the heard the devout prayers of thy earth, that it may bring forth fruit Church, and turned our dearth for the use of man; we give thee and scarcity into plenty; we give humble thanks that it hath pleased thee humble thanks for this thy thee, in our great necessity, to send special bounty; beseeching thee us at the last, a joyful rain upon to continue thy loving kindness unto us, that our land may yield consumed us for our transgresus her fruits of increase, to thy sions, by thy late heavy and dreadglory and our comfort, through ful visitation; and now, in the Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. midst of judgment remembering ↑ For Peace, and Deliverance from our Enemies. mercy, hast redeemed our souls from the jaws of death; we offer 0 ALMIGHTY God, who art unto thy fatherly goodness oura strong tower of defence selves, our souls and bodies, which unto thy servants against the face thou hast delivered, to be a living of their enemies; we yield thee sacrifice unto thee; always praispraise and thanksgiving, for our ing and magnifying thy mercies deliverance from those great and in the midst of thy Church, apparent dangers wherewith we through Jesus Christ our Lord. were compassed; we acknow- Amen. ledge it thy goodness that we were not delivered over as a prey unto For a Recovery from Sickness. them; beseeching thee still to con- O GOD, who art the giver of tinue such thy mercies towards us, life, of health, and of safety; that all the world may know that we bless thy name, that thou hast thou art our Saviour and mighty been pleased to deliver from his Deliverer, through Jesus Christ bodily sickness this thy servant, our Lord. Amen. 0 who now desireth to return thanks unto thee, in the presence of all For Restoring Public Peace at Home. thy people. Gracious art thou, Ο ETERNAL God, our hea- Lord, and full of compassion to venly Father, who alone the children of men. May his makest men to be of one mind in heart be duly impressed with a a house, and stillest the outrage of sense of thy merciful goodness, a violent and unruly people; we and may he devote the residue of bless thy holy name, that it hath his days to an humble, holy, and pleased thee to appease the sedi- obedient walking before thee, tious tumults which have been through Jesus Christ our Lord. lately raised up amongst us; most Amen. M For a safe Return from Sea. humbly beseeching thee to grant to all of us grace, that we may henceforth obediently walk in thy 「OST gracious Lord, whose holy commandments; and, lead- mercy is over all thy works; ing a quiet and peaceable life in we praise thy holy name that thou all godliness and honesty, may hast been pleased to conduct in continually offer unto thee our sa- safety, through the perils of the crifice of praise and thanksgiving great deep, this thy servant, who for these thy mercies towards us, now desireth to return his thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord. unto thee, in thy holy Church: Amen. For Deliverance from great Sickness and 0 Mortality. May he be duly sensible of thy merciful providence towards him, and ever express his thankfulness by a holy trust in thee, and obe LORD God, who hast dience to thy laws, through Jesus wounded us for our sins, and Christ our Lord. Amen. 36 THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS, To be used throughout the Year. The first Sunday in Advent. A LMIGHTY God, give Ition nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore us cast off the works of darkness, grace that we may cast away and let us put on the armour of the works of darkness, and put light. Let us walk honestly, as upon us the armour of light, now in the day; not in rioting and in the time of this mortal life, in drunkenness, not in chambering which thy son Jesus Christ came and wantonness, not in strife and to visit us in great humility; that envying. But put ye on the Lord in the last day, when he shall come Jesus Christ, and make not proagain in his glorious Majesty to vision for the flesh, to fulfil the judge both the quick and dead, lusts thereof. we may rise to the life immortal, The Gospel. St. Matt. xxi. 1. through him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, W now and ever. Amen. This Collect is be repeated every Day with HEN they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of the other Collects in Advent Christmas Olives, then sent Jesus two disci day. 0 ples, saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass The Epistle. Rom. xiii. 8. WE no man any thing, but to tied, and a colt with her: loose love one another; for he that them, and bring them unto me. loveth another hath fulfilled the And if any man say ought unto law. For this, Thou shalt not you, ye shall say, The Lord hath commit adultery, Thou shalt not need of them; and straightway kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou he will send them. All this was shalt not bear false witness, Thou done, that it might be fulfilled shalt not covet; and if there be which was spoken by the prophet, any other commandment, it is saying, Tell ye the daughter of briefly comprehended in this say- Sion, Behold, thy King cometh ing, namely, Thou shalt love thy unto thee, meek, and sitting upon neighbour as thyself. Love work- an ass, and a colt the foal of an eth no ill to his neighbour; there-ass. And the disciples went, and fore love is the fulfilling of the did as Jesus commanded them; law. And that, knowing the time, and brought the ass and the colt, that now it is high time to awake and put on them their clothes, and out of sleep; for now is our salva- they sat him thereon. And a very |