Symbols of RevelationYou have read all of the fantastic stories concerning interpretation of the book of Revelation. Are you ready for the true meaning of Revelation? Stephen Bock in this book, The Symbols of Revelation, delves into the symbols of Revelation and supports his exegesis of the book and its symbols with extensive scriptural proof. Find out what the 'The Mark of the Beast, ' 'The Blood Up to the Horses' Bridle' and many other Revelation Symbols are really all about. The Symbols of Revelation is a must read for every Christian, and every individual interested in studying the Bible and Bible Prophecy |
From inside the book
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The Symbols Of Revelation | 9 |
The Seven Seals | 15 |
The Seven Trumpets | 21 |
The Seven Candlesticks | 27 |
The Sun | 31 |
The Seven Angels | 37 |
The Seven Stars | 43 |
The Four Beasts | 47 |
The Two Witnesses | 121 |
The Rod of Iron | 149 |
The Earth The Sea | 157 |
The Kings of The Earth | 165 |
The Great Red Dragon | 171 |
The Beast | 177 |
The False Prophet | 191 |
The Mark of The Beast | 195 |
The Seven Horns | 59 |
The Seven Eyes | 63 |
The Sea of Glass | 65 |
The Four Horses | 75 |
The White Horse | 81 |
The Red Horse | 85 |
The Black Horse | 89 |
The Pale Horse | 93 |
The Moon Turned To Blood | 97 |
The Locusts | 111 |
The Blood Up To The Horses Bridles | 207 |
The Vine of The Earth The True Vine | 211 |
Armageddon | 221 |
The Two Women A Dichotomy | 229 |
Babylon | 239 |
The Sword | 249 |
Fine Linen Clean and White | 253 |
The New Jerusalem | 261 |
Common terms and phrases
angel armour of God Babylon battle behold Bible blood book of Revelation bottomless pit bride bride of Christ candlesticks cast chapter Chebar Corinthians crowns Daniel darkness dragon earth Ephesians eyes Ezekiel false fire flesh fornication four beasts garments glory God’s Word gospel day hath heard Hebrews holy horns II Corinthians Isaiah Israel Jeremiah Jerusalem Jesus Christ John kill kingdom kings Lamb Lamb’s wife light literal living creatures locusts look midst moon mouth Old Testament persecution prophets refers represents Revelation 13 righteousness rod of iron Roman Roman Empire saith the Lord Satan say unto Scripture sea of glass seal seven churches seven heads seven periods seven stars sins spake speaking Spirit sword symbol teachings tells temple thereof things thou sawest throne trumpet truth twelve stars unto thee verse vine vision voice waters white horse whore wicked winepress witnesses woman worship Zechariah