LIFE OF OUR SAVIOUR, AND SAINT PETER, THE ROCK UPON WHICH HE BUILT HIS CHURCH. By Father Francis DeLigney, S. J., Translated by Mrs. J. Sadlier Francois TOGETHER WITH Tives of Saint Patrick and Saint Bridget. TO WHICH IS ADDED THE TEACHINGS OF THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH, EMBRACING ITS DOGMAS, SACRAMENTS AND SACRAMENTALS. Sammed By Rev. S. B. SMITH, D. D., Author of "Elements of Ecclesiastical Law." APPROVED BY HIS EMINENCE, Archbishop of Naohock PUBLISHED WITH THE APPROBATION OF RIGHT REV. P. T. O'REILLY, BISHOP OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS. NEW YORK: GAY BROTHERS & CO., Publishers, 559 ELECTROTYPED, PRINTED, AND BOUND BY 14 BARCLAY STREET, NEW YORK. De Signey (widense.) CLEVELAND, O., March 31, 1881. I have examined with a good deal of care the "Life of Our Saviour and Catholic Teachings," as published by GAY BROTHERS & CO., and find it exceedingly instructive and very edifying. I will be glad to see it extensively circulated throughout the diocese of Bleveland. + R. Gilmour, Bishop of Bleveland. Episcopal Residence, NASHVILLE, TENN., March 8, 1880. I cheerfully recommend the work entitled "Our Saviour and Catholic Teachings," published by GAY BROTHERS & CO. + P. A. Feehan, Bishop of Nashville. Episcopal Residence, ST. LOUIS, MO., September 17, 1879. The book entitled "Life of Our Saviour and St. Peter," etc., is a work to be recommended, as the names of the authors, as well as the approbation of his &minence, Cardinal McCloskey, give sufficient guarantee of its high merits. Sig. H. Muehlsiepen, V. G., Arch-Diocese of St. Louis, Ma Episcopal Residence. CLEVELAND, O., March 26, 1881. I have cursorily examined the work entitled "Our Saviour and Catholic Teachings," published for the compilers by GAY BROTHERS & CO., and found it correct in doctrine and edifying in illustration and detail. The “Imprimatur” of the Rt. Rev. Dr. O'Reilly, which it bears, should be its passport to Catholic confidence T. P. Thorpe, V. G., Pastor Bathedral. "The Life of Our Saviour and Catholic Teachings," published by Messrs. GAY BROTHERS & CO., is a work well calculated to foster in the reader a great reverence and love for our Divine Master, and I cheerfully recommend its perusal to the faithful of this diocese. MARCH 28, 1882. + James Gibbons, Archbishop, Baltimore "The Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ," by De Ligney, is a book highly approved and admired. Its publication with the aphroval of the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Springfield, is an assurance of the correctness of this edition. I recommend it to the Blergy and Laity of the diocese of Bincinnati. * William Henry Elder, Bishop, Coadjutor. |