REMARKS ON ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, IN THREE VOLUMES. BY JOHN JORTIN, D. D. ARCHDEACON OF LONDON, RECTOR OF ST DUNSTAN IN THE EAST, AND VICAR OF KENSINGTON. SOLD BY LACKINGTON, ALLEN, AND CO. FINSBURY SQUARE; CUTHELL AND MARTIN, MIDDLE-ROW, HOLBORN; AND J. WALKER, PATERNOSTER-Row. T. TURNBULL, PRINTER, EDINBERGH. Oracles ridiculed by Aristophanes and Lucian 106-108 The prediction of Moses that a prophet should arise like unto him, and the resemblance between Moses Conjecture on a Passage in Herodotus The prohibition of eating blood Bacchus and Hercules resemble Moses The Apostolical Constitutions considered Some remarks on the compiler of them |