LANCASTER LAW REVIEW. CONTAINING THE DECISIONS OF THE SEVERAL COURTS OF LANCASTER COUNTY, AND BY GEORGE ROSS ESHLEMAN, Of the Lancaster County Bar. VOL. XXXII. LANCASTER, PA.: THE WICKERSHAM PRINTING COMPANY 1915. JURISPRUDENCE LOWER COURT DECISIONS REPORTED WHICH HAVE SINCE BEEN Belmont Stamping and Engraving Co. v. Edelson Betz, Annie C., Estate of Commonwealth to use of Froelich v. Nolt's Ex'rs Estate of Annie C. Betz, dec'd 152 165 116 165 On page 52, in second line of syllabus of case of Dunkleberger v. Union County, for "February 1I read "February 17, 1899." On page 73, on third line of third paragraph of syllabus, for "it" read "the appeal." On page 87, at bottom of first column, for "Judge Bechtold of the Supreme Court" read "Judge Kephart of the Superior Court." On page 90, thirty-sixth line of first column, for "and" read "an." On page 115, for "C. P. of Lancaster Co., November Term, 1914, No. 11" read "Trust Book 23, page 66." On page 369, in the first line of the third paragraph of the syllabus, for the words "widow as administratrix" read "widow's administrator." On page 413, last line of syllabus, for "could be" read was not." |