VERBA VERBI. THE WORDS OF JESUS Arranged in order of time: AS A DAILY COMPANION, EPITOME OF THE GOSPEL, AND TREASURY OF MENTAL PRAYER. BY EDWARD CASWALL, PRIEST OF THE ORATORY OF ST. PHILIP NERI. CREDO QUIDQUID DIXIT DEI FILIUS. LONDON: BURNS & LAMBERT, 17 PORTMAN STREET, AND 63 PATERNOSTER ROW. 1855. 138. d. 131. TO THE DEVOUT CHILDREN OF ST. PHILIP, THIS COMPENDIUM OF THE MOST SACRED WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE IS DEDICATED, IN THE AFFECTIONATE HOPE THAT, THROUGH THE INTERCESSION OF OUR HOLY FATHER, IT MAY CONTRIBUTE TOWARDS FORMING IN THEM, BY DIVINE GRACE, THAT MIND WHICH WAS ALSO IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD. "The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and PREFACE. life." ST. JOHN Vi. 64. Vos ut doceret, induit Vocis sonos Verbum Patris; Vestris adhuc in paginis Wrapp'd in a voice of mortal mould, HYMN TO THE EVANGELISTS, in the Monastic Breviary of Cluny. THE collection of our dear Lord's most gracious and life-giving words here presented to the reader, does not make any pretension to originality; being little more than the Verba a Christo prolata of the Scripturæ Sacræ Cursus Completus, harmonised agreeably with the Concordia Evangelica in the same admirable Series. Its object cannot, perhaps, be better expressed than in the language of those to whom, as far as the Editor is aware, the first idea of it is due. "In a former volume," remark the Editors of the Cursus, "we exhibited in one connection all those passages of the Old Testament which are quoted by our Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles in the New; here, in a similar manner, we bring together, under one view, our Lord's own sacred oracles, as respectively recorded by His four Evangelists. The devout soul will thus be at liberty to contemplate in one context, without break or hindrance, those all-divine utterances, which, issuing from the lips of uncreated Wisdom, were committed to Holy Scripture, by in |