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What is meant, when it is said the Father hath put times and seasons in his own power?

Is it wrong to inquire anxiously about things that God has not been pleased to reveal?

8. What did the Saviour then say to them? What sortof power was it that they received when the Holy Ghost came upon them?

Had not the apostles wisdom and courage enough of their own for this work? 2 Cor. iv. 7.

What are we told in Acts iv. 33?

Who are sent now to be witnesses for Jesus Christ? 9. After he had spoken these things, what took place?

What was he doing at the time he was taken up? Luke xxiv. 50. 53.

Where did the Lord Jesus go?

Where is he now? Heb. viii. 1.

10. What did the disciples do as he went up? As they gazed, who stood beside them?

What were these two men?

Who sent them to speak to the astonished disciples? 11. What did they say to them?

What is meant by his coming again in like manner as he went up?

Who will come with him? 2 Thess. i. 7.

For what will he come?

Who will then see him? Rev. i. 7.

Repeat 2 Cor. v. 10.


Verses 1-11.

To whom did Jesus appear first, after he rose from the dead? John xx. 11-18. Mark xvi. 9-11. Who saw him next? Matt. xxviii. 8, 9. See also Mark xvi. 1.

After that to whom did he appear on the same day? Luke xxiv. 13-31. Mark xvi. 12, 13.

Who else saw him that day? Luke xxiv. 34.

To whom did he appear in the evening? Luke xxiv. 36. John xx. 19.

Where are we told that the eleven afterwards saw

hir? Matt. xxviii. 16-20.

On what other occasion did he show himself to some of his disciples in Galilee? John xxi. 1.


Are we to suppose that every appearance he made is mentioned in the gospels? 1 Cor. xv. 5—7. What were some of the infallible or certain proofs which they had that he was really risen? xxiv. 39-43. John xx. 27. Acts x. 40, 41. How many days after Christ was taken up to heaven was it, when the Apostles were baptized with the Holy Ghost?

In the course of the foregoing lessons, you have had frequent occasion to search the holy scriptures which are able to make you wise unto salvation: Have you been made thus wise?

If you have not, on whem must the blame rest?



The following works may be ad: antageously consulted by Tear hers, in their preparations for the school room; The several Commentaries upon the Scriptures, in generà' ase. *Nevin'. Biblical Antiquities.

* Dwight's Dictionary of the Proper Names of the New Testament. Scripture Illustrations.-First series.

† Scripture Illustrations.-Second se.ics.

Elnathan: a rarrative illustrative of the manners of the ancient Israelites.

† Destruction of Jerusalem.

Chistian Researches in the Holy Land, by Rev Mr. Jowett. † Jocelyn's Bible Atias.

+ Published by the American S. S. Union.

For sale at the Depository of the A. S. 8. Union

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