CH. 3. SECT. II. 8 to thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but knowest not whence it cometh, or whither it goeth; so it is with every one who is 9 born of the Spirit. Nicodemus answered, How can 10 these things be? Jesus replied, Art thou the tea11 cher of Israel, and knowest not these things? Verily verily I say unto thee, we speak what we know, and testify what we have seen; yet ye receive not 12 our testimony. If ye understood not when I told you earthly things; how will ye understand, when 13 I tell you heavenly things? For none ascendeth into heaven, but he who descended from heaven; Num. 21; 9. 14 the Son of Man, whose abode is heaven. As Moses placed on high the serpent in the wilder15 ness, so must the Son of Man be placed on high, that whosoever believeth on him may not perish, 16 but obtain eternal life: for God hath so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him may not perish, but obtain 1 Jo. 4; 9. ch. 12; 47. 17 eternal life. For God hath sent his Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world 18 may be saved by him. He who believeth on him shall not be condemned; he who believeth not is already condemned, because he hath not believed 19 on the name of the only begotten Son of God. Now this is the ground of condemnation, that the light is come into the world, and men have preferred the darkness to the light, because their deeds were 20 evil. For whosoever doth evil, hateth the light, and shunneth it, lest his deeds should be detected. ch. 1; 4. SECT. II. CH. 3. 21 But he who obeyeth the truth cometh to the light, that it may be manifest that his actions are agreeaable to God. 22 After this, Jesus went with his disciples into the ch. 4; 2. territory of Judea, where he remained with them, 23 and baptized. John also was baptizing in Enon near Salim, because there was much water there; 24 and people came thither and were baptized. For John was not yet cast into prison. 25 Now John's disciples had a dispute with a Jew 26 about purification. Whereupon they went to John, and said to him, Rabbi, he who was with thee near the Jordan, of whom thou gavest so great a ch. 1; 27.30 character; he too baptizeth, and the people flock 27 to him. John answered, A man can have no pow28 er but what he deriveth from heaven. Ye your selves are witnesses for me, that I said, 'I am not 29 'the Messiah, but am sent before him. The ch. 1; 20, bridegroom is he who hath the bride; but the friend of the bridegroom, who assisteth him, rejoiceth to hear the bridegroom's voice: this my 30 joy therefore is complete. He must increase, while 31 I decrease. He who cometh from above, is above all. He who is from the earth is earthly, and speaketh as being from the earth. He who com. 32 eth from heaven is above all. What he testifieth is what he hath seen and heard; yet his testimony 33 is not received. He who receiveth his testimony, 34 voucheth the veracity of God. For he whom God hath commissioned, relateth God's own words; CH. 4. SECT. III. for [to him] God giveth not the Spirit by meaMat. 11:27.35 sure. The Father loveth the Son, and hath sub1 Jo. 5; 10. 36 jected all things to him. He who believeth on the Son hath life eternal; he who rejecteth the Son, shall not see life; but the vengeance of God awaiteth him. SECTION III. ch. 3; 22. THE JOURNEY TO GALILEE. IV. JESUS, knowing that the Pharisees were inform2 ed that he made and baptized more disciples than 3 John (though it was not Jesus himself, but his disciples, who baptized), left Judea, and returned to 4. Galilee. Being obliged to pass through Samaria, he came to a Samaritan city called Sychar 37, near the heriGen. 33; 19. 6 tage which Jacob gave his son Joseph. Now Jacob's & 48; 22. Jos. 24; 32. well was there. And Jesus, wearied with the journey, sat down by the well, it being about the sixth hour 38. 7 A woman of Samaria having come to draw wa8 ter, Jesus said to her, Give me to drink (for his 37 In the Old Testament called Shechem. 38 Twelve o'clock noon. SECT. III. сн. 4. disciples were gone into the city to buy food); the 9 Samaritan woman answered, How is it that thou who art a Jew, askest drink of me who am a Samaritan? (for the Jews have no friendly intercourse 10 with the Samaritans.) Jesus replied, If thou knewest the bounty of God, and who it is that saith to thee, 'Give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked him, and he would have given thee living wa11 ter. She answered, Sir, thou hast no bucket, and the well is deep: whence then hast thou the living 12 water? Art thou greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, 13 and his sons, and his cattle? Jesus replied, Whoso 14 drinketh of this water, will thirst again; but whoever shall drink of the water which I shall give him, shall never thirst more; but the water which I shall give, shall be in him a fountain springing 15 up to everlasting life. The woman answered, Sir, give me this water, that I may never be thirsty, 16 nor come hither to draw. Jesus said to her, Go, 17 call thy husband, and come back. She answered, 18 I have no husband. Jesus replied, Thou sayest well, I have no husband;' for thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast, is not thy 19 husband; in this thou hast spoken truth. The wo man said, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. 20 Our fathers worshipped on this mountain; and ye Deut. 12; 5. say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought 21 to worship. Jesus answered, Woman, believe me, the time approacheth, when ye shall neither come CH. 4. SECT. IIL to this mountain, nor go to Jerusalem, to worship 22 the Father. Ye worship what ye know not; we worship what we know: for salvation is from the 23 Jews. But the time cometh, or rather is come, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth: for such are the worship2 Cor. 3; 17. 24 pers whom the Father requireth. God is a spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in 25 spirit and truth. The woman replied, I know that the Messiah 39 cometh (that is, the Christ); 26 when he is come, he will teach us all things. Jesus said unto her, I who speak unto thee am he. 27 Upon this his disciples came and wondered that he talked with a woman; yet none of them said, 'What seekest thou? or why talkest thou with her?? 28 Then the woman left her pitcher, and having gone 29 into the city, said to the people, Come, see a man 30 who hath told me all that ever I did. Is this the Messiah? They accordingly went out of the city and came to him. 31 Meanwhile the disciples entreating him, said, 32 Rabbi, eat. He answered, I have meat to eat 33 which ye know not of. Then said his disciples one 34 to another, Hath any man brought him food? Jesus answered, My food is to do the will of him Mat. 9; 37. 35 who sent me, and to finish his work... Say ye not, ' After four months cometh harvest?" But I say, Lift up your eyes, and survey the fields; for they 36 are already white enough for harvest. The reaper Lu. 10; 2. 39 The anointed. 40 The anointed. |