ON THE LESSONS IN PROVERBS: BEING THE SUBSTANCE OF LECTURES DELIVERED TO YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETIES AT PORTSMOUTH AND ELSEWHERE. BY RICHARD CHENEVIX TRENCH, B.D., VICAR OF ITCHENSTOKE, HANTS; EXAMINING CHAPLAIN TO THE LORD BISHOP OF OXFORD; THIRD EDITION, REVISED. LONDON: JOHN W. PARKER AND SON, WEST STRAND. MDCCCLIV. 101. d. 514. PREFACE. IT may be as well to state, that the lectures which are here published were never delivered as a complete course, but only one here and two there, as matter gradually grew under my hands; yet so that very much the greater part of what is contained in this volume has been at one time or another actually delivered. Although I have always taken a lively interest in national proverbs, I had no intention at the first of making a book about them; but only selected the subject as one which I thought, though I was not confident of this, might afford me sufficient material for a single lecture, which I had undertaken some time ago to deliver. I confess that I was at the time almost entirely ignorant of the immense number and variety of books bearing on the subject. Many of these I still know only by name. With some of the best, however, I have made myself acquainted, and by their aid, with the addition of such further material as I could myself furnish, these lectures have assumed their present shape; and I publish them, because none of the works on proverbs |