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fence. And the popularity of the works of those who have diftinguifhed themselves in this caufe, fo incalculably important to mankind, inconteftably proves, that Chriftianity is dear to Britons.

If the fubject were not almoft too delicate to touch, we might appeal to Ireland for farther confirmation of this principle. It cannot however be mentioned as an exception; for it is an obvious truth, that the ignorance and bigotry of the Irish Roman Catholics fitted them, in a peculiar manner, for the purposes of Jacobinifm. But that so vaft a majority of the people fhould have continued, for fo long a term of years, the slaves of Popery and Barbarifm under a Proteftant government, and with Proteftant minifters appointed to be the instructors of every parish in the kingdom, must be confidered as a phenomenon in history, which, whether viewed in a religious or a political light, Fact alone could render credible. Would the piety and wisdom of our Ancestors, who refcued Britain from thefe chains, have believed it poffible? I am aware that the philofophized toleration of modern


Let me not be misunderstood; Chriftian toleration is equally remote from intolerance and indifference; it unites



modern days will readily furnish a. fpecious juftification of what They would have efteemed indifference to the interefts of Religion But furely it is high time to return to the genuine principles of Chriftianity." By their fruits ye fhall know them.".

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Ifhall conclude this Chapter with an ap peal to the Prophecy of our Lord, which has been already examined, as far as it relates to paft events, and shown to refer with equal certainty to "the latter days." Is it poffible to read this Prophecy, and not confider it as in a peculiar manner directed to "the men

ardent zeal with perfect charity; it allows perfect liberty to every mode of worship; but forgets not the injunction, "to labour earnestly to propagate the faith" by every means which argument, and example, and encouragement, can furnish. And while it commands the protection of every individual person, and admits freedom of inquiry, it authorizes refraint upon actions, and the avowal of opinions inconfiftent with the fafety of the Religious or Civil eftablifhments of the State, and the prefervation of defenfive barriers for their security. Upon this question I know it is common to urge, that Religion is itself invulnerable, and needs no defence from the civil power; for Religion is artfully confidered, either in the abflract, or as a political inftitution. But it may be afked, What would be faid of that general, who, by deftroying the outworks of a peculiar diftrict, facrificed an army, and contented himself with pre-` ferving an impregnable fortress?

• See vol. i. p. 202,


of this generation," as a warning and confor lation to the church in this awful period of time?" When ye fhall hear of wars, and rumours of wars, be not terrified, for these things must first come to pass; but, the end is not yet; for nation fhall rife up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There fhall be figns in the fun, and in the moon, and in the stars [fymbols referring to churches as well as ftates], and upon the earth, diftrefs of nations, with perplexity; the fear and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And they [the nations] fhall fee the Son of man' coming in the clouds of heaven [in judgment upon them as at the time of the deftruction of Jerufalem, and the victory over Pagan tyranny, which introduced the establishment of Christianity in temporary peace and glory in the Roman world '.] And when these things begin to come to pafs, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Many falfe Prophets [or teachers] fhall arife, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity fhall abound, the love

f See vol. i.

P. 243-248.



It requires no words to prove, that a great part of this prophecy is actually fulfilling at this moment. In what In what age has herefy been more prevalent? In what period did falfe teachers ever arife with fo much power to deceive? When did fuch multitudes fall the victims of delufion? When did iniquity fo generally abound fince the light of the Gospel arofe to guide us into the paths of eternal life and happiness? And what age was ever marked like this, with indifference to the truths and the interefts of Religion? Do we not hear of wars and rumours of wars-fee nation rifing against nation, and kingdom against kingdom-defection and fchifms in the churches-infurrections, commotions, and convulfions in the great and in the little ftates of the world, and the governments of all Shaken in a manner unexampled in the annals of history? And is it poffible to defcribe the character of the times more exactly than in the following terms?"Upon the earth dif tress of nations, with perplexity, the fea and the waves roaring." This diftrefs and perplexity was to arife, we fee, not from the

ambition of monarchs, or the ufual caufes of contention among nations; but was to be created and continued by the lower ranks of people. It was to be a democratic Spirit

that was to occafion this tremendous confufion. Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after thofe things which are coming upon the earth. Wearied by the failure of conjecture, the disappointment of plans, and the torments of fufpicion, the inhabitants of the earth feem now to wait their doom with the anxieties of fufpenfe, and the chill of defpair.

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. But amidst all thefe dreadful images of the "days of vengeance," what gracious comfort does our Lord afford to his faithful church! "Be ye not terrified. When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." The reign of Antichrist is near its clofe, and the glorious day of your Lord is at hand. "Be ye not terrified;" "Lo I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." Be patient under the correction which your Father fhall fee neceffary to prepare you for a place in my king

• See vol. i. p. 236.1


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