Exposing Satan's DevicesEXPOSING SATAN'S DEVICES is a spiritual tool chest of the many devices Satan uses to keep people under his lies and deceptions which eventually destroys them. It's very broad and yet specific in it's coverage of exposing Satan's devices. Some of the topics covered deal with things we all face in our day with the devil on the rampage. As long as Satan stays covered he is able to continue his evil works, but when the light of God's Word shines on his deeds, he can no longer use his deceptions. We certainly don't want to allow the devil to get an advantage over us by our ignorance of the devices he uses (2 Corinthians 2:11). This book is an expose of Satan and his methods and how to overcome him through spiritual warfare. As overcomers we have the victory! |
From inside the book
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Who Is Satan? | 1 |
Two Powers in the Earth | 7 |
Satans Way Is Selfishness | 13 |
Dont Ignore the Devil | 19 |
Gods Way Is Narrow | 26 |
Common terms and phrases
Adam and Eve angels armour of God Balaam battle beauty believe Betty Bible bless bondage bring cause chain of iniquity Christ Unlimited Christians church command Corinthians cultic cults curse darkness death deliverance Deuteronomy doctrines earth Eckankar enemy Ephesians evil spirits EXPOSING SATAN'S DEVICES faith False religions familiar spirits Father fear fellowship fire flesh Genesis gifts give God's Word gospel hath healing heart heaven hell Holy Spirit Jesus Christ John kingdom light lives Lord Jesus Lord thy Lucifer lust Matthew mind ministry occult Overcoming Life Series peace person pray prayer precious Father pride problem rebuke the devil receive resist the devil Revelation Santa Claus Satan says Scripture seek serpent shalt thou sickness sins soul speak speaketh Spiritual Warfare Strong's Concordance teach thee things thou art thou hast thou shalt torment truth unclean spirits unto walk witchcraft woman worship