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we are more liable to deceive ourselves into the thought of our possessing both repentance and faith, when we do not first try our charity, than when we begin by first sounding that, and so assuring ourselves that neither faith nor repentance are wanting.

Thus much has been said concerning the general duty of preparation in mind and heart; but since every man has his own peculiar faults and temptations, together with his own peculiar constitution of mind, it is impossible to enter into such details as may meet every particular case. Let it be sufficient to have pointed out in general terms what is to be expected of those who would come to the Lord's Supper, without attempting to force the consciences and the thoughts of others into fanciful alarms and expectations which do not naturally belong to them.

Concerning the preparation of the body it will be enough to mention the natural propriety of cleanliness, neatness of apparel, and reverent demeanour, that the whole man may be in unison with the character of the religious act which is being performed. We should

therefore be careful to keep our bodies "in temperance, soberness, and chastity," knowing that we have been bought with a price, and are therefore to glorify God in our body, and in our spirit, which are God's."* And indeed our duty to God demands of us an entire worship of Him, for we are wholly His, "in spirit, in soul, and body." +

* 1 Cor. vi. 20.

+ 1 Thess. v. 23.

Prayers and Meditations before

Holy Communion.



I PURPOSE, O heavenly Father, if Thou wilt bring me to that hour, to approach the Table of my blessed Saviour, and there in solemn service to present myself before Thee.

I feel how awful a thing it is to be, or seem to be, in any way nearer than usual to Thy holy presence. I know that all acts of religious worship when performed in obedience to Thy will, must bring me nearer unto Thee, and, chief of all perhaps, that act which I purpose now to perform; that act, which from its deep and wonderful significance, must needs be so acceptable and dear to Thee. Help me by Thy Holy Spirit to approach Thee with all the awe and reverence due to Thy great name. Help me to come unto

my Lord's Table in faith, with hope and love; and there, especially there, teach me to think worthily of Thee, and of Him who has left me, and all other weary and heavy-laden sinners, His gracious and loving invitation.

He, O my God, Thine only and well-beloved Son, He,* of whom Thou testifiedst from heaven Thy good pleasure and perfect satisfaction, He bade me come and commemorate His stupendous work of love in giving up his life for the life of the world. How can I refuse, my God? And yet at best I am most unworthy. How can I come, my God? and yet at least I dare not make excuses. Teach me therefore, O gracious Father, and help me to prepare myself in heart and mind to partake of my Saviour's Supper. "Send" me not away, but "draw me" + that I may come. Let not Thy terrors make me afraid, but lead me by the favour of Thy countenance, and win me to my Lord in love.

I would fain, unworthy as I am, and unworthy as I must ever be, attend that solemn rite. I would fain, unmeet though I be to gather up the crumbs beneath that Holy Table, approach and

* Matt. iii. 17; xvii. 5; John xii. 28.

† Cant. i. 4; John vi. 44.


receive a nobler portion. Bid me come, O Lord my God, as Thy blessed Son has bidden me, and say unto my soul, "Thou shalt surely eat and be satisfied."

But how shall I go to the Table of my God and Saviour? Should I go there unprepared, thoughtless, carnally-minded, irreverent? Should I go there with the thoughts of this world, with the purposes of sin, and the lusts of the flesh still loved and followed? Should I go, with self-confidence and self-satisfaction, unabashed at my own unworthiness, unhumbled at my increasing sins? Should I go with no resolves for good, no purposes nor prayers for amendment, no longing for holiness, no thirsting after righteousness? Should I go with words of evil on my tongue, and designs of malice in my heart, with contempt, or prejudice, or suspicion, or dislike for my "brethren in the world," with not a care nor thought for others, a solitary and a heartless man? Oh! this were indeed to act a lie in the presence of God, and to court the perishing hopes of the hypocrite. Keep me, I beseech Thee, O Lord my God, from this wicked state of self-delusion, this spiritual self-murder.

By Thy help, then, I will "go softly," with a

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