Mr Undwwood 18206-10726. THEATRUM POETARUM ANGLICANORUM: CONTAINING BRIEF CHARACTERS OF THE ENGLISH POETS, DOWN TO THE YEAR 1675. By EDWARD PHILLIPS, THE NEPHEW OF MILTON. THE THIRD EDITION, Reprinted at the expence; and with the Notes, ADVERTISEMENT. EDWARD DWARD PHILLIPS, son of EDWARD PHILLIPS who came from Shrewsbury, and rose to be Secondary in the Crown Office, by Anne, sister of John Milton, (the poet,) was born in the Strand, near Charing Cross, in August, 1630; and received his earliest education under his celebrated maternal uncle. Milton, after his return from Italy; & hired » (says Johnson,) «a lodging at the house of one « Russell, a taylor, in St. Bride's Churchyard, « and undertook the education of Jors and « EDWARD PHILLIPS, his sister's sons. « Finding his rooms too little, he took a house « and garden in Aldersgate Street, which was « not then so much out of the world, as it is « now : and chose his dwelling at the upper end « of a passage, that he might avoid the noise of « the Street. Here he received more boys to be « boarded and instructed. » After relating the plan of education pursued |