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dependence for their support unto' dependentiam; Quo denique adversus himself, and to make them more omnes occasiones peccati de futuro watchful against all future occa- reddat cautiores. Sed et ob alios sions of sin, and for sundry other etiam varios fines, justos sanctosque just and holy ends.' sibi propositos.

VI. Quod scelestos illos spectat



VI. As for those wicked and ungodly men whom God, as a impiosque homines, quos Deus, ut righteous judge, for former sins, justus judex, ob peccata præcedendoth blind and harden,' from tia excæcat induratque;' eis ille them he not only withholdeth his non solum gratiam suam non imgrace, whereby they might have pertit, qua ipsis cum illuminari been enlightened in their under- intellectus, tum affici corda potuisstandings and wrought upon in sent; sed interdum subtrahit eis their hearts, but sometimes also quibus imbuti erant dona, et ipsos withdraweth the gifts which they exponit illiusmodi objectis, unde had, and exposeth them to such corruptio eorum arripit sibi pecobjects as their corruption makes candi occasiones; simulque traoccasion of sin; and withal, gives dit eos suis ipsorum concupiscentiis them over to their own lusts, the et tentationibus mundi, et potestati temptations of the world, and the Satana; ex quo fit ut seipsos power of Satan; whereby it comes ipsi indurent, et quidem sub iisto pass that they harden them- dem mediis quibus utitur Deus ad selves, even under those means alios emolliendos. which God useth for the softening of others."

VII. As the providence of God VII. Providentia Dei sicut ad doth, in general, reach to all creat- omnes creaturas universali modo ures, so, after a most special man- se extendit; ita modo plane pecuner, it taketh care of his Church, liari Ecclesiæ suce curam gerit, and disposeth all things to the ac in ejus bonum disponit unigood thereof.' versa.'

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Deut. ii. 30; 2 Kings viii. 12, 13.
'Psa. lxxxi. 11, 12; 2 Thess. ii. 10-12.
Exod. vii. 3; viii. 15, 32; 2 Cor. ii. 15, 16;
Isa. viii. 14; 1 Pet. ii. 7, 8; Isa. vi. 9, 10;
Acts xxviii. 26, 27.

1 Tim. iv. 10; Amos ix. 8, 9; Rom. viii
28; Isa. xliii. 3-5, 14.


Of Christ the Mediator.



De Christo Mediatore.


I. It pleased God, in his eternal I. Complacitum est Deo Filium purpose, to choose and ordain the ejus unigenitum Dominum Jesum Lord Jesus, his only-begotten Son, in æterno suo proposito eligere atto be the Mediator between God que ordinare ut Mediator esset inter and man,' the Prophet, Priest, Deum et hominem,' Propheta, Saand King;* the Head and Saviour cerdos, et Rex, caput idem et salof his Church, the Heir of all vator Ecclesiæ suæ; rerum omthings, and Judge of the world; nium hæres, Mundique Judex;' unto whom he did, from all eter- cui ab æterno populum dedit futunity, give a people to be his seed,* rum illi in semen, ac per illum and to be by him in time re- stato tempore redimendum, vocandeemed, called, justified, sanctified, dum, justificandum, sanctificandum and glorified." ac glorificandum.'


II. The Son of God, the second II. Filius Dei persona secunda person in the Trinity, being very in Trinitate, verus nempe idem and eternal God, of one substance, æternusque Deus, substantiæ cum and equal with the Father, did, Patre unius ejusdemque, eique cowhen the fullness of time was æqualis, cum advenerat temporis come, take upon him man's nat- plenitudo, assumpsit naturam huure," with all the essential proper- manam," una cum omnibus ejus ties and common infirmities there- proprietatibus essentialibus, comof, yet without sin:" being con- munibusque infirmitatibus, immuceived by the power of the Holy nem tamen a peccato," conceptus Ghost in the womb of the Virgin scilicet in utero eque substantia Mary, of her substance." So that Mariæ Virginis," virtute Spiritus two whole, perfect, and distinct Sancti. Adeo sane ut nature duce, natures, the Godhead and the man- integra, perfecto, distinctæque Deihood, were inseparably joined to- tas ac humanitas in una eademque

1 Isa. xlii. 1; 1 Pet. i. 19, 20; John iii. 16; 2 Tim. ii. 5.

'Acts iii. 22; [Am. ed. Deut. xviii, 15]. 'Heb. v. 5, 6.

Psa. ii. 6; Luke i. 33.

* Eph. v. 23.

Heb. i. 2.

Acts xvii. 31.

John xvii. 6; Psa. xxii. 30; Isa. liii. 10. 91 Tim. ii. 6; Isa. lv. 4, 5; 1 Cor. i. 30. 10 John i. 1, 14; 1 John v. 20; Phil. ii. 6; Gal. iv. 4.

" Heb. ii. 14, 16, 17; iv. 15.

12 Luke i. 27, 31, 35; Gal. iv. 4.

and sacrifices, wherein he was re- ficia, quibus revelatum erat et sigvealed, and signified to be the seed nificatum hunc esse semen illud of the woman which should bruise mulieris, quod contriturum erat the serpent's head, and the lamb serpentis caput, agnumque illum slain from the beginning of the mactatum ab initio mundi; ut qui world, being yesterday and to-day heri ac hodie idem est et in sempithe same and forever." ternum.'

VII. Christus in opere Mediatorio agit secundum utramque naturam, id agens per utramvis, quod

VII. Christ, in the work of mediation, acteth according to both natures; by each nature doing that which is proper to itself; yet, by eidem proprium est, nonnunquam reason of the unity of the person, tamen fit propter persona unitathat which is proper to one nature tem ut quod uni naturæ propriis sometimes, in Scripture, attrib- um est, personæ ab altera natura uted to the person denominated denominata in Scriptura tribuaby the other nature.' tur.3

VIII. To all those for whom VIII. Pro quibus Christus reChrist hath purchased redemption demptionem acquisivit, iis omnibus he doth certainly and effectually certo quidem ac efficaciter eam apapply and communicate the same; plicat impertitque, pro eis intermaking intercession for them,' and cedens,' eisque in verbo et per verrevealing unto them, in and by the bum revelans mysterium salutis," Word, the mysteries of salvation; per Spiritum suum eis ut credere effectually persuading them by his velint ac obedire persuadens efficaSpirit to believe and obey; and citer, eorumque gubernans corda governing their hearts by his Word verbo suo spirituque; sed et vi sua and Spirit; overcoming all their omnipotenti, ac sapientia debellans enemies by his almighty power and omnes eorum hostes, iis autem mowisdom, in such manner and ways dis mediisque quæ admirabili et as are most consonant to his wonder- inscrutabili ejus dispensationi sunt ful and unsearchable dispensation.* | maxime consentanea.*


1 Gal. iv. 4, 5; Gen. iii. 15; Rev. xiii. 8; John xv. 13, 15; Eph. i. 7-9; John xvii. 6. Heb. xiii. 8.

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John xiv. 16; Heb. xii. 2; 2 Cor. iv. 13;

Rom. viii. 9, 14; xv. 18, 19; John xvii.

Psa. cx. 1; 1 Cor. xv. 25, 26; Mal. iv. 2, 3;
Col. ii. 15.

Of Free-will.

I. God hath endued the will of man with that natural liberty, that 'is neither forced nor by any absolute necessity of nature determined to good or evil.

II. Man, in his state of inno

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II. Homo in statu innocentia cency, had freedom and power to libertatem habuit ac potentiam, will and to do that which is good quod bonum erat Deoque gratum and well-pleasing to God, but yet volendi agendique;' mutabiliter tamutably, so that he might fall from men, ita ut illa potuerit exciit.' dere.*


III. Man, by his fall into a state III. Homo per lapsum suum in of sin, hath wholly lost all ability statum peccati, potentiam omnem of will to any spiritual good ac- quam habuerat voluntas ejus ad companying salvation; so as a nat- bonum aliquod spirituale et saluti ural man, being altogether averse contiguum amisit penitus; adeo from that good, and dead in sin,' sane ut naturalis homo, utpote ab is not able, by his own strength, to ejusmodi bono abhorrens prorsus,* convert himself, or to prepare him- ac in peccato mortuus,' non possit self thereunto." unquam suis ipsius viribus convertere semet, sed ne quidem ad conversionem se vel præparare."

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very pernicious, and to be de- rium statuere ac defendere, pernicio


sum admodum est ac detestandum.'


Of Justification.

I. Those whom God effectually


De Justificatione.

I. Quos Deus vocat efficaciter, eoscalleth he also freely justifieth;' dem etiam gratis justificat, non not by infusing righteousness into quidem justitiam iis infundendo, them, but by pardoning their sins, sed eorum peccata condonando, and by accounting and accepting personasque pro justis reputando their persons as righteous: not atque acceptando; neque id certe for any thing wrought in them, propter quicquam aut in iis proor done by them, but for Christ's ductum, aut ab iis præstitum, vesake alone; nor by imputing faith rum Christi solius ergo; eisque itself, the act of believing, or any ad justitiam non fidem ipsam, non other evangelical obedience to credendi actum, aut aliam quamthem, as their righteousness; but cunque obedientiam evangelicam, by imputing the obedience and verum obedientiam ac satisfactiosatisfaction of Christ unto them, nem Christi imputando, eum nempe they receiving and resting on him recipientibus, eique ac justitiæ ejus and his righteousness by faith; per fidem innitentibus; quam illi which faith they have not of fidem ex dono Dei, non a seipsis, themselves, it is the gift of God." habent."

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II. Fides hoc modo Christum recipiens, eique innitens ac justitiæ ejus, est justificationis unicum instrumentum; in homine tamen justificato hæc non est solitaria, verum gratiis aliis omnibus salutaribus semper comitata; neque est hæc fides mortua, sed quæ per charitatem operatur.'

III. Qui hunc in modum justifi

7; Jer. xxiii. 6; 1 Cor. i. 30, 31; Rom. v. 17-19.

Acts x. 44; Gal. ii. 16; Phil. iii. 9; Acts xiii. 38, 39; Eph. ii. 7, 8. John i. 12; Rom. iii. 28; v. 1. 7 James ii. 17, 22, 26; Gal. v. 6.

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