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above,' and against them, at his supra1 aut etiam contra ea pro arpleasure.2 bitrio suo operetur."

IV. The almighty power, un- IV. Omnipotentem Dei potentiam, searchable wisdom, and infinite sapientiam inscrutabilem, bonitatemgoodness of God so far manifest que infinitam providentia ejus eo themselves in his providence that usque manifestat, ut vel ad primum it extendeth itself even to the first lapsum, omniaque reliqua peccata, fall, and all other sins of angels seu hominum sint sive angelorum, se and men,' and that not by a bare extendat; neque id quidem permispermission, but such as hath joined sione nuda, verum cui conjuncta est with it a most wise and powerful sapientissima potentissimaque eorum bounding,' and otherwise ordering limitatio, ac aliusmodi ad sanctos and governing of them, in a mani- sibi propositos fines dispensatione fold dispensation, to his own holy multiplici ordinatio et gubernatio;* ends; yet so as the sinfulness ita tamen ut omnis eorum vitiositas thereof proceedeth only from the a sola proveniat creatura, a Deo neucreature, and not from God; who, tiquam, qui sanctissimus quum sit being most holy and righteous, nei- justissimusque neque est, nec esse ther is nor can be the author or quidem potest peccati autor aut apapprover of sin.' probator."

V. The most wise, righteous, and V. Sapientissimus, justissimus, et gracions God doth oftentimes leave gratiosissimus idem Deus, sæpenufor a season his own children to mero filios suos tentationibus multimanifold temptations and the corruption of their own hearts, to chastise them for their former sins, or to discover unto them the hidden strength of corruption and deceitfulness of their hearts, that they may be humbled; and to raise them to a more close and constant

1 Rom. iv. 19-21.

22 Kings vi. 6; Dan. iii. 27.

'Rom. xi. 32-34; 2 Sam. xxiv. 1; 1 Chron. xxi. 1; 1 Kings xxii. 22, 23; 1 Chron. x. 4, 13, 14; 2 Sam. xvi. 10; Acts ii. 23; iv. 27, 28.

fariis, suorumque cordium corruptioni ad tempus permittit; quo ob admissa prius peccata castiget eos, vel corruptionis iis detegat vim occultam, cordiumque suorum fraudulentiam ut humilientur; quoque eos excitet ad strictam magis et constantem a seipso proferendis suppetiis

+ Acts xiv. 16.

5 Psa. lxxvi. 10; 2 Kings xix. 28.
Gen. 1. 20; Isa. x. 6, 7, 12.

7 James i. 13, 14, 17; 1 John. ii. 16; Psa.
1. 21.

* 2 Chron. xxxii. 25, 26, 31; 2 Sam. xxiv. 1.

Adam, are redeemed by Christ,' quam lapsi essent in Adamo, a Chriare effectually called unto faith in sto sunt redempti;' per Spiritum Christ by his Spirit working in ejus opportuno tempore operantem, due season; are justified, adopted, ad fidem in Christum vocantur efficasanctified, and kept by his power through faith unto salvation." Neither are any other redeemed by Christ, effectually called, justified, adopted, sanctified, and saved, but the elect only.'

citer; justificantur, sanctificantur,' et potentia ipsius per fidem custodiuntur ad salutem. Nec alii quivis a Christo redimuntur, vocantur efficaciter, justificantur, adoptantur, sanctificantur et salvantur, præter electos solos.*

VII. The rest of mankind God VII. Reliquos humani generis Deo was pleased, according to the un- placuit secundum consilium voluntasearchable counsel of his own will, tis suæ inscrutabile (quo misericorwhereby he extendeth or withhold-diam pro libitu exhibet abstinetve) in eth mercy as he pleaseth, for the gloriam supremæ suæ in creaturas glory of his sovereign power over his creatures, to pass by, and to ordain them to dishonor and wrath for their sin, to the praise of his glorious justice."

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potestatis, præterire; eosque ordinare ad ignominiam et iram pro peccatis suis, ad laudem justitiæ suæ gloriosa.

VIII. Doctrina de sublimi hoc prædestinationis mysterio non sine summa cura et prudentia tractari debet," quo nimirum homines, dum voluntati Dei in verbo ejus revelatæ advertant animos, eique debitam exhibeant obedientiam, de efficaci sua vocatione certiores facti, ad æternæ suæ electionis

vocation, be assured of their eternal election.' So shall this doctrine af-assurgere possint certitudinem.' Ita ford matter of praise, reverence, and demum suppeditabit hæc doctrina admiration of God; and of humil- laudandi, reverendi, admirandique ity, diligence, and abundant conso- Deum argumentum, quin etiam hu

11 Thess. v. 9, 10; Tit. ii. 14.

Rom. viii. 30; Eph. i. 5; 2 Thess. ii. 13. 31 Pet. i. 5.

John xvii. 9; Rom. viii. 28 to the end; John vi. 64, 65; viii. 47; x. 26; 1 John ii. 19.


* Matt. xi. 25, 26;
2 Tim. ii. 19, 20;

6 Rom. ix. 20; xi. 33;


Rom. ix. 17, 18, 21, 22;

Jude 4; 1 Pet. ii. 8.
Deut. xxix. 29.

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lation to all that sincerely obey the militatis, diligentiæ et consolationis

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I. It pleased God the Father, Son, I. Deo, Patri, Filio et Spiritui and Holy Ghost,' for the manifes- sancto, complacitum est,' quo æternæ tation of the glory of his eternal suæ cum potentiæ tum sapientiæ power, wisdom, and goodness,' in bonitatisque gloriam manifestaret, the beginning, to create or make mundum hunc, et quæ in eo contiof nothing the world, and all things nentur universa tam visibilia quam therein, whether visible or invisi- invisibilia, in principio intra sex dieble, in the space of six days, and all rum spatium creare, seu ex nihilo convery good.* dere, atque omnia quidem bona valde.*


II. After God had made all oth- II. Postquam omnes alias creatuer creatures, he created man, male ras condidisset Deus, creavit homiand female,' with reasonable and nem marem et fœminam, animabus immortal souls, endued with knowl- inditis rationalibus ac immortaliedge, righteousness, and true holi- bus, imbutos cognitione, justitia, veness, after his own image,' having raque sanctitate, ad suam ipsius imathe law of God written in their ginem,' habentes in cordibus suis hearts, and power to fulfill it; and inscriptam Divinam legem," simul et yet under a possibility of transgres- eandem implendi vires; non tamen sing, being left to the liberty of sine quadam violandi possibilitate; their own will, which was subject libertati siquidem permissi erant unto change. Beside this law voluntatis suae haud immutabilis.1o written in their hearts, they received a command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good


Rom. xi. 5, 6, 20; 2 Pet. i. 10; Rom. viii. 33; Luke x. 20.

'Heb. i. 2; John i. 2, 3; Gen. i. 2; Job xxvi. 13: xxxiii. 4.

'Rom. i. 20; Jer. x. 12; Psa. civ. 24; xxxiii. 5, 6.

Gen. ch. i.; Heb. xi. 3; Col. i. 16; Acts xvii. 24.

Præter autem hanc in cordibus eorum inscriptam legem de non comedendo ex arbore scientiæ boni malique

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and evil; which while they kept mandatum insuper acceperunt; quod certe quam diu observabant, communione Dei beati erant,' dominiumque habebant in creaturas.'

they were happy in their communion with God,' and had dominion over the creatures.'


Of Providence.


De Providentia.

God, the great Creator of all I. Magnus ille rerum omnium crethings, doth uphold,' direct, dis- ator Deus sapientissima sua et sancpose, and govern all creatures, ac- tissima simul providentia' creaturas, tions, and things, from the great-actiones, resque1 a maximis usque ad est even to the least,' by his most minimas universas sustentat,' diriwise and holy providence, accord- git, ordinat, gubernatque secundum ing to his infallible foreknowledge' infallibilem suam præscientiam,' et and the free and immutable coun- voluntatis suæ consilium liberum ac sel of his own will, to the praise immutabile, ad laudem gloriæ saof the glory of his wisdom, power, pientiæ suæ, potentiæ, justitiæ, bojustice, goodness, and mercy." nitatis, ac misericordiæ."


II. Although in relation to the II. Quamvis respectu præscientiæ foreknowledge and decree of God, ac decreti Dei (causæ primæ) omthe first cause, all things come to nia immutabiliter atque infallibipass immutably and infallibly," yet liter eveniant," per eandem tamen by the same providence he order- ille providentiam eadem ordinat eth them to fall out, according to the nature of second causes, either necessarily, freely, or contingently." III. God, in his ordinary provi

evenire necessario, libere, aut contingenter, pro natura causarum secundarum."

III. Deus in providentia sua ordidence, maketh use of means," naria mediis utitur," iis tamen non

yet is free to work without," astringitur, quo minus absque eis,”

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above,' and against them, at his supra' aut etiam contra ea pro arpleasure.❜ bitrio suo operetur.1

IV. The almighty power, un- IV. Omnipotentem Dei potentiam, searchable wisdom, and infinite sapientiam inscrutabilem, bonitatemgoodness of God so far manifest que infinitam providentia ejus eo themselves in his providence that usque manifestat, ut vel ad primum it extendeth itself even to the first lapsum, omniaque reliqua peccata, fall, and all other sins of angels seu hominum sint sive angelorum, se and men,' and that not by a bare extendat;' neque id quidem permispermission, but such as hath joined sione nuda, verum cui conjuncta est with it a most wise and powerful sapientissima potentissimaque eorum bounding, and otherwise ordering limitatio, ac aliusmodi ad sanctos and governing of them, in a mani- sibi propositos fines dispensatione fold dispensation, to his own holy multiplici ordinatio et gubernatio;* ends; yet so as the sinfulness ita tamen ut omnis eorum vitiositas thereof proceedeth only from the a sola proveniat creatura, a Deo neucreature, and not from God; who, tiquam, qui sanctissimus quum sit being most holy and righteous, nei- justissimusque neque est, nec esse ther is nor can be the author or quidem potest peccati autor aut apapprover of sin." probator.'

V. The most wise, righteous, and V. Sapientissimus, justissimus, et gracious God doth oftentimes leave gratiosissimus idem Deus, sæpenufor a season his own children to mero filios suos tentationibus multimanifold temptations and the corruption of their own hearts, to chastise them for their former sins, or to discover unto them the hidden strength of corruption and deceitfulness of their hearts, that they may be humbled; and to raise excitet ad strictam magis et constanthem to a more close and constant tem a seipso proferendis suppetiis

fariis, suorumque cordium corruptioni ad tempus permittit; quo ob admissa prius peccata castiget eos, vel corruptionis iis detegat vim occultam, cordiumque suorum fraudulentiam ut humilientur ; quoque eos

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