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ED. LAT. 1563. AMERICAN REVIS. 1801. hic viuant, amplius non posse and amend our lyues. And therefore they are to be conpeccare affirmant, aut verè therefore, they are to be demned, which say, they resipiscentibus pœnitentiæ lo- condemned, whiche say can no more sin as long as cum denegant. they can no more sinne they live here, or deny the as long as they lyue here, place of forgiveness to such or denie the place of for- as truly repent.

geuenesse to such as true

ly repent.





De Prædestinatione et Elec- Of predestination and elec- Of Predestination and Elec

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Predestination to Life is

est æternum Dei propositum, the euerlastyng purpose of the everlasting purpose of quo ante iacta mundi fun- God, whereby (before the God, whereby (before the damenta, suo consilio, nobis foundations of the world foundations of the world quidem occulto, constanter were layd) he hath con- were laid) he hath condecreuit, eos quos in Christo stantly decreed by his stantly decreed by his elegit ex hominum genere, à councell secrete to vs, to counsel secret to us, to demaledicto et exitio liberare, deliuer from curse and liver from curse and damatque ut uasa in honorem damnation, those whom he nation those whom he hath efficta, per Christum ad hath chosen in Christe out chosen in Christ out of manæternam salutem adducere: of mankynd, and to bryng kind, and to bring them by Vnde qui tam præclaro Dei them by Christe to euer- Christ to everlasting salvabeneficio sunt donati, illi spi- lastyng saluation, as vessels tion, as vessels made to ritu eius opportuno tempore made to honour. Where- honour. Wherefore, they

operante, secundum proposi- fore they which be indued which be endued with so tum eius uocantur: uoca- with so excellent a benefite excellent a benefit of God, tioni per gratiam parent: of God, be called accordyng be called according to iustificantur gratis: adop- to Gods purpose by his spi- God's purpose by his Spirtantur in filios; vnigeniti rite workyng in due season: it working in due season: Iesu Christi imagini effici- they through grace obey they through Grace obey untur conformes: in bonis the callyng: they be iusti- the calling: they be justioperibus sanctè ambulant: fied freely: they be made fied freely: they be made et demùm ex Dei misericor- sonnes of God by adoption: sons of God by adoption: dia pertingunt ad sempiter- they be made lyke the im- they be made like the imnam fœlicitatem. age of his onelye begotten age of his only-begotten sonne Jesus Christe: they Son Jesus Christ: they walke religiously in good walk religiously in good workes, and at length by works, and at length, by Gods mercy, they attaine to God's mercy, they attain euerlastyng felicitie. to everlasting felicity.

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Of Christ alone without

Christ in the truth of our

nature was made like unto

Christus in nostræ naturæ Christe in the trueth of ueritate per omnia similis oure nature, was made lyke factus est nobis, excepto pec- vnto vs in al thinges (sinne us in all things, sin only cato, à quo prorsus erat im- only except) from which he except, from which he was munis, tum in carne tum in was clearley voyde, both in clearly void, both in his spiritu. Venit, ut Agnus his fleshe, and in his spir- flesh, and in his spirit. absque macula esset, qui ite. He came to be the He came to be the Lamb mundi peccata per immola- lambe without spot, who without spot, who, by sactionem sui semel factam, by the sacrifice of hym self rifice of himself once made, tolleret: et peccatum (ut once made, shoulde take should take away the sins inquit Ioannes) in eo non away the sinnes of the of the world; and sin (as erat. Sed nos reliqui, etiam worlde: and sinne, (as S. Saint John saith) was not baptizati, et in Christo re- John sayeth) was not in in him. But all we the generati, in multis tamen hym. But al we the rest, rest, although baptized, offendimus omnes: Et si (although baptized, and and born again in Christ, dixerimus quia peccatum borne agayne in Christ) yet offend in many things; non habemus, nos ipsos sedu- yet offende in many and if we say we have no cimus, et veritas in nobis thinges, and if we say we sin, we deceive ourselves, haue no sinne, we deceaue and the truth is not in us.

non est.

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Of Sin after Baptism. Not every deadly sin willingly committed after

Non omne peccatum Mor- Not euery deadly sinne tale post baptismum uolun- willingly committed after tarie perpetratum, est pec- baptisme, is sinne agaynst Baptism is sin against the catum in Spiritum sanctum the holy ghost, and vnpar- Holy Ghost, and unpardonet irremissible. Proinde lap- donable. Wherefore the able. Wherefore the grant sis à baptismo in peccata, graunt of repentaunce is of repentance is not to be locus pœnitentia non est ne- not to be denyed to such denied to such as fall into gandus. Post acceptum spi- as fall into sinne after bap- sin after Baptism. After ritum sanctum, possumus à tisme. After we have re- we have received the Holy gratia data recedere atque ceaued the holy ghost, we Ghost, we may depart from peccare, denuóque per gra- may depart from grace grace given, and fall into tiam Dei resurgere ac resi- geuen, and fall into sinne, sin, and by the grace of piscere. Ideóque illi dam- and by the grace of God God we may arise again, nandi sunt, qui se quamdiu (we may) aryse agayne, and amend our lives. And


ED. LAT. 1563. AMERICAN REVIS. 1801. hic viuant, amplius non posse and amend our lyues. And therefore they are to be conpeccare affirmant, aut verè therefore, they are to be demned, which say, they resipiscentibus pœnitentia lo- condemned, whiche say can no more sin as long as cum denegant. they can no more sinne they live here, or deny the as long as they lyue here, place of forgiveness to such or denie the place of for- as truly repent.

geuenesse to such as true

ly repent.




De Prædestinatione et Elec- Of predestination and elec- Of Predestination and Elec

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est æternum Dei propositum, the euerlastyng purpose of the everlasting purpose of quo ante iacta mundi fun- God, whereby (before the God, whereby (before the damenta, suo consilio, nobis foundations of the world foundations of the world quidem occulto, constanter were layd) he hath con- were laid) he hath condecreuit, eos quos in Christo stantly decreed by his stantly decreed by his elegit ex hominum genere, à councell secrete to vs, to counsel secret to us, to demaledicto et exitio liberare, deliuer from curse and liver from curse and damatque ut uasa in honorem damnation, those whom he nation those whom he hath effieta, per Christum ad hath chosen in Christe out chosen in Christ out of manæternam salutem adducere: of mankynd, and to bryng kind, and to bring them by Vnde qui tam præclaro Dei them by Christe to euer- Christ to everlasting salvabeneficio sunt donati, illi spi-lastyng saluation, as vessels tion, as vessels made to ritu eius opportuno tempore made to honour. Where- honour. Wherefore, they operante, secundum proposi- fore they which be indued which be endued with so tum eius uocantur: uoca- with so excellent a benefite excellent a benefit of God, tioni per gratiam parent: of God, be called accordyng be called according to iustificantur gratis: adop- to Gods purpose by his spi- God's purpose by his Spirtantur in filios; vnigeniti rite work yng in due season: it working in due season: Iesu Christi imagini effici- they through grace obey they through Grace obey untur conformes: in bonis the callyng: they be iusti- the calling: they be justioperibus sanctè ambulant: fied freely: they be made fied freely: they be made et demùm ex Dei misericor- sonnes of God by adoption: sons of God by adoption: dia pertingunt ad sempiter- they be made lyke the im- they be made like the imnam fœlicitatem.

age of his onelye begotten age of his only-begotten sonne Jesus Christe: they Son Jesus Christ: they walke religiously in good walk religiously in good. workes, and at length by works, and at length, by Gods mercy, they attaine to God's mercy, they attain euerlastyng felicitie. to everlasting felicity.

ED. LAT. 1563.

Quemadmodum Prædesti


As the godly consydera

As the godly considera-

nationis et Electionis nostræ tion of predestination, and tion of Predestination, and in Christo pia consideratio, our election in Christe, is our Election in Christ, is dulcis, suauis et ineffabilis full of sweete, pleasaunt, full of sweet, pleasant, and consolationis plena est verè and vnspeakeable comfort unspeakable comfort to pijs et his qui sentiunt in to godly persons, and such godly persons, and such se uim spiritus CHRISTI, as feele in themselues the as feel in themselves the facta carnis et membra que working of the spirite of working of the Spirit of adhuc sunt super terram Christe, mortifying the Christ, mortifying the mortificantem, animumque workes of the fleshe, and works of the flesh, and ad cœlestia et superna ra- their earthlye members, their earthly members, and pientem, tum quia fidem and drawing vp their drawing up their mind to nostram de æterna salute mynde to hygh and heau- high and heavenly things, consequenda per Christum enly thinges, as well be- as well because it doth plurimum stabilit atque cause it doth greatly estab- greatly establish and conconfirmat, tum quia amo- lyshe and confirme their firm their faith of eternal rem nostrum in Deum ue- fayth of eternal saluation Salvation to be enjoyed hementer accendit; ita ho- to be enjoyed through through Christ, as because minibus curiosis, carnalibus, Christe, as because it doth it doth fervently kindle et spiritu Christi destitutis, feruently kindle their loue their love towards God: ob oculos perpetuò versari towardes God. So, for cu- So, for curious and carnal Prædestinationis Dei sen-rious and carnal persons, persons, lacking the Spirit tentiam, pernitiosissimum, lacking the spirite of of Christ, to have continest præcipitium, unde illos Christe, to haue continu- ually before their eyes the Diabolus protrudit, uel in ally before their eyes the sentence of God's Predesdesperationem, uel in æquè sentence of Gods predesti- tination, is a most dangerpernitiosam impurissima nation, is a most daunger- ous downfall, whereby the vita securitatem.

Deinde promissiones di

ous downefall, whereby the Devil doth thrust them deuyll doth thrust them either into desperation, or either into desperation, or into wretchlessness of most into rechelesnesse of most unclean living, no less pervncleane liuing, no lesse ilous than desperation. perilous then desperation.

Furthermore, we must Furthermore, we must uinas sic amplecti oportet, receaue Gods promises in receive God's promises in ut nobis in Sacris literis such wyse, as they be gener- such wise, as they be gener generaliter proposita sunt: ally set foorth to vs in holy ally set forth to us in Holy Et Dei voluntas in nostris scripture: and in our do- Scripture; and, in our doactionibus ea sequenda est, ynges, that wyl of God is to ings, that Will of God is

1 In the Forty-two Articles of 1553 there is the addition: 'Although the decrees of predestination are unknown unto us.'


ED. LAT. 1563. ut ad salutem necessaria, teynyng vnto God. Wher neque robur habent, neque fore, thinges ordayned by autoritatem, nisi ostendi them as necessary to saluapossint è sacris literis esse tion, have neyther strength desumpta.


De Purgatorio.

nor aucthoritie, vnlesse it
may be declared that they be
taken out of holy Scripture.

Of Purgatorie.

The Romishe doctrine


Of Purgatory.

The Romish Doctrine

Doctrina Romanensium de Purgatorio, de Indul- concernyng purgatorie, concerning Purgatory, Pargentijs, de veneratione et pardons, worshipping and dons, Worshipping and adoratione tum Imaginum adoration, as well of im- Adoration, as well of Imtum Reliquiarum, nec non ages, as of reliques, and ages as of Relics, and also de inuocatione Sanctorum, also inuocation of Saintes, Invocation of Saints, is a res est futilis, inaniter con- is a fonde thing, vainly in- fond thing, vainly inventficta, et nullis Scriptura- uented, and grounded vpon ed, and grounded upon no rum testimonijs innititur, no warrantie of Scripture, warranty of Scripture, but imo verbo Dei contradicit. but rather repugnaunt to rather repugnant to the the worde of God. Word of God.




Nemo in Ecclesia ministret Of ministryng in the congre- Of Ministering in the Con

nisi uocatus.



It is not lawful for any

man to take upon him the office of public preaching,

Non licet cuiquam su- It is not lawful for any mere sibi munus publicè man to take vpon hym the prædicandi, aut admini- office of publique preach strandi Sacramenta in Ec- yng, or ministring the Sac- or ministering the Sacraclesia, nisi prius fuerit ad ramentes in the congrega- ments in the Congregation, hæc obeunda legitimè uoca- tion, before he be lawfully before he be lawfully called, tus et missus. Atque illos, called and sent to execute and sent to execute the legitimè uocatos et missos the same. And those we same. And those we ought existimare debemus, qui per ought to iudge lawfully to judge lawfully called and homines, quibus potestas uo-called and sent, whiche be sent, which be chosen and candi Ministros atque mit- chosen and called to this called to this work by men tendi in uineam Domini worke by men who haue who have public authority publicè concessa est in Ec- publique aucthoritie geuen given unto them in the clesia, cooptati fuerint et vnto them in the congre- Congregation, to call and asciti in hoc opus.

gation, to call and sende send Ministers into the ministers into the Lordes Lord's vineyard.


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