BRIEF VIEW OF THE · DOCTRINES OF THE Christian Religion AS PROFESSED BY THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS, IN THE FORM OF QUESTION AND ANSWER, FOR THE By JOHN BEVANS. " Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without LONDON: PRINTED AND SOLD BY WILLIAM PHILLIPS, PREFACE. EXPERIENCE has proved that, in the present constitution of our nature, the human mind, without proper cultivation, is more likely to be productive of noxious weeds, than of those fruits which evince love to God and benevolence to man; hence the Scriptures enjoin that children should be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; and the apostle Paul speaks in commendation of Eunice the mother of Timothy, who, it appears, had instilled into his youthful mind, that knowledge which makes "wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus." The author hopes that those parents or tutors who are thus endeavouring to enlarge the kingdom of the Redeemer among men, may derive some assistance from this little work. In compiling it, although his primary object has been the instruction of youth, yet his views have not been confined to this class; for, (whatever deficiencies may appear in the following attempt to illustrate the truths of the Gospel,) Christian Redemption is a subject peculiarly interesting to all; because it embraces our most important interests in time, and in eternity. Indeed, whether we consider the unfathomable love wherein it originated, or the height of happiness to which it is designed to raise fallen, degenerate man, it demands of us every sentiment of gratitude, adoration, and praise to an allwise Creator, who is called, and whose nature is, LOVE. |