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The aged who can be thus characterized, have a claim,
not only on the benevolence, but the gratitude, of the
generation among whom they linger. They have per-
haps done much to promote the welfare of those upon
whom they now depend. We can never estimate how
far society may have been benefitted by the influence of
a virtuous and pious example, extended through a long
life. Surely claims which can be thus sustained, and
which, while they make an appeal to benevolence, ap-
pear to be founded in justice, will be recognized and
answered by a generous community.

Indigent Widows and Single Women's Society in ac-
count with the Treasurer.


To cash paid the Purchasing Committee, and expended by them in support of the family,

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$2400 00
11 00

200 00

112 56

ed in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the states south of them? The Society are satisfied, that by an extensive culture of the mulberry tree, the manufacture of sewing silk may be rendered an important source of profit to our farmers, whose wives and daughters may thereby be enabled to "gather up fragments" of time which might otherwise be lost. By the use of one or more of the simple frames described and figured in the fifth chapter of the Manual on Silk, published by Congress,* the business of feeding the silk-worms becomes a pleasing occupation; whereas, when they are raised on boards and tables, it is exceedingly troublesome.

As profit did not enter into the views of the Society, more than double the real value of the best cocoons was given for them; but notwithstanding this encouragement, a few pounds only were offered for sale; and, with a single exception, these were of a very inferior quality, being old, and the greater part not more than one half the proper size, and slightly covered with silk. The two last defects proceeded, without doubt, from the worms not having been regularly supplied with food.— Some parcels were so bad, that the purchase of them $2,723 56 was declined. The inferiority of those actually reeled off, gave great trouble to the industrious, persevering and excellent operativet employed by the Society, owing to the frequent breaking of the fibres, and the rapid exhaustion of the cocoons. Three times the quantity of silk obtained from them, and in a third of the time, might have been reeled, had they been of the first quality. The skill of the artist, however, overcame the dif ficulties that she had to encounter, and a few pounds of excellent sewing silk were mode, part of which may be seen at Mr. Ashmead's in Walnut street, east of Dock street. This silk has been tried by four of the workmen of Messrs. Charles C. Watson & Sons, who have certified as to its being equal in quality to any imported, and by Mrs. Hogg, one of the most fashionable ladies' dress-makers in Philadelphia, who, in addition to an expression of a similar opinion, says, that in one respect, it even possesses an advantage over foreign silk, in not twisting, and forming knots, technically "kinking."

$14 81
701 00
280 00
258 65

100 00
12 66
302 50

667 66
53 68
14 85

20 75
4 50
292 50

$2,723 56


In reeling the silk from the cocoons, the Italian reel, imported by a member of the Society, was employed. It worked admirably: the knowledge of its operation is easily acquired and is recommended to all who wish to engage in the business of reeling. It can be made by any turner for $12.

are for the insects, when a little advanced in size; the four lower ones are of wicker work, the openings thro which the dung is to fall being about a quarter of an inch square. Uuder each of those as well as catgut, are slides made of paper, to prevent the dung of the worms falling on those feeding below them. Mr. S. afterwards found that netting may be substituted with advantage, in the room of wicker bottoms. The meshes of the netting were about half an inch square.

In September last, this Society announced that they had engaged a person fully competent to the reeling of silk from cocoons, and making silk, offering, at the "Mr. Swayne's apparatus consists of a wooden frame, same time to teach those arts, and to purchase cocoons. four feet two inches high, each side sixteen inches and The experiment was intended to redeem the pledge, a half wide, divided into eight partitions by small piemade last year by the Society to that effect, and in the ces of wood, which form grooves, in which the slides hope that some of our citizens in Pennsylvania, New- or feeding frames run, and are thus easily thrust in or Jersey and Delaware, upon whose farms the native red, drawn out of the frame. The upper slide is of paper or the white mulberry trees grew, would avail them only, and designed to receive the worms as soon as selves of the opportunity of acquiring the desirable, and hatched; the two next, are of catgut, the threads about to them, important knowledge; and that others, favour-one-tenth of an inch distant from one another. These able to its diffusion, would enable some females to obtain it, whose pecuniary means would not permit them to defray their expenses in the city, during even the short time required for its acquisition; the Society have been disappointed; for although the notice was inserted in most of the city newspapers, with a request that the editors of country prints would copy it, no application was made on the subject from any quarter whatever. This neglect is regretted, because nothing but the knowledge that might have been acquired, is wanting, to enable those who have mulberry trees, not only to supply their families with the sewing silk required by them for their own use, but to make enough to become an object worthy of attention in a pecuniary point of view, without in the least interfering with their usual domestic duties. It has been frequently stated, that m three counties of Connecticut, where the culture of silk has been largely attended to, for the last forty years, a great part of the circulating medium consists of sewing silk, and that storekeepers freely barter their goods for it. What then, is to prevent the example being follow

"The caterpillars are to be kept on the second and third feeding slides, until their dung and litter do not readi y fall through, and then to be removed to the feeding lides with wicker bottoms, and fed thereon till they show symptoms of being about to spin. Each wicker feeding slide will afford sufficient room for five hundred worms, when grown to their full size.

These were distributed among the members of Congress of the session of 1827, 28—for general circulation; 8,000 copies were printed.

Miss Mary Brush, of Bedford, West Chester County, New York.

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The slides of the feed ng frames of Messrs. Terhoeven, of Philadelphia county, are four feet square, and are fixed to upright posts; they have two sets in one room, with passages between and around them. This size enables a person to reach any part of them. Over the slides are frames, placed on cleets, and filled with split rattans, at proper distances, to permit the litter to fall through.





F. Dusar,

James Mease,

Joseph Ripka,

J. McCauley,

Philadelphia, January 1, 1830.

Vive President.


Acting Committee.


Thursday Evening, Jan. 28th.

A communication was received from the City Commissioners stating that an application had been made to lease Sassafras street wharf on the Schuylkill for the term of five years. Referred to the committee on Chesnut, Mulberry and Sassafras street wharves.

The City Commissioners also stated, that application had been made by the owners and occupiers of the property on the south side of Pine street wharf on the Delaware, respecting the right and privileges that are severally claimed by them and the city. Referred to the committee on Pine street wharf.

The following communication was received from the Mayor.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, Jan. 28, 1830.


tine Church, the citizens in that neighborhood, having
experienced the inconvenience, arising from the want
of a public clock and bell, became desirous of taking
advantage of the permission granted by the congrega-
tion to them, of placing in said cupola, such a clock and
bell; and, in the expectation that a sufficiency of funds
would be raised by public subscription, they authorized
the pastor of said church, to contract for the old State
House clock at
360 00

The expense of the repairs and fixing, will be
And the cost of a bell of 1500 lbs. is

Making a total expense of

675 00

$1285 00

Whereas the whole amount of subscription is 800 dollars; and, in consequence of the deficiency of 485 dollars, they have been induced to approach Councils, asking for a remission of the price of the old clock; which, the committee on the State House Steeple, reported in 1827, was only worth the price of old metal, and then offered it for 200 dollars.

Your Committee, in consideration of the amount of private subscriptions, and of the convenience to our fellow citizens of this section, would recommend, that the reasonable request should be granted, as promoting an object of public utility. And such a course, being adopted by Councils, would have a precedent; for at the time the house was erected at the intersection of Pine and Second streets, the citizens of the south-eastern section opened a subscription for the purchase of a clock and bell, towards which the Councils subscribed 600 dollars, (and are at an annual expense for keeping them in order,) whilst the balance of 603 dollars was paid by

the citizens.

The Committee would wish it distinctly understood, that this grant is not to be considered in favour, or for the special benefit of the congregation of St. Augustine church, but it is designed for the convenience of such of our fellow-citizens as reside in the north eastern part of our city; it is free from sectarian feelings; and, the cupola of the church is made use of, as being peculiarly adapted to the object.

The Committee would therefore respectfully present the following resolution.

Be it Resolved, by the Select and Common Councils, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for which the old State House Clock was sold to the Rev. Michael Hurley, be and the same is hereby remitted; and, that the clock and the bell about to be placed in St. Augustine church, be and the said bell and clock are hereby vested in the Pastor of said church of St. Augustine, and his successors forever; in trust, for the use and benefit of the citizens of Philadelphia-Provided, that in the event of the removal or demolition of the said church

To the Select and Common Councils. Gentlemen-The numerous acts of violence and outrage upon the persons and property of our peaceable citizens, and the boldness with which many of those acts are committed, at an early hour in the evening, are sure indications that we are infested at this time by an unusual number of villains, of the boldest and most daring character. To put a stop to those outrages so far as lies in my power, I have ordered the silent watchmen to patrole the streets from the hour of seven in the evening. I have also directed the two High Constables to patrole the streets during the evening with such of the City Constables as they can procure to assist them. It and provided also that unless the said clock be kept must be obvious, however, that these means (and they in order and repair without any expense to this corpoconceived to be all that are within the control of the May- ration this grant shall cease and be void; and that the or) are entirely inadequate in the present emergency. property of the said clock and bell shall be vested in It is therefore respectfully suggested to Councils wheth- the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the city of Philer it would not be expedient to authorize the appoint-adelphia." ment of an additional number of police officers for a limited time, to be placed under the direction of the Mayor, and to provide a suitable compensation for their serviThis or any other plan that may have suggested itself to Councils, shall receive my hearty co-operation. Respectfully, WILLIAM MILNOR, Mayor.


Messrs. Miller, Worrell, Thompson, Walmsley, Troth, and Keyser, were appointed a committee to confer with the Mayor on the subject, and take such measures as may be necessary.

Mr. Boyd presented the following:

would prove a bad precedent; but it was adopted by a Mr. Baker spoke against the resolution, fearing it large majority.

Mr. Price presented the following:

To the Select and Common Councils. The Committee on Markets have had under consideration the Memorial of the Victuallers, for a repeal of so much of the Ordinance of December 20th, 1810, as requires the removal of posts and rails erected on the stalls, at the end of each Market, and are of opinion that the inconvenience is not greater than every storekeeper is subjected to, in the opening and closing of his store; and, the advantage of this regulation is of much importance to the public. One of the causes of complaint is, the danger of injury from the hooks; and if such danger can be apprehended from a careful removal of the That since the cupola has been erected on St. Augus-posts and rails, much greater could be anticipated to the

To the Seleet and Common Councils. The committee, to whom was referred the memorial of the citizens, residing in the north-east section of the city, for a remission of the price of the old State House Clock, request leave to report:

incautious, by permitting them to remain standing. Your committee would much prefer, that the same regulation should extend to all the Market-houses.

The following communication from the City Solici tor, was referred to the committee on the subject. To the Select and Common Councils of the City of Phil adelphia.

Gentlemen-Having observed that an inquiry has the different attorneys and solicitors of the corporabeen directed by Councils, into the sums received by tion from the year 1820 to 1829, both inclusive, my attention has naturally been drawn to the subject.

The following resolution is submitted: Resolved, That the Committee on Markets be discharged from the further consideration of this subject. In the important and expensive improvements now in progress at High street wharf, the committee on Markets submitted to the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Surveyors, such a regulation of High street, east of Water street, as was considered very important to the contemplated valuable alterations; but they decided against any change, and that the present regulation should be established. Against this decision an immediate appeal was filed with the Recording Surveyor, and the committee would now request Councils to consider this sub-portion of which ought, under a fair construction of the ject, and therefore offer the following resolution:

Be it Resolved, That the Paving Committee, in conjunction with the Committee on Markets, be requested to view the regulation of High street, east of Water st., and report to Councils what alteration, if any, is neces

sary therein.

The resolutions were adopted.

Mr. Massey presented a petition, praying that an alley, running from Water street to the wharf, between Morton's and Coxe's stores, below Walnut street, may be re-paved. Referred to Paving Committee.

On motion of Mr. Donaldson, the report of the committee on the public property on Schuylkill, north of Chesnut street, was taken into consideration.

The first resolution, extending William E. Tucker's Jease of the old Engine House, was amended so as to read two years, instead of three years, and adopted.

erable length of time, I have collected such information By an investigation, which has occupied me a considrelative to the legal fees paid by the city during that period, as to show that the terms of the resolution, if construed strictly, will exclude several thousand dollars from the consideration of the committee, a very large

ordinance creating the office I have the honor to hold, to have gone to the regular officer of the corporation. low me to make such statements in writing to them, as I would therefore respectfully request Councils to alwill fully disclose my own views of the duties of the office and the emoluments attached to it, before any rePort the committee may deem it proper to make, is actVery respectfully, your obdt. servt. JOHN M. READ.

ed upon.

I am Gentlemen,


and New Jersey, in relution to the Delaware, at Trenton, Report to the commissioners of the state of Pennsylvania October 26th, 1829,

READ, December 10, 1829.

The second and third resolutions, directing the City Commissioners to cause a wharf to be built at the ter-To John Rutherford, Caleb Newbold, and Garret D.

mination of Chesnut street, and to pave Chesnut strect from Beach street to the Schuylkill, were rejected.

The fourth resolution was adopted. It is as follows: "Resolved by the Select and Common Councils, that the City Commissioners be and they are hereby authorized and directed to advertise for proposals for leasing for ten years so much of the city property as is contained within 50 feet of the north line of Chesnut street, and south line of the Bridge Company's property south of High street, and from the west line of Ashton street to the river Schuylkill, (the City reserving the right to continue Beach street through said property) the proposals to specify the kind of wharves and improvements to be made by the lessee, and the City Commissioners are further directed to report to the Councils all the proposals that may be made."

This resolution was not adopted without debate, and can hardly be considered as the absolute decision of Councils on the subject.

Mr. Walmsley thought it would be impolitic to grant leases for so long a period as ten years.

Mr. John Price Wetherill thought it premature to attempt the improvement of the property at this moment. Mr. Troth thought that the public good would, in the course of the ensuing summer, make it incumbent on Councils, to sell or let on permanent ground rent, all that part of the property lying between Beach street and the river. The remainder ought to be kept out of the market for some years.

Mr. Johnson thought it necessary, before making any disposition of the property, to settle a pending dispute with the Bridge Company.

On his motion, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, by the Select and Common Councils, That the City Recording Surveyor be requested to lay before Councils at their next stated meeting, a profile of the City Plot, west of Schuylkill Front streets, noting such streets as are now recorded as public highways, together with those which are not recorded as such, accompanied with such observations and remarks as in his opinion may be deemed necessary for the information of Councils.

Wall, Esqrs, on the part of New Jersey; Nathaniel B. Eldred, John Ross, and David Scott, Esqrs. on the part of Pennsylvania, commissioners relative to the river Delaware.


Being honored with your appointment, to make such "surveys on each side of the river Delaware, as we should deem necessary to ascertain at what places the waters of the Delaware may be most advantageously taken by the said states, respectively, for canal and other purposes; also, the best mode of constructing dams, and the height of the same, so as to guard from injury, in the best manner, the shad fishery and the navigation of the said river, and the least height at which the said dams can be made to answer said purposes," and that we report on said several matters, together with such calculations, remarks, information and objections, as may appear expedient, and submit the same to your board, at Trenton, on the 26th of October, then next ensuing. We were furnished with a copy of your agreement to that effect, which being made on the 28th of September last, we have presumed, from the early day therein named, that we might consistently avail of any former official surveys applicable to this occasion, and make those only found to be further necessary.

Having now examined the whole course of the Delaware, as it flows between the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, above tide, and investigated, specially, the local circumstances of those places to which we propose to call your particular attention, we concur in the following statements and recommendations:

We have thought it our duty to inquire, as much as time and opportunity would permit, into the practice on other rivers, where the business of rafting is followed in time of freshets, as well as to apply the results of our own observations and practical experience. Indeed, the great value of the lumber trade and fisheries on the Delaware, both to the public and the numerous persons engaged in them-citizens of three states, and your solicitude to guard those interests from "injury, "has made us sensible of the propriety of great caution.

The progress of agriculture and trade, it is well known



has given occasion for the formation of canals in various parts of our country, deriving their waters from rivers by means of dams. The Hudson, the Susquehanna, the Connecticut, and the Merrimack, are conspicuous instances; and experiment has suggested precautions, which taken, no injury or inconvenience ensues. Indeed, on the latter, (within Mr. Sullivan's knowledge,) the dams have enabled the people engaged in the lumber trade, to make and fulfil contracts during the sum mer months, into which they could not have entered, but for this improvement of the natural navigation.

It is commonly noticed, that the perpendicular rise of the water is, in time of freshets, greater below than above rapids. From remarks made at Wells' falls, we believe sometimes nearly twice as much. But the rise of the water above dams, will not, in time of freshets, be increased as much more as the height of the dams above low water mark; because, the water has over them a free vent, or is not, as in the natural state of the river, so much impeded by the great rise, or accumulation of the water at the foot of the fall.

If in the construction of a dam, with a view to accommodate rafts in low river, the water is concentrated and deepened in the channels, they will pass in time of high water equally well as before; and if the low state of the river, the artificial slope is no more, or the same as some of the natural rapids, the current must be equal.

it now requires a rise of about five feet at Milford, and three feet at Easton, above low water mark, to be a safe rafting pitch of water.

The perceptible amelioration of our climate, from one period to another, and the diminution of the waters of the head branches of rivers, may at length make the complete improvement of the Delaware for rafting, important; and we conceive it expedient on this occasion, to suggest the establishment of a rule of construction, which if approved by the joint board of commissioners, and the legislatures of the two states, may become a law. We suggest the plan of construction, subsequently described, from being aware of the velocity which a raft is liable to acquire, and the force with which its progress is resisted when striking into water having less motion than itself; also, when the river is low, the acceleration which the water gets in descending along a sloping apron, whereby it may become two shallow, unless the slope has raised sides converging and keeping it from flowing laterally off. We are also aware, that when the forepart of a raft passes over and beyond the pitch of the dam, it for a moment ceases to be so much water borne forward as before, and that the weight of this end depresses the middle into the water, unless the mode of rafting be such as to allow the raft to be vertically flexible as when composed of cribs of boards, or boxes of coal. The passage into the apron should therefore have sufficient depth to allow a stiff raft to settle a little in the middle, without touching the dam. Few rafts draw more than two feet of water.

We proceed to describe the form of a dam which is adapted to a low stage of the water as well as to fresh


It will be found to lengthen in the same proportion as it raises the rapid.

We recommend it as a general rule, that whenever a dam shall be constructed on the Delaware river, it shall be placed in the range of the channel, at a sufficient. distance above the upper pitch of the fall, to adnit of placing below it, or from it, down stream, a sloping apron, which shall extend at least ninety feet for every four feet, perpendicular measurement; that it shall have raised sides of three feet, converging so as to narrow the lower end one-fourth; that the opening through the dam into the said apron, shall be at least sixty feet wide and three feet deep; that to prevent rafts from running their forward end under water, when it reaches the bottom of the apron, there shall be a range of long timbers, hinged or chained to the foot of the slope, with their other ends floating down stream, in order to lift and check the raft in its velocity, in some degree; this methVOL. V



od having been employed with advantage, we are credibly informed, on the Lackawaxen branch of the Delaware, and must in our opinion, be well calculated to control the acceleration which a raft acquires in descending a fall.

Sixty feet is mentioned as the width of the upper end of the apron; being informed that it is not usual to make rafis more than two lenghts of a board wide, or thirty-two feet, and that the space between the piers of some of the bridges over the Delaware, is not much more than this, rafts may be guided or steered by marks, in the usual manner. The most convenient and perma nent mark, is a timber, chained by one end to the bottom, the other consequently rising above water. buoy of this kind on each side the passage through the dam, would be seen at a sufficient distance. Such are used to mark the channel on the Hudson.


At each dam there should also be two fish ways, one on each side of the sloping apron. The method employed on some of the northern rivers, with success, (within Mr. Sullivan's knowledge,) is on the principle of giving such prolongation to the fall as that the current shall be greatly diminished, and at the same time affording resting places. To prolong the current, the slope, which should be thirty feet long, and constructed of stone, being twenty feet wide, with sides, is divid ed by partitions projected from its sides alternately, but not extending its whole width. The passage is consequently from right to left. If these spaces be 3 ft.wide and 2 ft. deep, there is room for fish to pass in great numbers. But besides passing up this passage, they may pass directly over the partitions to the opening in the dam, which should be at least as low therein as the raft-way is deep. Fish would travel one hundred and forty feet thus to ascend four feet. The fishway should be planked over to protect them, and exclude the light. We are also of opinion, that shad would ascend the sloping apron of the dams, especially if formed in gradations, which is the mode of building on the Hudson.

It is also a fact, (observed by Mr. Sullivan,) that shad ascend canals when connected by locks with the tide. It was his practice to let out the right to fish, at the tide lock of a canal formerly under his care. Whether it was instinct that led them to ascend the same waters from which they had come, or to seek some stream of fresh water, is immaterial; if we suppose the former, they are as likely to descend the Pennsylvania canal, from the Lehigh, as to enter the Delaware, and will in the spring be found in every lock, awaiting the opening of the gates to ascend.

We might here avail of skilful and ingenious modes of constructing the sloping aprons and fishways, suggested by one of the board, but that simplicity and practical experience in those we have above described, seems to make them more easy to build, and therefore proper to be adopted. We should also be glad to suggest some mode of protecting the young fish, did the various avenues opened for the spring ascenf permit. The best mode of constructing dams depends so much. on the nature of the bottom, and exposure to floods and ice, that we do not enter into this topic further on this occasion, as regards the plan of the above mentioned passage through them.

2d. The question, "at what places the waters of the Delaware may be most advantageously taken for canals and other purposes," cannot, perhaps, be intelligibly answered without first offering to your attention a brief general description of the river Delaware, so far as it borders on New Jersey, above Trenton, with a view especially to the relative situation of the falls, at which we concur in thinking dams may be advantageously estab lished, and with locks near for the Durham boats.

The nearest rapid above Carpenter's point, is called Peter's rift. It is within the state of New York. The next is at Dunning's ferry, a short distance above it.These come within the range of this report, only as being the proposed location of a dam, from whence the

Delaware division of the Pennsylvania canal is to derive its principal supply of water. The former location being designated in the survey by Major Douglass, the upper one by the survey of Mr. Sargent, both places have the recommendation of rock bottom, and both approach near the Hudson and Delaware canal.

At Carpenter's point, where the boundary of three states coincide, the channel of the river is deep, and for a considerable distance above and below it, the river is not rapid.

In descending the river, the first suitable place for a dam is at Thornton's rifts, which would back the water above the point, in whatever manner the navigation shall be conveniently extended to the line; it will strongly invite the Hudson and Delaware canal company, by their own interest, to form a junction with it, as their canal will then become the most direct route to Philadelphia from the north and north west; the same loaded boat may then go from Philadelphia to Lake Champlain and to lake Erie in about the same distance, but at less expense than by any other route probably, as others involve transhipment.

estimate of this two miles is by Major Douglass, 58,000 dollars, being the lowest estimate.

The river might be crossed by an aqueduct bridge at the head of the gap, were it of importance enough to avoid the rocky shore of the Pennsylvania side, or to form a junction with the Sussex and Orange canal, or, if the whole dis'ance to below Foul rift were found less expensive on the Jersey side the river.

But it is also true, that a connection with that canal may be easily formed by locks opposite Columbia, especially if a low dam were used below that place to form still water.

The canal will now have on the Pennsylvania side favorable ground, till it comes to the Slate Hill at Long rift, (52d mile.) which is succeeded by the flats opposite Belvidere, and then by the Limestone steep of Foul rift, but it may be worthy of a future investigation whether some expense might not be saved and advantages gained, by crossing by an aqueduct bridge at the beginning of the Slate Hill, and recrossing below Foul rift, especially as a seasonable re-supply of water could be drawn from the Pequest, below most of the mills in The junction of this extensive navigation, which will the village. The great water power at this place, as originate business, not previously calculated on, will be well as the produce of the county of Warren, might be done at only the expense of three locks and a short cut. expected to increase the canal revenue considerably. Considering ths direction of the Pennsylvania canal Mr. Sullivan having visited Belvidere, heard in an interas located, the following suggestion is with a view to view with the principal inhabitants, much solicitude exenable New Jersey to partake in its advantages by giv-pressed to have the line re-examined, notwithstanding ing the townships along the river above the Walpack bend, access to it.

access to the canal could be had by crossing the river, to locks if on the other side.

The roads on the Pennsylvania side lead to the points where the aqueducts would cross and re-cross, and towpaths might be easily made wide enough for bridges; Erie canal crosses and re-crosses the Mohawk to occu

The alternatives are rock excavation for the entire ca nal, along Foul rift, according to the location of it by Major Douglass, or a river bank wall and terrace accord ing to Mr. Sargent's location. This is no doubt the most difficult place on the route, except one. But two thirds the distance is very favourable ground.

Accordingly, it is worthy of notice, that the next rapid is about a mile below the Millford bridge, near the house of William Brink, Esq. There is here a chain of islands on the Jersey shore, extending two or three miles, the channel being on the Pennsylvania side, a-py more favorable ground. cross which were a dam thrown and a basin formed behind the islands, these being also connected, water might be at the necessary elevation to supply a canal on the flats to the bend, and by an aqueduct bridge connect with the Pennsylvania canal, after it had passed by tunnel through, or by other means around the Walpack bridge. This canal would accommodate the fertile towns of Montaque, Landiston and Walpack in Sussex.tives hav abeen presented of building a dam, and of makHad time permitted us, this side of the river would have been thus far instrumentally investigated; it may indeed be worthy of a future survey, as the union of purpose in the two states will not now limit the preliminary operations of engineers to one side alone.

Should New Jersey deem it expedient to open this line, Flat Kill may be made a source of supply, as the Delaware rarely runs between banks so low as to permit water to be taken from it by dams, without extensive works capable of sustaining the force of the freshets, but if the canal should be on one side of the river only, there is a suitable place below the bend for a dam, for the other to gain access to it by locks.

From the bend, the ground is more favourable on the Pennsylvania side to Broadhead's creek, on which the extensive village of Stroudsburg is situated, and here there will not only be the accession of this water as a feeder, but of business to the canal, this being the expect ed termination perhaps, of the rail road from Pittstown on the Susquehanna, or rather from the coal valley of the Lackawana to the water gap. There are so few places in our country whence coal can be derived, and so few routes for this trade compared to those of England, that there can be no reasonable doubt of business enough on them all, to make them profitable stock. The transport ation on the upper sections will also add equally to that of the lower section; canals are generally profitable in proportion to their extent.

The ground appears more favourable on the Jersey side of the water gap, where there are for the greater part of the distance cultivated flats. But the motives to cross to it may not be sufficient, as Broadhead's creek will have so recently afforded a supply of water. The

When the canal line approaches Easton, the alterna

ing an embankment in front of the town, to reach the
Lehigh basin. But as the plan of building dams, which
we have suggested, may obviate all objections to them,
we recommend that one be erected at the head of the
Philipsburg rapid, to form also a basin on the Delaware
side of Easton, also with the lock in some convenient
place for the Durham boats. The wide lock now building
Morris canal will also be accommodated.
in the Lehigh dam, will connect the two basins; the

We fix the dam at Philipsburg, to be four feet high, as this will back the water to the mouth of the Bushkill, where there is a suitable place for the lower lock of the upper section of the canal, which the commissioners will recollect, will be 66 miles in length, descending 259 feet, according to the surveys.

It will also be recollected that the southern section from Easton to Bristol, (now nearly completed,) is 59 miles, of which the first thirty five miles extend to New Hope, and derived supply from the Lehigh; the other 24 miles being calculated to draw its supply from the Delaware, at Well's falls, situated near that village. ten miles to the month of the Muscanetcong, six rapids, In descending the river from Easton, we find in the in which the whole fall is 28 feet.

of that stream, on which there are many mills, access As the canal passes along the Flats opposite the mouth might be had to it by two locks. From the Delaware, Durham falls a short distance below descends 3 feet.In further descending, we pass seven rapids before reaching Warford's falls, which have fourteen feet in 14 miles.

Head of Warford's is by the canal levels, 88 feet above tide. The river is here 60 rods wide. The bottom is rock. This was the place from whence the feeder to

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